Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"Sticks and stones may break my bones but whips and chains excite me."

Well, it has been an interesting day of amateur footage thanks to our obese population almost always carrying a video camera or camera phone. The one that had me really shocked was of the couple that were out hunting but left their 3 year old boy behind with a hangun and a rifle up against the car. The kid took the handgun and began to play with it all while pointing it at himself. Apparently, someone did not want to go back to Neverland Ranch alive!

This is my whole hatred for those in the shallow end of the gene pool. You know the type: Think Jerry Springer is Gawd, beer is the only drink, destroy rather than build, think wrestling is real, and blame their obese ass on a thyroid problem all while you find Twinkie wrappers all over the front lawn. Okay, it's kind of like Bald-O's but without the wrappers.

You know what else I think? I think we should just leave those people that stay behind to watch floods. It's the best way to take out the garbage instead of putting our own smart people in jeopardy.

The other footage shown was of a killer whale attacking it's trainer. Wow! I've never seen anything like this but I'm sure it heard enough Free Willy jokes. I'd crack, too, if I was forced to watch Sex And the City for the rest of my life.

The work on our outside deck has taken a new life of its own. My dad was ill today and taken to the doctor only to be told that that shitty feeling may be West Nile Virus. Bloody hell! Not only does my dad feel like shit but it feels like our deck will never be done.

My life may take downturns but I'm optomistic on my dad's sickness being WNV since we never get the awful. We get the shitty that someone eventually runs a hose on so the sidewalk is clean again to add more shit.

Oh, I needed to rest a bit after my night's workout. My heart beat a bit better when MTV's Cribs had a segment on a BMX biker that brought out his little girl.

"That's the ice cream, Daddy!"

This little girl was so cute and had me awake again. The really scary part is that it made me want to have a little girl just as cute and as fascinated with life as this biker's.

Announcer: "And we now return you to our usual Hedgehoggy, raunchy and real."

It's funny how I look at myself as basically just a realist. I may sound really, really out there in my thoughts but I'm still easily taken aback when given a reason for living. That BMX biker's little girl had me rethinking once again.

I don't care what those fucking rappers or hip-hoppers say. Life isn't about owning more paper, bling, bling, or the amount of women to suck and fuck. I'm just thinking of the simpler times but with a 60 inch Plasma TV with DLP and a big couch to watch with friends. Fuck the need to show off.

Psst, we all know rappers are so full of shit, anyway, and that most of what they spit out is not even what I would call actual talent. Just think that in 10 years there will be a new word for "ho."

So, I got Hellboy and Ghost In the Shell. Once again, I have no time to watch due to my busy lifestyle of reading, running errands, and pulling up boards on our deck. When am I ever going to get this shit done so I can actually watch the last 20 DVDs I obtained!?! There is a stack of 20something of them sitting on my subwoofer but I've only seen 2 (The Dreamers and my INXS Video Hits). Add that to the fact that I have over 800 DVDs but have only watched close to 300 or so. Sad.

I'm trying to get my dad away from his usual obsession of cop shows like CSI and funny movies by showing him Hellboy. It takes a lot since he and I both have set ways on things. The last time I did this, he was shocked at Donnie Darko and how it made him pause. There is no way my dad would have picked that movie out of a video store.

It's amusing to me to watch one of the guys in my gym. You see, he's a "playa'" and I still have no idea what he is up to but he's getting the girls. Sorta. What Travis is after is this 35 year old bodybuilding woman that has an amazing body but a very high forehead. She's definitely not my type but Travis loves her along with about 15 others in my gym.

I lay there on the chest fly machine in which I witnessed how Travis basically shows this girl major attention and then just stops. It's weird but from the looks of it, it works because the girl wants more. What Travis doesn't see is that this 35 year old with 2 kids (1's close to his age) is that many women of this time period are lonely and would fuck anything with a dick. Maybe I should give her some attention.

No..........uh-uh. Forget it.

I have never understood the player lifestyle shit since I've always been into 1 woman at a time and fiercely loyal at that. Hell, I only let my women that are good friends touch me when I'm in a relationship. Strange.

Sometimes, I wonder if it's best to be single since I look back and all I seem to see is the fights, arguments, and so much crap coming from girls' mouths that I just don't get it. Seriously. A good example is Jen calling me to yell at me in which she told me her boyfriend broke up with her because of me. Yeah, I slept with her but she's the one that told me to on the first night I met after a session at 4am of teaching me cheerleading moves.

I'll tell you what every guy I know says:

"I have no clue as to what women want and if many are presented with what they said they wanted, it's ignored."

According to my gym pal, Travis, on what he wants:

"Pussy, beer, and more pussy."

See? At least most guys really narrow it down and go for what they state. Travis's words are not mine since I'm a bit more complicated but I still keep my eyes open to what's in front of me.

While we're on that, I still hate the word "pussy" as I have stated many, many times. Hell, I even hate typing it. Bald-O has got to help me with this since that word is in most of his sentences.

Did I tell you that Bald-O is single, girls?

Well, I've got a morning wake up call to hit the deck, tomorrow. I best be off to slumber and dream of actually having the time to watch one of the many DVDs I own. Maybe that 3 year old will lend me one of his parents' guns to put myself out of this misery. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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