Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Ordell Robbie: "That shit'll rob you of your ambitions."

Melanie Ralston: "Not if your ambition is to get high and watch TV."

-Jackie Brown

It was one of the busiest days I've ever had in which I end up going to a small town to pick up medicine for my dog (at the vet's til Monday) all while holding my other dog, Ellie Mae, in my lap. Yorkies are not calm for at least a few hours since traffic tends to confuse them.

Editor: "What about the one you had, Josephine, that poop'd on the back of your Volkswagon while traveling down a highway as people watched? Now, that was funny!"

My dogs are not outside types so Ellie Mae's little venture was quite a shock to her system. I'm not sure why my mom insisted on taking her but most of me would assume that it was because we were all going to visit Jethro at the vet's place.

In case you don't know, my dog, Jethro (one of 5 Yorkshire Terriers that I own), had surgery recently. It was scary at first because he wasn't acting well afterwards. Medicine taken later on has cleared Jethro up a little bit but he's still woozy. Oh, the surgery was for irritable bowel syndrome, something I've heard of but know nothing about.

Editor: "It's time to call the library! BRING OUT SOME NERDS!"

About an hour of my time was spent sitting on the floor holding Jethro at the vet's. I felt safe, for once, since I just hate doctors' offices and such. I would hold him while my mom force fed him some kind of dog food that he did not like. Jethro had to eat after surgery since his body is so weak right now. Hell, he didn't even raise his leg to pee on the floor.

I just hate seeing Jethro as weak as he is even if the surgery will eventually make him back to being my little furball with a toy in his mouth all while taunting me in the hall. You could really feel his bones and see how slowly he walked to me, to ME! Yes, my little Jethro curled up in front of me while Ellie Mae had given him some kisses but was now interested in what was in the food bowl. She always thinks with her stomach.

I'm sure my day's dealings are boring you but I don't care. My dog is far more important than putting up my usual goofy entries. I miss him since Jethro won't be home til Monday.

Last night, Bill Maher asked why people are following the dieting advice of a self centered fat fucker named Dr. Phil. Interesting question. I never saw it that way but I guess people really are gullible in the U.S. Is it any wonder I feel as if I don't fit in anymore since people seem to not actually think anymore? Why is Paris Hilton famous? Why do people pay big money to see Britney Spears lip synch when you can just play that same music at home? Why did people elect Bush since he obviously has the brain size of a dust mite?

Tonight in the gym, I was horrified to find a naked guy sitting on the bench in the locker room. Why? It is common courtesy to not place your possibly poo filled ass on a bench that other people may sit on or place clothes on. Even nudist resorts have a rule in which you must sit on a towel everywhere you place your ass. Nobody wants to "raisins" or "berries" to clean up or view.

It's not just naked guys sitting on benches at my gym that piss me off but also old women that wear no underwear. There are times where I find myself walking by as a 60 to 70 year old woman is spread eagled on the floor doing sit-ups all while her massive bush is in plain view. One of these ladies is named "Old Twat" and my friend, Andrea, loves that title since we both cannot stand her. Would you believe that a 60 year old woman in my gym got implants?

*I hate implants since they feel so hard. The reason I know this is that a completely naked stripper sat on my face and then took my hands and had me feel her very nice but fake breasts. There was no need for a towel in this case. Hedgehoggy loved the view and the piercings down there.*

Now, I'd love to do a Part 2 of my vagina entry (see last entry) but I'm just a bit too depressed to get into it all. Oh, there is more that I'd love to let out that I love about them such as piercings and how Kristan, Jen, and so on would wake me up in the mornings. Is it just me that asks why vaginas don't get as much respect as they deserve?

So, I've got another busy day tomorrow that consists of homework, errands, a test to study for, and dogs to take care of since my parents are going up near Chicago to deal with the after-effects of my grandmother's death. Exciting? Possibly vaginally soaked and full of queefs! Goodnight, a kiss for all twats and I hope all get licked. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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