Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Not all girls are sugar and spice......

It was strange for me to walk down the hall and find my parents watching BRAVO's 100 Scariest Moments In Horror. They are not what you would call fans of such a type of film even if they did watch The Shining and Jaws. My mom hates them because of what they do to her, create fear. Now, the funniest thing is that my dad gets really freaked out over the littlest things in horror films more so than my mom.

Horror films need an effect to hit you in a certain place since not all can work. For me, it's got to be the unknown more than anything that gets to me. I'm fucked out of my mind when the creature/killer/weirdo is hardly ever shown because what you don't know will definitely hurt you more than seeing.

Effectiveness with serial killers began to wear off at one point in my life but along came something that really got me back in. Scream. I saw this flick before it became so well known and to this day, it is the one theater-seen movie that had me completely stuck to my seat since I had absolutely no fucking clue that Drew Barrymore's character would be killed off. None. THAT is how it is done along with a nice chase through the house.

Ginger Snaps is a little known flick that plays well with me due to something that makes me unique for a guy. I've taken women's studies in college that, yes, it got me quite noticed to be the only male in a room of 27 females listening to the topic of women's suffrage. While I got some giggles from the guys on this, I didn't care because I actually care about women's issues.

What Ginger Snaps does is play off the thought that a woman's period is a curse, something that will get her into major trouble soon enough. You start off with the knowledge that there is something in the neighborhood killing off folks' animals in a Canadian suburbs all while we suddenly meet Ginger and her sister, 2 misfit teenage girls that are ostracized by their peers.

While cutting through the park to play a prank on a stuck up snob, Ginger gets her period. Was that a weird noise? Why is a piece of the playground equipment moving? Forget all that!?! Ginger just wants to get some clean panties when all of a sudden a thing attacks her and then drags her deeper into the wooded area. The sister somehow gets Ginger back out of this area even while the thing chases them only to be run over. No need for silver bullets.

The fun part is seeing Ginger slowly change throughout the film all while trying to hide her period from her mother. Oh, I bet girls would groan at how the mother handles it once she finds Ginger's blood soaked panties in the basement. There's dark humor here that girls would understand more than guys.

It also helps that I am not freaked out about periods anymore. While someone could show me a box of Tampax to send me away from the room, I no longer care. Other guys? Most I know can't handle such a topic even while we pick our scabs or bleed on the field.

The thing that had me laughing was how Ginger suddenly becomes this thing with a desire for sex to the point that she claws a guy in the act. You see, she's not quite a werewolf but parts of it are getting to her. Oh, to see the guys suddenly make fun of this participant of Ginger's first sexual encounter suddenly piss blood is a way of guys suddenly getting what girls go through.

What scared the absolute shit out of me was the end with the chase through the house's unfinished basement. Oh, it was impressive in its use of painful suspense when Ginger is a full-blown werewolf and the sister has to deal with this. When I saw this scene on my bootlegged disk downloaded from Canada, I had no idea what to think. America didn't make horror like this because suits worry too much about what society thinks or to not offend along with showing the killer too early.

While I was in the comic shop 2 weeks ago, a friend brought his wife to pursue the stacks as well. I was shocked to hear from this woman that she saw Ginger Snaps as well since no one else I know has seen it except a few on Diaryland. This woman's eyes lit up at my questioning of whether she had seen it because she found it scary and so funny. Like I said, girls like the Ginger Snaps a bit more than guys.

It also helps that I am pretty damn attracted to Katharine Isabelle, the girl that plays Ginger. The scene where she wears a pair of black panties but you see a small tail sticking out drove me a little bit crazy. I can handle Katharine with a tail. Funny how all the guys I know think she's ugly but I admire this actress thanks to her badassness in black panties, tail and all.

Not much really scares me anymore. The Ring was pretty good and I actually liked it more than the Japanese original thanks to a more effective evil little girl, Samarraha (sp?). Event Horizon had me hold my pee because I was too scared to walk down the hall at 3am. Halloween has the most effective use of music and suspense still. I've yet to see the original Dawn Of the Dead but I did see Zombie, a movie that I thought was freaky and outrageously effective.

So, how am I today? Still pretty sick. I travel with kleenex and a sore back thanks to sneezing. The nice thing is the uber fast metabolism with the hot flashes so my abs are sexy. Weird effect but cool, nonetheless.

I'm one of those people that hates blowing his nose in front of anyone, be it a store or room. My mom says I have a lot of funny sounds when I do so. This is coming from a woman that giggles at her own farts. Go Mom.

Right now, I'm not sure if I will call Kevin to see him take his little girl out trick or treating. The fact that I must wake up to be at work by 7am tomorrow plays a large part of this. There is also a small amount of homework and my need to hit the gym to run off some of this inner frustration after not being in it since Thursday.

Oh, wanna know how I got sick? I'm pretty sure Brianne gave this cold to me. Yeah, a beautiful 16 year old with the body of a goddess somehow transfered it without my knowing. It all explains why Brianne was not in the gym on Thursday since she never misses a day there. Plus, she was feeling shitty the few days before. Thanks, Brianne.

As for what I dwell on at a time like this........I've been thinking about what I want for Christmas and it looks like a digital camera is most likely the answer. It's been tempting to put up pictures of myself along with the Scooby Gang, Bald-O, Mark, and so on. I'll continue to think about it.

So, with all that in mind, I am outta here. This sleeplessness sucks but my voice is slowly coming back along with jealousy for a certain Diarylander that has an autographed copy of Jenna Jameson's "How To Make Love Like A Porn Star." How you can get much better than that woman is beyond me. I'm not attracted to Jenna but I love what she has to say and how she stands up for herself. I seem to gravitate towards the tough chicks. Goodnight.

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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