Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"Last time I saw a mouth like that, it had a hook in it."

-Caddyshack (Rodney Dangerfield)

In my long days/nights of growing up, I will say that Rodney became a part of my life with his comic act of "No Respect" and his scenes in great movies like the one above. Keep on making 'em laugh, Rodney. You should be getting some respect now.

Yeah, I have unlocked my diary for this entry. That one that I locked was my basic view on abortion that I felt like letting out. Due to my controversial views here on Diaryland (Oh, we get letters and people writing long entries about me!), I just decided to lock those entries that I deem a bit personal. In no way do people have to read them because I put them up for 24 hours and then I delete 'em. Diaryland has become so boring with people only talking about the parties they go to or fucking. I want more of how people think along with all that.

Then again, it is nice that people aren't locating my diary under such stupid shit like "How to time a poop." Funny but I'm just not into all that at the moment due to being so busy these days.

I'm not sure when but the next entry I want to do will be on either swallowing or abstinence. I've got some definite shit to say about those topics in my experiences. By the way, those that get a password keep them so that they don't have to ask again. I don't want people to feel like they have to read me but only if they want to.

So, I wonder to myself around 7pm as to what happened to that guy with no fear and lived life like a well thought out reckless moron staying up til 3am and watching the stars. He's gone and has now become a coward! A coward!

Yeah, I saw Sarah, tonight, and I feel awful that I didn't get a chance to talk much with her. We're both busy. Me with my application to turn in tomorrow morning and her with graduate school. Kim laughed at me in the gym with how scatterbrained I was. Sarah does that to me and I become extremely shy around her when it comes to intimate conversation.

There wasn't much of an intimate conversation all thanks to Sarah entering the gym when I was close to done. I was doing my usual 100 push-ups to end my chest session and see her with her hair down looking around the gym. There was no way for her to see me since I was in a corner area but you'd better believe that my eyes widened.

What I would like to do is know Sarah in a closer manner without being too forward. We both take our workouts seriously so short conversations are a must. My only method would be outside of the gym but I'm still shy of her. Talking is kind of simple since I walked right up to her to say hi. I get that big smile as Sarah looks up at me.

Editor: "Yes, you are a big tower of muscle, you big man, you!"

Oh, the gym was rockin' tonight! Travis, the biggest male flirt I've ever known, came back. Yes, Brianne was there but the first thing she did was shock me with her tattoo. Yup, a 16 year old with a tatttoo is kind of a rarity but she got it right on the right shoulder blade. The coloring is most likely for later since I don't think Brianne is going to settle for a canvas of just lines in an image.

Oh, and let's not forget me talking to this ex-college football player about our glory days of football. It was my first time meeting this new gym-goer and yes, we just had to talk since I opened up with the words, "I know you played football."

It's funny how wide some guys' faces get when the mere mention of the sport comes up. I just miss playing but some guys really, really live this life to the extremes. What was nice is this offensive tackle had a hell of a lot of personality so talking was easy when we discussed what really goes on in a piled up bunch of guys: A lot of eye poking.

"The more you sweat today, the less you bleed tomorrow."

Am I the only one that has the simple pleasure of loving the feel of wearing a new plain white t-shirt? There is a place that sells Ralph Lauren and Calvin Klein t's for $5 each that I find myself wanting to wear only fresh new ones. They fit me well until I am forced to wash 'em. The next thing you know, I've got hard nipples piercing out and people staring at my chest. "Benching" 4 plates on each side does have its annoyances.

I still find myself asking why I'm so shy over a girl yet I can bench-press 3 of her. Sad. I miss college life where I was chased a lot and my roommates were jealous. A girl's eyes just make me so weak as I've aged.

Well, I need a good night's sleep since I have to turn in an application tomorrow along with talking to my old boss about my seasonal job being a possibility. Money is the root of all evil? It's also something I hope will give me some belief in myself.

So, I bid adieu to all and thank thee for the comment I got on abortion. I'll send the pic of me as soon as I find it in my account. I'm so busy that I feel like a slacker in not getting everything done at once. Goodnight.

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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