Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"I got 99 problems

but the bitch aint one.

Got girl problems?

I feel sorry for you, son."

I had the most interesting realization, recently. While driving down a street I rarely ever hit, due to my need to change driving patterns, I found out I am one of the Elm Street Children. Don't get it? The private Catholic school I used to attend has Elm Street running down the side. Cool? Well, if I must spell it out for you, Freddy might come for me!

Oh, come off it. You must know the old story told by A Nightmare On Elm Street since it's gotta be one of the most original scary movies out there. Okay, the first one was THE scary one and the others are mostly just goofy and tired in throwing things together. Well, Freddy was a child molestor/murderer that was burned alive by a group of parents that lived on Elm Street. However, hell wasn't in tune with having him so he got to play with the dreams of the Elm Street parents' kids, killing them in their sleep. I was known to have a lot of nightmares as a child so I'm wondering if I beat Freddy or someone else did.

I don't know why I'm telling you this but it's all true. Well, except for the Freddy part since that's Hollywood for you. I'm an Elm Street child and proud.

So, I finally got that book I have been dying to get my fingers on for about a week, "Confessions Of A Bad Girl" by Abigail Vona. I'm not sure how many chapters I am through but I am definitely lovin' each one, such a page turner.

I've had a love affair with mental hospitals, not that I'm crazy or anything. It's just the feeling of being placed away from society to start over with your own life. Abigail Vona was scent because was at fault in letting things get out of control with herself.

This is the way I see it. You get to be placed out of society to rethink yourself. Being away from all those things that cause so much chaos. Be it, friends, family, significant others, and so on, take you away from dwelling on your own better needs.

Do you remember the Guns N Roses's video for "Estranged?" It had Axl being led out in a white shirt, white shoes, white pants and well, you get the picture. There are times I wish I could just be placed in a white room all while wearing a white wife beater, white sweat pants, no shoes, and a feeling of anew. Sometimes, things in life just get to be too much and I want to be away for a while.

I'm wondering if it's too many things being in our world that causes us to lose our sense of self. I'm constantly getting pissed at how people need cell phones to talk on every hour of the day or our new found love of the internet is taking away people's need to walk 30 miles in deep snow just to get their porn. There are some things you just need to earn in order to get that actual feel.

Man: "I aint walkin' for a copy of "Big 'Uns no more! Nosirree!"

Ah, what do I know? I've lost touch with some of reality all due to too much entertainment being handed to me. We've got DVDs, CDs, big screen TVs playing every fucking thing out there, but my life still feels mildly empty. No workout can cure that but it doesn't stop me from trying.

So, the Republican National Convention is going on and I even feel what they call on the 20 year olds' problems of voting. Why do these fuckers lie so much? Why do they get up there to say so much bullshit about putting the world before themselves but it's all about what the corporations want or the pharmaceutical companies want? Why is it mostly the rich morons that back Republicans? Why are the Republicans dissing Kerry's service record when he actually served but Bush was hiding? Why is Bush denying involvement on this swift boat ad's dissing Kerry when it is clearly funded by Bush's friend?

I'm not sure if I am jaded or not but voting does kind of feel so empty. Kerry is not perfect and I don't expect him to be but I just wonder why candidates lie so much. Is the public as dumb as it looks in buying into all this?

Oh, well, I'm guessing this is too much for those that wish to read my diary to see what weird shit comes out of my mouth today. I've pretty much been a quiet little guy burying his nose in that book I mentioned, running on a treadmill this afternoon, going to class and wondering why this really skinny girl stared at me, and talking to a friend that I have not seen in a while.

THAT friend, Andrea, and I gossiped a bit outside the gym. She also hates that black guy I mentioned whom treats his girlfriend like shit and calls himself a "pimp." Andrea and I just cannot stand people with enormous egos, especially ugly one that really need to look in the mirror. As tempting as it was, I didn't ask her if she still has her labia piercing.

Ever seen a labia piercing? I think they are kind of odd but interesting to see. Andrea's just hangs slightly from her, well, labia and you can kind of flick it. Since she shaves everything down there, the part really sticks out more from the lips. I've said this joke so many times but I'll say it again:

If you flick a labia piercing, there is a stripper out there that will suddenly get her wings. Ever seen It's A Wonderful Life? Never mind.

No, I never dated Andrea but we used to be really close since I helped ease her way in college. It was her first year that she went crazy in her need to rebel from her overly religious mother by getting a tattoo and a labia piercing. I went with for the tattoo that had Andrea squeezing my hand so hard. The piercing was done prior that I had not known about.

(In low voice) "Mike, I got pierced down there *pointing to crotch*" was what Andrea said one day while we worked out.

Andrea and I had to seek a more private sector so she could pull down her workout tights and show me this little piece of metal hanging. It's actually kind of cute but I don't know. I'd play with the piercing but probably grow tired of it, one day.

Well, I'm off to somehow fall asleep due to my insane problem of not being able to. My body gets all wound up after I brush my teeth but I'm guessing something else is a factor. Freddy's back and I've got one hell of a night in store for me to protect the Elm Street children. Goodnight.

*Evil voices*

"Come to Freddy!"

"Come to Freddy!"

"Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha"

*Sheep bleats*

Actually, I'm more scared of clowns since severly burned guys in knit sweaters wearing a glove with knives only end up giving me the uncontrolable schoolgirl giggles. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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