Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
As much as I wish to start off with a big quote or something that strikes myself as being a fancy intro, I cannot. Seeing the damage brought about to Florida by Hurricane Charley convinced me to just keep my little quips to myself. It's sad to see the images and interviews on local newstations showing the devestation. If I was in Florida, I really don't think I could report but help out in areas that I could be needed.

I was telling my mom today that I have no fucking clue as to why people live near the beach. None. The insurance is high enough as it is but there is the very big chance of storms like Charley and Andrew that will come introduce themselves by sucking your house up into that starry sky I like to look up to on a good night.

I mean, it's nice and all to be able to see the beach each day you wake up. Hell, I'd love to start my day by jogging in the sand or to just go 'splorin' (that's what we used to call it) for seashells or the latest "gift" left by a junkie.

So, I am back as many of you noticed on your sitemeters. It was a good 2 days of some major thinking on 20something beers in a trailer located on 40acres of amazingly beautiful land. As each beer is downed, the words get more lively.

I'm tired, very tired. Trying to sleep on a bed the wrong way after drinking at least 10 beers is not easy. It's even worse when I did not have one drop of water while visiting my southern best friend I met in college. I'm not kidding in that all my liquid was beer and somehow I survived!

Now, if you are new to my diary, that is not saying I am an alcoholic or anything. I'm a firm believer in the body being a temple but I'm also in it that I let myelf cut loose every now and then. I'd go crazy if I was goodie ol' Hedgie 24/7.

I'll get into all of what happened at Bald-O's, complete with a brand new sex story that I could not believe. It seems my boys down south have experienced something I did not think came out them. Is it any wonder why I laughed so hard to hear the tale of my friends, Tuck and Ken, showing a whole new side of them. The only clue I can give is that there is a "slap" in there and a woman that said she "fucky-suckies."

Actually, I am happy that I did not join my boys on their little vacation down to Cancun, Mexico, but I can laugh at their miraculous achievements in showing a new side of sexual exploration.

I was watching the Olympics on NBC and shocked to see how so many empty seats were in the stadiums. C'mon, this time is filled with all kinds of events that there is no excuse for such actions! If the Olympics came to my town, you'd find me at women's gymnastics, women's/men's beach volleyball, men's basketball, and women's softball. People just don't know a good thing or maybe everyone's afraid of men with turbans ruining everything by bringing things that beep and have digital clocks.

The good thing I find when I arrived home was that my dog, Jethro, is still doing okay. If you don't mind the fact that he has had a massive load of diarrhea 4 times today, then he's okay. You see, Jethro acts fine and all but I'm wondering if his body is now rejecting the fluid traveling through his system. It just involves a lot of cleaning up til it stops.

Jethro had some tests done on him on Friday but the results will not be ready til tomorrow. I'm hoping not to hear the word, "cancer," in there. This little guy has given me a great time in his 8 years of life so I'm not ready to say goodbye. I don't care how bad it smells in here.

Alright, I just wanted to say hi to everyone. Sammy, you better hit me since I keep seeing you pop up! I'll get into my weekend at Bald-O's:

-Baby birds

-"Beer hats" and you're all wearing one!

-Who tapped my ass?

-Grandmas that cuss at table games make Hedgehoggy really laugh.

-Hedgie got shaved and trimmed but why?

-Why McDonalds can be a savior.

So, I'm heading on off to get some actual sleep. No waking up at 5am dying of thirst but to only find an unopened beer calling my name. No peeing every 10 minutes and then getting pushed around to the point that I hit the floor. *Hey, if Bald-O wants to play, he's gonna have pee on his floor* Most of all, it's my bed with no worries that a chunky bald guy will suddenly decide that "we gonna 'rassle." Goodnight.

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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