Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
My apologies to Christina Aguilera but I found myself singing to myself in the car (I have no sound system) to let out some much needed stress before the test:

"I'm like the corn in your poopy.
You can't digest me right away."

I'm sure there are people that will think it insane for me to put this in my diary but I seem to go a little crazy when I am nervous. This test was on my mind majorly thanks to the long worksheet, one of my past weaknesses in accounting.

My studying should pay off! My "A" overall grade should be quite stable and therefore I deserve this much needed rest. The guy to my right that also chews tobacco during class was caught cheating by moi. I'm staying out of this so I'll let the teacher catch him. It's too much fun to watch people secretly spit in their Mountain Dew bottle during class.

Ashlee Simpson caught lip synching on Saturday Night Live!?! Artists really do that? Ya mean, I paid $65 to see someone move around to the CD I paid $10 for? We know Britney Spears lip synchs so I'm happy that my fantasies of having Shirley Manson of my favorite band, Garbage, pee in my belly button shows credibility. That woman actually sings and puts on a show that I have caught 2 times with very close seats. Oops, I did it again.

So, anyone else dying to own the Dawn Of the Dead 2004 DVD? I'm really, really hoping this movie will scare the shit out of me since I haven't been scared while watching a horror flick since Ginger Snaps 2. That chase through the lower floor of the hospital that involves a male werewolf wanting to mate the lone female werewolf (not changed yet) while killing anyone in its path had me. Werewolves and some occasional zombies scare me but nothing made me hate having to pee at 2am like Event Horizon did to me.

It's breast cancer awareness month, as told to me by the fact that they will make the St. Louis Arch pink soon. So, I'd just like to wish all of you girls many kisses on yours and to keep them healthy. This is coming from a guy that just cannot seem to get the measurements correct. Yeah, I flunked again.

While working on my biceps with a preacher curl, I knocked my right knee extremely hard into the metal portion. I've never been in such pain since I broke my right foot while playing baseball in college. It took every ounce of me to keep standing in order to finish my workout. Once done, I just went to my knees thanks to the fact that I just couldn't stand anymore.

Why are we men such good dealers of pain but become such babies when it's dealt on us? I'm an exception in a few areas in that I will hit the gym no matter what I have. No broken foot, rainstorm, bad weather, exhaustion, sickness, or lack of clean clothes has kept me from the gym. We all know I did miss once thanks to my car's muffler falling off but.....

What I mean is that I have seen so many of the so called toughest guys give up over a tiny little cold or their wives have caused them to be whipped. Yes, we've lost some brave men out there that just decided to let their wives feed them chicken soup and then get all tucked in.

This knee banging woke me up to tell me that I've got some balls. Yeah, somewhere beneath this feminine interior lies a bit of masculine machismo at its best (I know "bad touch" from "good touch"). I'm just a girly boy lookin' for a way to express some testosterone since I sure as hell show none here on Diaryland.

Speaking of pain, I'd like to take the time to wish Cookie a happy birth. I know from speaking to other guys that we are scared to death of this event. How you can push a watermelon through a straw is so beyond my way of thinking since it's possible but I just don't want to think about it. I'm just glad Cookie won't be able to grab me by the wrist and make me whimper out words all soon to be passed out on the floor thanks to 2 arms, a head, and butt coming out.

So, I am just wanting to get some much needed sleep since I am due up at 4:45am tomorrow, folks. I'm sorry for not making much of an entry with insights and ridicule but I've still got column totals running around this mind that has already got Vampyros Lesbos's theatrical trailer playing in it as well. It's THAT weird but so groovy looking. One of the major reasons Vampyros Lesbos is so famous is because of the soundtrack that contains an unusual form of lounge music. Go ahead and look it up but hopefully you won't be offended by the topless woman on the cover.

Oh, before I sign off, I've been wondering if anyone else has a hard time with their local bookstore. You see, I'm curious about Michelle P.'s "100 Strokes Of the Brush" thanks to a woman's account on sex. Our bookstores can't seem to put the damn thing in the right section or I can't even find it, just like many other books in the past. You'd think they would hire people that know about alphabetical order at these places. Goodnight. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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