Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"It feels like I'm waiting

for nothing

I float on a line."


Have we males changed so much or what!?! I was goofing off on a website devoted to sneaker pimps (like myself) that are so fucking into Air Jordans that it made me evaluate myself. Here I am admiring each person's desire to take pictures of the shoes he/she is wearing that day along with an occasional shirt/pants pic to add. Is this the reason to have the Internet, to compare or dis someone's taste in clothing???

My mom and I were in the kitchen preparing dinner and I brought up this website devoted to sneaker pimps. She and I agreed that it all sounds "girly." Guys are so into their clothes that I kind of laugh. "Metrosexual" or whatever. We guys are definitely going the girly route.

At 23 pairs of Air Jordans and counting, I am definitely on that path but very far ahead.

George Michael: "Hey, jitterbug! Don't leave me hangin' like a yo-yo!"

So, I am just wonderin' how bad of a conversationalist I was today. A friend of mine came into the gym, a woman I haven't seen in a while. What did I do? Most of my sentences were fragments of fucked up questions while my mind was all over the place.

"He your boyfriend? Last year or Tami? Know her?"

You don't wanna know how many times I wanted to slam my head into the wall after seeing this woman's reactions to my attempts at talking. English classes really paid off.

Nun: "Off with his head!"

I'm embarassed because I take pride in how I can talk about anything since I've a deep relationship with so many topics. Experience pays but we all eventually get into a discussion on sex. Just don't bring that up in my gym since I am not wanting to walk around with a "pitched tent" with all those mirrors.

Nun: "If he's a good lad, he can wear my panties!"

Ah, the times we have in wishing we just didn't open our mouths. Well, I definitely learned not to speak after running on a treadmill for 5 minutes (I'm a bit out of shape but with muscles) and feeling a bit dizzy. I guess that I get easily excited and should be tranquilized on sight.

Gawd, I've got class tomorrow. Should be a short one all due to no one having their books and it's a basic introduction to the wonderful world of accounting. *Blech!* One night a week, I will be in extreme boredom to try and get back what I once learned. Kind of like all those castles I built with Legos but without all the secret obscene designs.

Just why in the world is anyone voting for Bush!?! We will have this Overtime Law that will take pay out of the hands of those people that work overtime. Sad because this really helps corporations (and we all know how Bush loves those) so they don't have to pay out as much while forcing people to give away their lives to work.

If I'm going to work overtime without the added pay, there better be some kind of incentive like a lapdance from Keira Knightley and Guns N Roses's "Estranged" playing. Complete nudity? I will be in the office for 24 hours.

It's sad how so many people do not realize that corporations are out of control thanks to Republicans. Those that send jobs overseas are given tax breaks and patted on the back. Bush promises millions of jobs but sends them to India instead!?!

Hedgehoggy: "Hello, is that you, Apu? You're supposed to be working at Kwikee Mart instead of there in India!"

I don't know what else to say but I hope people give some serious thought to our election. Any man that questions another man's Vietnam service while he ran off to Canada to avoid serving is an eye opener. Bush turned coward while Kerry helped shoot 'em down. Any other questions?

So, I guess that means I am going to go and see what da folks in New York and Ohio are wearing in Air Jordans. Me? I'm rockin' the 7 Special Edition Olympic version. It was 2 black dudes and I, the lone whitey, that went out to get them on Saturday. Men bond over the weirdest things because we are slowly turning girly with cute outfits to match our accesories. Goodnight.

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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