Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log

See what's become of me."

Why is it that the longest days seem so much better than the short ones? It's strange to me since all day today, I was here and there with a red shirt bearing the caption "Crimson Guard." The pathetic thing is that the humidity today caused this shirt to cling pretty much all over my upper body, especially the back area. Yuck.

Waking up in the morning to find your father putting boards in makes me feel like such a lazy bastard. I turn to the right to see him sitting there with that screwdriver of his about 15 minutes before 9am. How does my dad do it? I'm fucked up just from pulling up boards thanks to a sore lower back and hamstrings that are a bit tender. I really shouldn't be complaining.

So, I've realized something these past few weeks. My Sundays have changed from lazy lay around the bed and read to get up immediately, head to gym for light workouts, and run around here and there. At least the reading part has not disappeared since one of my stops is eventually a bookstore. To keep it fresh, I mix 'em up every now and then.

My thoughts:

-Mom does not like the beard going on around yours truly. Not sure why since my dad had one at one time. What I've got growing is not full but a light one and I tend to actually like it with my spiked hair. How long it will stay is anyone's guess.

-Found out Showtime's show, The L Word, will come out on DVD November 9th. I'm a sucker for women with weapons AND lesbians with something to say, it's got the girl with those eyes, Mia Kirshner. She's rare in appearances but I just cannot forget those eyes.

-That high schooler with a crush on me was in the gym this morning. She was with her mom and I'm completely shocked in her being allowed to wear a sports bra top and tiny shorts barely covering anything. Let me put it this way, those shorts were low! I'm guessing that I am out of touch in what girls wear these days since I'm shocked that her mother would let her wear that. Oh, but this high school girl is so nice!

*Trying to think of little fuzzy bunny rabbits*

-Still have not watched a DVD in so long ever since this deck started to get worked on. Planning to watch Ghost In the Shell: Stand Alone Complex all in DTS surround sound. Need to see touch chick with guns chasing after bad guys. I have high standards, okay?

-Dad has King Arthur for me to watch as a reward for the working on the deck. Oh, Keira, I salute you!

-Once I start watching A&E's TV show, Airline, I cannot stop. It's so addictive and hilarious how stupid passengers can be and blame it all on the airlines. 2 hour lunches!?! "What, I need a passport!?!" Geez. It feels strange to remember some of the areas, especially Chicago O' Hare's airport since I took my flight to Canada from there.

-The deck is not 100% but very close. What needs to be done is just a clean up and for me to pull a few boards that will take only 30 or so minutes. Simple. The heat caused my dad and I to quit for some time. Just 10 minutes out there and I was dripping so bad. At least, the whole deck looks really nice and it's now so easy to walk on.

-My dogs for some reason will not pee/poop on the deck. They don't like an audience or they just want to keep the deck's new wood looking nice. Just a matter of time til the first turd drops. Just a matter of time.

-Speaking of bowel movements, Mom has not talked about hers. Hooray! There are times we would all like to kick our dear mothers out of cars. For me, the discussion of how my mom thinks she clogged the toilet is mine.

-After working on the deck til close to 8pm, I had this sudden urge to do push-ups. Mind you, I am a weird eccentric gone mental.

-It's strange taking apart boards and helping all the little spiders find new homes. I'm one of the rare people out there that care about those that are misunderstood. Then again, I've always admired the spider's design and hope that they continue on in capturing those fucking flies that buzz around my dogs' piles of shit. I hate flies. Hate 'em!

-Possibly getting the DVD, 13 Going On 30 since it's got the music videos to Pat Benatar's "Love Is A Battlefield" and Rick Springfield's "Jessie's Girl." Love those songs and anything that brings back my memories of the 80's. They helped us forget Reagan and his evil.

-Found it odd to talk to someone that feels the way I do about everything. In my gym, that guy that works at the video game place creating games was there this morning. He, too, hates what George Lucas did to the Star Wars Trilogy in adding unnecessary shit. Han shot first is what the really, really hardcore fans have to say.

-Worked out with a guy that is 61 years of age. Nice guy and the only reason I worked out with him is that he had the piece of equipment first. The guy told me that he's seen a lot in 61 years and I believe him. To have to serve in

-As much as I try, I still find myself thinking of Elizabeth here and there. Yeah, I'm missing her and hope to hear from her when things get settled at her apartment.

-Went to the collectibles show for one last look-see. Found the Resident Evil movie poster but it was a reprint at $20. Too much for my taste at this time. I'll wait to see the sequel's movie poster design since the online picture showed a naked Mila Jovovich wearing something in a graveyard? Can't remember but it was pretty cool looking. Trust me. I'll have this movie poster in October.

-There is a reprint of the ultimate wacko vampire movie from my past that I have seen over 40 times, The Lost Boys. It's at a small store for only $7 so I'm tempted. I've got the real one from long ago so this one will be tacked to my wall. How can you not have seen this movie that really represented a good thing of the 80's!?!

"Death by stereo!"

Well, I am obviously back from the dead, folks. No more hard work on the deck. No more being yelled at by my dad over which power tool he needs. No more bent back thumbs (the other one went back today). Just a quick clean up and a few boards to pull out. School and a high school reunion to follow. We are so going there with details to follow.

"That's the thing about Santa Carla. It's all the damn vampires." 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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