Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
I'm not sure where to begin since I am sitting here looking at a ladybug slowly moving up the wall to my left......

Right now, I am taking a break from studying for my latest accounting test. Don't worry for I will not bore with details. My problems lie with the worksheet portion in memorizing what to do with the totals once added up. It's a tough subject that only the most boring can handle. I'm tough but not boring.....yet.

My little dog, Buffy, is on the rag. Ugh. She leaves little red spots on her pillow provided for her in the playpen that we use since she does not get along with her sister, Bonnie. Yorkshire Terriers are very territorial and fiesty creatures and never forget the little things.

So, we have to have little Buffy wear "pants." Basically, they are similar to plastic pants that are snapped around the waist that contain a bit of kleenex placed inside so the only "spotting" will be there and not all around the house. Due to me wearing a white shirt, I had to keep the little Buffster more away from me since I've had many times that the other female dogs leave spots on me.

Periods. They are such tricky little bastards that tend to ruin both sexes days. I've had moments where I'm about to place my hands down pants but only to hear the horrible words that echo so violently it's like a spider sense of warning:

"I've got my period."

My fingers, dying to touch/rub/insert coil in fear of what is happening in between my girlfriend's legs. The sex gawds are against me while my mind is trying to push the blood from down below up to my mind once again. Boys can operate only 1 thing at a time, ladies. Penis or mind? We decide but you help.

Where do we men grow up when it comes to periods, anyway? I used to be terrified when my past girlfriends had them that I swear I put my fingers in my ears when Beth (my high school sweetheart) tried to tell me. Back then, I thought it would be best for girls not to tell their boyfriends what is going on. Just the word "Tampax" scared me. Now, I can say "Pearl Glides" with ease! Aren't I neat-o?

I remember Kristan and how I told her that I just could not handle seeing her walk around nude with a string hanging down between her legs. Luckily for me, it was a rare sight since she liked walking around nude. Well, we both did but with fit and toned bodies like ours, how could we not?

Editor: "You are slowly flowing into arrogance. Get thee back!"

Well, blah, blah, blah. Kristan gave in so she did the basic thing of walking around in her panties instead of looking like a piece of dynamite was wedged up in her.

Girls used to chase me with boxes of tampons thanks to my admittance that I was deathly afraid of them thanks to my desire to keep the magic in my mind alive. You see, I love to go down on my girls but I tried to be ignorant about periods as best as possible.

Now, I can laugh at my stupidity. No longer am I so afraid of what is going down there with my girlfriends. J's periods did not cause issues but I definitely kept my hands out no matter how bad I wanted to finger her. This did not stop her from grabbing my penis with her very cold hands and not letting go, however. Girls are so mean.

Oh, I am very much rooting for my Boston Red Sox to kick the shit out of those pesky Cardinals. Like I said, I wish it had been Houston for the National League since I'm a definite die hard Roger Clemens fan. My love and knowledge of baseball has me deathly afraid of being pitched to by him. I've broken my right foot thanks to playing in college. Roger would break just about anything with ease thanks to his high 90's fastball.

So, November 2nd is not too far off. I'm so fucking out of my mind scared that this world will not open it's mind to how awful and evil this Bush Administration is. Today, Rolling Stone has John Kerry on the cover with my basic feeling that they support Kerry. There are so many rockers and movie stars that support him so I just hope the voters wisen up.

I haven't read the interview with John Kerry yet thanks to homework and my sudden perfectionism to keep my "A" grade in accounting. What I did read was the little bites on Bush's administration and agree that Rumsfeld has to go. The only reason I feel that he is still there is because he knows too much about Bush's stupidity and who is really running this world.

Okay, I've never seen so many people so angry with this presidency. My town is not a hot market of protestors so it's amusing to see so many people being so vocal outside on how bad Bush is. His handling of the war is a big issue with me because I've seen far too many pictures of Iraqis shocked and saddened at losing their homes to missiles that should have been aimed at the Saudis. 15 out of 19 of the hijackers were from there.

I do remember George Bush Sr. as much as I try to forget. How is it that both of these rich fucks, Sr. and Jr. can be so bad? It saddens me that people actually loved them or even just liked them. How is it that people wanted to impeach Clinton for the blowjob in the White House but the fact that Bush lied to us about Iraq has not even a whimper? Sure, I'm not happy about the Monica situation but that was between Clinton and his wife. Hilary does look like a complete ice queen that won't give Bill any til he licks her toes so I guess it's no wonder he had to seek sex elsewhere from a fat chick that flashes her thong.

*Hillary Clinton roomed with my friend, MR's mom.*

Alright, I'd like to sum up this with the fact that I need to wake up early for work tomorrow. It's 5 days a week now since they like, love me. Me in a red vest for 1 hour since I start work prior to the store's opening. New hiding place, too, so I can rest my sore toes while hanging around the baler.

So, I am outta here to watch the game, study, and then dwell on my problem areas of the worksheet. Hopefully, I will have George Bush's resume up along with my observation on boobs. It's long and quite thought provoking. A big shout out to Jon Stewart for putting that shit eating guy from Crossfire in his place. Jon, one of the smartest follower of politics, supports Kerry. Why not you? Goodnight and hooray for boobies! 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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