Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"Women need a reason to have sex. Men just need a place."

-City Slickers

Well, I do declare that homey Hedgehoggy is in da house! Oh, about 4 hours ago, I came close to aceing a test that was based on accounting. I felt so bad since I've always wanted to actually get nothing wrong on a college accounting test due to so many little mishaps.

Editor: "Let's see.........forgetting your calculator is 1. Not adding a column is 2. Forgetting to place subjects in the right areas is definitely another and let's not forget that time when your "friends" decided to party. Yeah, those are life's little mishaps, Mike."

Let me tell ya, if you forget a calculator for a accounting test, you are pretty fucked when they bring in the long problems. I was so fucking close, tonight, but for some reason my columns at the end of the test did not come out right. I checked and checked but couldn't figure the fuckers out. At least, I'm due an "A."

Hedgehoggy has a bit of love in his heart. I know I've been a bit of a cold mo'fo lately due to all the shit that has come on like diarrhea hitting me square in the face thanks to someone turning on the fan but those big brown eyes are so special.

Yeah.........I saw Sarah in the gym before I took my accounting test. Oh, I sound like a girl when I say that I just cannot stop looking into those eyes of hers. Sarah is such a tiny, tiny girl and I couldn't resist walking up to her as she was working on her biceps.

"What's up?"

Sarah smiled at me with those words and I just lost my mind by babbling about chocolate, beer, sororities, and my dog, Jethro. Yeah, I'm quite the conversationalist when it comes to talking to brown eyed grad students that are so cute.

Oh, Elizabeth (from this summer, the girl that blew me a kiss) has not made contact with me in a while so onward we go!

Now, I know many of you wonder about my choice of words after I did a few entries on my love of the vagina. Well, I'm more into eyes, ass, and goofiness than thinking like a hardcore sex addict. There is a romantic at heart within me when you get past the bad memories.

If you ask me what I look at to get my attention, it goes like this. If the girl is facing me, I look at eyes and tummy. I've got a weird desire for toned tummies and brown, blue, or green eyes on girls. If the girl is walking away, I look at the ass and I've just got this huge desire to lick the sweat off of it if I am asked.

Editor: "Oh, that is so romantic, my dear boy!"

Sarah seems to have a sweet relaxing side to her so I'm surprised that she was a sorority girl, something I am not so kind to but I'm open-minded enough. It's just too bad that I only get to run into Sarah once a week thanks to our schedules. Hell, I don't even know enough about her just yet since we both work out seriously. I've got to quit babblin'.

So, I will be getting the Star Wars Trilogy at Best Buy thanks to the price of $42.99. Not bad for 3 movies and 1 bonus disc of something I've seen over 40 times, huh? Just to show you how juice'd I've been on these discs, "Vaders Theme" has been playing in my head everywhere I walk. The man should be admired and I would have ruled the galaxy with him, along with Boba Fett, of course. Up first on our list of enemies would be Dr. Phil, Oprah, Star Jones, Meg Ryan, and Kobe Bryant. This world would be a whole lot better!

This just in: Britney Spears is still married.

My favorite of the trilogy is Empire Strikes Back. Man, the flick was dark and everyone dressed well since I am such a stickler on style. Luke Skywalker in that tan warrior suit on Daghobah (Geek alert!), Lando Calrissian in that cape, Han Solo wearing that vest and nicely placed blaster, and of course, Boba Fett. Bounty hunters don't get much better than Boba.

"He's no good to me dead."

When I was a little kid, I used to pretend I had my blaster like Han Solo did and go around "shooting" people with its weird sounds. Then again, I was also known for wearing my underwear on my head but that's just between you, me, and my mother.

I've got a weird fetish that seems to get stronger but really out there thanks to a book. While at Borders, I noticed the spine with the words of a group of girls I love, "Suicide Girls." If you don't know, they are the only porn I actually enjoy but (and this is a BIG but) they are goth type girls.

No big deal, you say? Well, I dress very nice with button down shirts in the colder days and white t-shirts in the summer or some with weird slogans. In no way would a person see me and wonder if I like goth girls.

But I do. I love skinny goth girls with dark eye shadow and a look of rowdiness like they want to have sex with you and then pee in your belly button. It's that sens of raunchiness that comes out when I see a girl dressed in all black but has a sly smile.

"I want to pee on you."

The Suicide Girls have a website but I just love this book since there are a couple (Mary and Flux) that drive me mad with their kinky piercings (7 in this girl's vaginal area!) and cute undies (weird patchwork like ones). All I need now is a goth girl in tiny white bikini panties that have polka dots (no thongs, please) to run around the house with.

I'm not sure where in my warped mind that I find goth girls so damn cute but that's me. I'm sure my mom would absolutely faint (and fart, of course!) if I came home with a girl like that. I'll be chained up to the wall and spun around on The Wheel Of Misfortune to pass the time.

The Suicide Girls book is pretty cool and cover is extremely beautiful since this tattoo'd girl is on the cover cupping her breasts all while wearing a sly smile of mischief. Most of the nude pictures are quite sexy with breasts, ass, and the occasional bush but there are some really erotic ones where piercings in the vaginal areas are on full view. I hate completely shaven so it was nice to see that most of these goth girls keep some of their bushes. 7 piercings down there!?!

So, I guess my secret is out. I love girls that have a rebellious look and desire to be different. That goes with the inside as well because I get to admire someone I'm attracted to as well. I know Bald-O thinks that goth girls are ugly when it came up in conversation but I'm...........different.

Where does Sarah fit into all this? Would I let her pee in my belly button? I guess all I can say is that I'm very open to all kinds of women but hardly any black women interest me. I'm not racist, just not atttracted since most have big butts. Hey, L.L.Cool J. said that and it's true.

"Betty's got a big ol' butt."

So, I hope y'all aren't laughing at me. I have no piercings, dress really nice, and walk around with no makeup to appear like a vampire but I dig a girl that may/may not keep a cauldron. I'm just a really nice boy with muscles and a desire to do cartwheels nude.

I'm off to bed so I hope some other people out there are also getting their Jedi powers on to fire up the car and pick up Star Wars. Of course, I will venture over to the dark side by getting Mean Girls as well. Goodnight. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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