Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
I recently saw the cover to People Magazine that is due out this week. Britney Spears is on the cover and I chuckled to myself all due to my weird sense of humor.

You see, Rick James died this week and I thought he should get the cover to People Magazine rather than this little pathetic spoiled girl with no direction. C'mon! We're talking about Rick James, the superfreak. Who else can kidnap a woman and then make her a sex slave!?! Who else looks like a confused black man that is still trying to identify his sexuality? Okay, besides George Clinton. I don't know about you but Rick James deserved the cover, faults and all.

What a week for cinephiles! We've had the rereleases of The Lost Boys and Predator on DVD since Tuesday and that impressive little Tarentino flick, Kill Bill 2. I had a hell of a time choosing which one to watch this morning but I chose wisely.

Like a good Tarentino flick, I'm gonna do this entry out of place.....

Tomorrow, I'm leaving south. It's gonna be a 2.5 hour drive down to see Bald-O and the boys in which I will travel 2 roads, one long one and one that leads into town. Unlike The Bride of Kill Bill, I'm not looking for revenge. I'm gonna fart in Bald-O's general direction. Hell hath no fury like an ex-baseball player scorned.

I absolutely loved Kill Bill 2 but my favorite will always be the first one since Go Go Yubari was in it. She's the girl swinging a mace that nearly kills The Bride. I've probably got a fetish for Aisan girls in schoolgirl outfits but that's a good thing.

Kill Bill 2 had 2 great scenes that blew me away. The fight in the trailer was pure Quentin along with some nice diaologue that we normally find in his movies. Man, I scratch my head over such things since no one can talk like that. My only debate over Superman was whether he could defeat Batman.

Batman: "I'd kick that fucka's ass!"

The other scene was when we see The Bride train for her fighting with the legendary Pai Mei. He's hilarious to watch and funny in how he hates women and calls them nothing but money spenders only after Bill convinces him to train The Bride. Got all that? Pai Mei is played by Gordon Liu and he's in both flicks but different characters.

Kill Bill can satisfy both movie freaks. The first one is the ultra violent but very obnoxious start but Kill Bill 2 is the quiet version where everything is summed up with some unusual events you don't entirely expect. How'd you feel being pregnant and a woman with a shotgun has you in her sights?

So, I'm going south to see Bald-O, drink beer (a lot, more likely), see the other guys, drink more beer, and Mark and Crystal's little girl. Yeah, I'm afraid to admit that I am less scared of children. Who'd have thought that since I would avoid babies by going to the other side of rooms?

Oh, like the bride "shedding her skin" in the coffin (see the movie), I am coming home completely clean shaven. The beard I have has got to go since it's my sign of a change. I've loved it to a point but it's gotten too thick for my tastes. All I want is Bald-O's opinion and then it's gone. I'm not big on goattees either.

That black dude in my gym that calls himself a "pimp" pretty much glared at me, tonight. No big deal. I glared back and even made him flinch since he was staring at the ass of my 16 year old friend. When did teenage girls get built like this!?!

Alex, my gym spotter, gave me advice on this black guy that calls himself a pimp. He's right in that I should just stay out of it since this girlfriend of his is so overjoyed that she has a boyfriend. I'm guessing that through the nightly beatings and verbal abusing, there's a really sweet California Raisin in there. He's still a fuckin' prick to me for the way he treats her.

My dog, Jethro, is okay at this time. He doesn't jump around as much as he used to since the chest area has gotten to the point that it feels like jelly. Jethro doesn't act in pain or anything so I'm hoping the little dude can stick it out for a while. He's going in for a test tomorrow morning.

Each of my dogs has their little peculiar habits. Ellie-Mae likes to sleep on my butt. Bonnie will shake a person down for food. Clyde jumps in my lap to nap. Buffy holds her paw up for attention. Jethro is the little dude with so much personality in his eyes as he carries his toys around. He'll come up to Ellie-Mae to try to get her to play with him by hitting her with a tuggy war toy.

Editor: "Jethro's got a bit of disgruntled black man inside him that treats his woman like a ho."

So, I'm about to sleep after making my list of things to take with me down south. It's good to be a male down there since we try to pee on every tree we can all thanks to the bounties of alcohol in livening up the conversation. Plus, it's a boy thing. Goodnight.

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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