Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"Well, I don't wanna break up the meeting or nothing, but she's something of a cunt, aint she?"

-One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

I've gotta tell you that this cunt of a cold has driven me a bit mad. My body's temperature goes up and down so fast that even wearing a plain white Ralph Lauren t-shirt and tan cargo shorts doesn't help. I'll sweat like a pig but suddenly feel as if a fan is directed right at my face. Go hot flashes.

Getting through work was a major chore that unlike my usual zombie-like act, I actually had to rest up every now and then. Picking things up and then sitting on my cart to deal with a very dry throat that made me sound like that guy with a voice box on South Park wasn't amusing. I kept checking my watch and wondering if I should just take off. Nobody likes to find a guy in the storage room mumbling about cartoons like Inspector Gadget or Flinstones after staring at Sponge Bob wallpaper in the restroom.

So, I sit here with some major sweat rolling down my forehead but with a small amounto of happiness. I don't have to work tomorrow so I will finally get at least a little rest. Unfortunately, it will be like the worries of Gregory Peck in The Omen, I'll sound like Satan is working his wonders since I am forced to breathe funny.

Yeah, that movie.....The Omen. I've only seen a few scenes from this movie, a critics' darling. AMC has been showing it all week but the 1 scene that stands out for me came when I watched a review on The Omen and it had Damien, the little kid, riding his tricycle around the house. I'm guessing it was the housekeeper that he made fall off the top floor. Creepy kid.

In keeping with Halloween's flavor, they listed 100 Of the Scariest Scenes on BRV as I said last night. Some of it was aired again today and I found myself in awe of what they picked. Finally, a channel that gets it right in NOT giving itself over to the mainstream. Last House On the Left, The Hills Have Eyes, and so on got some major props along with interesting people giving their accounts. If you are tired of seeing boring movies that are said to account for horror, this special had it all.

Hellraiser, American Werewolf In London, Friday the 13ths and A Nightmare On Elm Street really freaked me out but Last House On the Left had me so, so sad when that scene of the girl getting shot while in the lake. You have to be daring enough to watch this movie to understand how upset I got. Last House On the Left has some scenes other than the one I mentioned that made me as angry as the parents that take revenge on the sickos that killed their daughter. Just watch Mom bite off the guy's dick.

Actually, work wasn't super awful since I did have an excuse to take it easy by sitting down. Funny how I never got caught doing so but have come close when I am fine. Serial Pooper has wrestling tickets for when the WWE come to town. Man, if I were to go, I'd hope to particapate in such things as long as I don't end up in my Calvins.

My plans this weekend? I'm not doing much as how bad I feel. What I'm guessing I have is a minor system of hot flashes so somewhere in life before me I was a 50 year old female going through menopause and sensitive nipples. With that odd thought in mind, I just might watch Kevin take his little daughter out trick or treating. I'm pretty sure I can get away with being considered a zombie that dresses quite nice. Since when did they shop at A&F? Since now.

The nice thing about being sick is having an excuse to lay on the floor for a longer period of time than usual to play with your little dogs. Buffy has been on a kissing rampage with me. Bonnie thinks I need to hold her chew stick for her while Clyde has his tummy to scratch. Jethro is Jethro, that scrawny dog that went through surgery but now has some junk in the trunk. Yorkshire Terriers, a weird bunch of hairy dogs that also have a lot to say.

I'm not sure what else to say since I feel like this entry is a complete waste. Being sick takes away creativity all while playing movie scenes of A Christmas Story in the back of my head. Tomorrow, just might have La Femme Nikita to cause a need to visit France and tempt a martial arts instructor to deal with my blowing bubbles with gum. I'm full of weird knowledge.

Let's just hope I get some actual sleep and can figure out how to get myself a DVR so I can record TV shows that I deem worthy. Veronice Mars is for my isolation issues. America's Top Model is for chick fights, girl, and possible thong sightings. The latest Osama Bin Laden tape is always good for a laugh to see a tall old man threaten a whole country and to make us wonder if he has sex with mules. Actually, anything without Paris Hilton is a good show. Goodnight.

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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