Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"Bring a pitcher of beer every seven minutes til someone passes out. Then, bring one every ten."

-Thorton Melon

I'm gonna give a big shout out to the 2 things I cannot live without. The first is obvious in being the microwave thanks to that nuked warmth that helps make it easier in downing macaroni n' cheese. The second is the George Foreman grill. On beautiful days like this, it's great that someone too lazy to haul the grill out can make juicy burgers.

Audience: "Long live da Foreman grill! Hear, hear!"

Okay, so the Republican Convention that bases itself on lies...oops..."compassionate conservatism" is finally over. Does anyone else see how the Republicans are exploiting the tragedy of 9/11 for political gain? It's horrendous to see families being used as they are all for a George Bush autograph. Crocodile tears seemed to flow like Anna Nicole Smith's potty after a Bon Bon need.

What I loved was Jon Stewart's rendition of the Republicans' video to be aired tomorrow on why George Bush should be elected. The line "Because I Said So" should be his banner slogan thanks to his obvious desire to assert himself in places he should not have gone or should have thought more about.

I can understand John Kerry's take on this war in Iraq because I, too, was once for it. However, it's what happened after all this and being led to believe that Saddam Hussein was behind 9/11 scares me. There were no WMD and the after effects of the war were not well thought out. It was said that years were put into dealing with the war but a month was for what they'd do after. Try explaining all this to the people that should matter, the Iraqis, Mr. Bush.

I'm happy that Saddam is no longer in power but the Republicans have overlooked a major detail. Iraq was pretty damn safe (Saddam was the ONLY thug along with his sons) from terrorists and even had a greater economy than what they have now. What should have been done is more attention to detail on what to do with Iraq after the main war was over and not a play as we go approach. Sad that 2 draft dodgers decided on this war since they obviously have no clue about what happens.

The main factor is leading us to believe that Saddam was behind 9/11. I was completely skeptical on this but the WMD was said to be great. George Bush lied and it's that simple. What's funny to me is how the Republicans wanted Clinton out all because he got blown behind the desk. How about the fact that over 800 U.S. troops and many Iraqis deaths are a result of Bush's lies? Isn't that a reason for impeachment, guys? What about the scandal of Halliburton overcharging for fuel by the millions?

I'm sorry, Mr. Bush, but I think you have exploited America and I will be voting Tall Tree Man, John Kerry, a guy that actually served in Vietnam.

I'm sorry for my speech but I am scared, folks. November is getting very close and I worry about Bush being reelected to further destroy what greatness we once had as well as the world around us. Corporations have become the real rulers thanks to Bush/Cheney.

So, my day has been spent in all sorts of weird ways. It's always great to see what sort of t-shirts are being sold with slogans that you wouldn't wear in front of your mother.

"I own the pussy so I make the rules."

Would you wear this? I'd get a complete kick out of it if I went down south to see Bald-O while wearing it but luckily I was given a fine dick that has no need for more sizing. It's very rare to find a guy that is okay with his size but one is right here.

Another t-shirt that I sure as hell would not wear ever is:

"Suk Mai Cok"

Isn't it awful to see Japanese word spelling being exploited? Oh, you giggle? Me, too! I'd love to wear this shirt in Wal-Mart but I have my own personal standards since I like to please more than being pleased. Mine will have to read:

"Yes, I will eat the box" or "Been enjoyin' beaver since 69."

Oh, surprises are great on days as good as these in that I heard from my elusive Sammy! That could mean that this young woman will finally........FINALLY start making entries again to further her desire to be heard. Diaryland sure brings out the interesting vittles down south, huh? At least, some people are easy to talk to.

*Sara, I'll get back to you soon.*

Tomorrow, I will make 1 last entry here in Diaryland til I get back from Bald-O's. It's a special birthday entry about moi and how I possibly came to be the odd but special boy that I am. Many hugs to those that wish me a happy birthday and fingers to those that don't.

Well, with that in mind, I'm gonna head on up to finish my book, "Confessions Of A Bad Girl," and then let all the weird voices in my head (actually, it's my dogs that bark out orders) settle on something.

Voices: "Face down! Ass up! That's the way Hedgehoggy shall sleep!

Goodnight to all and hope that the hurricane, Francis, suddenly disappears. I'll never understand the desire to live on a beach. Goodnight.

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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