Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"So, I was sitting in my cubicle today, and I realized, ever since I started working, every single day of my life has been worse than the day before it. So, that means that every single day you see me, that's on the worst day of my life."

-Office Space

I'm doing my nightly entry a bit early with very good reason. I have to get up much, much earlier than I normally do since work is being done on the house. We're getting a whole new roof along with me helping my dad rid the back of the house of the carpenter bee nest.

Yup, I'm gonna be way up there early in the morning to help do what my dad is calling "bug patrol." I'm not sure if this is said in humor or the fact that I have little fear of bees.

If you've read my diary in the past, you know that each year we've had a giant nest of what I *thought* to be bumblebees. Turns out they look like these kinds but they're really just carpenter bees since they burrow through wood and infest that area. It's not that they are mean nasty little insects but we've had too many each summer make appearances while chasing my dogs on the deck.

In some ways, I should be afraid of bees since I've been stung so many times. Let's ear, spine, hands, thumb, fingers, and maybe other places. No matter how many stings, I love bees and how they dart here and there with a mission of actual goodness. You'd be surprised that bees are finding it harder to live in this world of pollution so I guess people don't care about all those flowers you see out there.

My dad did take down a portion of the nest in which a bunch of hibernating carpenter bees were *sleeping.* To me, it looked like mini bats hanging upside down.

Just to get up on the back of this large house's roof was killer. We're renting a scaffolding unit that must be built piece by piece. It's done thanks to my dad and I that has lifted us up a bit over 50 feet. Although I was not at the complete top, it is pretty high in that middle portion. Then again, I'm the one that first got completely baked way up in a tree and had to come down to eat 4 peanut butter sandwiches as a result.

I'll be up there once again early in the morning. There was a mishap this morning in which my dad went up to work on tearing a portion of the roof off but his pants came down. This is not pretty. My rather large father and his undies with many holes holds the possibility of causing many accidents all due to traffic being nearby. Luckily, traffic was light so people were at work, small animals were sleeping, and children were in school.

Another reason I am doing this entry earlier is because of MTV's "Choose Or Lose" campaign that finds us with a woman that I adore, Christina Aguilera. Many will question my taste in her but I'd like to point out these:

-Christina actually sings

-Christina presents herself her way and not with a trained crowd telling her what to wear or say.

-Christina has made no excuses and doesn't falsify her image (Britney, please!)

-The main issue with her is that Christina is very vocal on female sexuality and I am all for women having a voice in what they love/hate. Many of my female friends have allowed me into their world that some guys should never be allowed into (with good reason).

Well, Christina is going to be discussing the campaign for what I *think* are on sexual issues such as birth control and how homosexuals are perceived. Republicans are pretty much impossible to deal with on their ignorance that seems to give off a "Making America Less Gay" vibe. Sad to hear them basing who a person loves as being good or bad. It's no one's business but your own.

That brings me to a point that I am going to address. Many of my entries do have a strong sexual expression due to my not holding anything back. It's kind of made me paranoid even if my friends know I enjoy going down on girls. Yes, I have been made fun of for it by guys (Girls have NEVER made it an issue) that demand oral sex from their girlfriends but never return the favor.

So, I will lock entries that I find a little too X-Rated for fear of people that know me finding them. It'll help keep out the damn fucks that come here looking for spank material, too, since I get looked up for "Picture Of Woman Pooping" or "Panty Sniffing." Whatever. The point is that I will lock entries but only allow those that wish to read them. If you know my email address, hit me. If you leave me a note, I'll hit ya back.

Once I've decided to add another entry, I'll delete the one that I locked. No more of anyone criticizing me or just looking for some entertainment to bring up in a discussion with people. I love to be controversial since it makes people think but I don't always share. Plus, you don't have to read me if you don't want to.

The only other thing I'd like to add is that I am nervous. I'm not sure why but it probably has to do with the college get together on the 8th. Old friends will be coming together for our yearly party to reminisce and share laughs over what has happened to us since leaving. A few live in the old college town so we have apartments to stay at. Then again, even that is getting smaller each year since we only have Amanda's and Corey's left to rest after spending the hours drinking/dancing the night away.

So, what's it like? It's hard to describe going back to your old college since I used to walk into the bars and find all kinds of people I knew from classes, gyms, or work. Now, it's a whole new generation of people who's sole purpose is to get completely wasted. I'm past all that but still enjoy a few beers. It's just that I tend to lose count and there are times ya gotta drink to dance better. The peeing part sucks.

I'll get into more of all that is about to take place, later. Plus, I'll be getting loads of more pictures for my increasingly difficult scrapbook (heavy, real heavy now) thanks to this get together. I'm just hoping I don't run into any of my ex-teachers that I hated. The ones that loved me will pinch my bottom while the ones that I hated tend to drink in dark corners while muttering phrases of complete darkness.

I'm off to see what Christina has to say on sexuality and bid all a good night. Tomorrow, if I'm feeling kinky on a topic that I'd like to pitter patter with, I just may be locked but I'll throw out a key to those that have an would like to read. Like today's never ending sky, it will be gone eventually. A special thanks to all those with open-minds and a vast desire to learn even if you disagree. Has the recent death of my grandmother made me this tough inside and not caring what others think of me? Goodnight. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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