Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"Well, I generally come in at least 15 minutes late....after that I just stare at my desk, but it looks like I'm working. I do that for another hour after lunch, too. I'd say in a given week I probably do only about 15 minutes of real, actual work."
-Office Space

Man, I have been working my ass off on my load of accounting homework thanks to the fact that I am so suddenly taking off for the south on Saturday late morning. It's best for me to just get it all out of the way due to posting, writing the entries, and well, let's just say that accounting is really boring and a bit repetative. Gah!

Bald-O's got a festival that he has to participate in that day. It's gonna be odd since we are talking about a very small town so any kind of visitor is looked at from head to toe. Trust me. If you have the balls (as I did) to wear a t-shirt that says "I Love Lesbians" in big black letters with a red heart in the center, you will be looked at.

So, I have to find a parking space (probably on someone's lawn) and locate the bald bastard in the gymnasium where he is intertaining children with his cherubic beer stained face. The look of joy as Bald-O sees me walking towards him will send all the little birdies in the air to break out in song.

"Somebody's ah gettin' wasted tonight!"
When in Rome, do as the Romans do. Southerners drink like there's no tomorrow so that I shall do. I am so not hanging my head out the window like last time.

Bald-O's pretty much the only one that I mentioned my grandma's death to. He's been there as well so I've got that to discuss. Believe it or not, there times we actually discuss mature things.

Editor: "Yeah........riiiiight. Liar, liar pants on fire."

Wasn't a bad day since I ran into Hot Topic Girl where we found ourselves in discussion of my little fetish, The Suicide Girls. Yeah, I love goth girls so go fuck yourself if you think I'm a jackass for liking girls with individuality and a few well placed piercings.

HTG and I are awaiting the next time the Suicide Girls come to our town. She says it's cool for all of us to get together and watch women that tend to set off metal detectors thanks to labia piercings that time forgot. Man, that's gotta be interesting for me since I'm about as preppy as they come. You'll see goth people and mohawks all around while I stand there in a nice button down (but maybe I'll make some holes) and a Corona (with a lime, of course!). Do you think everyone will avoid me?

I'm so into everything that I tend to laugh at all this. HTG thinks it's funny, too, how I accept things with such an open mind. Did I tell you that she's got around 6 piercings on her face? I am so out of my safety zone but lovin' every minute of it.

Suicide Girls: "You are, like, so fucking cool! Now, let's go fuck shit up!"

The one thing I wonder is that since the Suicide Girls are basically a bunch of really gorgeous goth girls do I throw my beer bottles at them or clap? We're talking about women that enjoy pain and I tend to get confused when I find myself on such joyous occasions. Should I show 'em my cigarette burns on my right wrist that I took on a drunken dare?

Jethro is still not quite doing well at the vet's. He's actually drinking water so that's the only good news for us. The vet describes him as just laying on his side but that's what Jethro does when he's lazy. I'm not ready to lose my little buddy.

Yeah, that 16 year old girl friend of mine, Brianne, appeared out of nowhere in the gym. I turn around and she is just staring in my face with a huge smile. What I'm hoping is that it's my open mindness to actually befriend a girl of such a young age since I do find her fun without all the hassles you get with others. Just how much more do I have to listen to people's hatred for work? I don't pay attention to football anymore so it's nice to be able to chase bees, help lift heavy weight, and discuss feeling with Brianne while every other guy just drools.

Oh, you should have seen Brianne's workout attire. I'm shocked that her mother lets her out of the house with a black sports bra that BARELY covers her breasts and some of the tiniest shorts ever made. I must not forget to mention that Brianne has a matching cell-phone for all this. I wouldn't be surprised if she ends up in Playboy at the age of 18.

Well, I'm dog tired from discussing girls with piercings gone wild, working out, and doing some actual homework. I've got to take my car into the shop early since my dad felt sorry for me not having air conditioning in it. Yup, I'm finally going to know what it feels like to not sweat in da car. You don't wanna know how many times it came close to me driving around town naked. At each stop sign, I could put my man boobs on da glass if asked nicely. Just honk at me if you're horny!

Tomorrow, I'll get into it about virginity and my usual schenanigans before I leave to visit my boys. I'm too busy to feel depressed, lately. Goodnight.
0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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