Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"Election offices across Florida opened last Monday to give black voters the option of being turned away early."

-Tina Fey on Saturday Night Live

Okay, troops, we know what we have to do tomorrow. There is no choice but to actually choose who we wish to see in leading this country, now a place of fear and rich pugs getting richer while the poor get poorer. If you like this world as it is, then by all means vote Bush.

However, if you think it is time for a complete change, vote Kerry. The Democrats don't believe in giving tax reductions to businesses that take their business overseas all due to cheaper labor. Health Care just may be an affordable possibility since the Democrats don't believe in pocketing drug companies. I'm hoping Kerry has a good plan in getting our soldiers out of Iraq as soon as possible after fighting a war that should not have even been started. I know I was for this war, in the beginning, but after seeing how Bush had no plan while lying to us, it was a waste to lose over 1,000 U.S. soldiers and many, many Iraqis.

The whole point is to vote on who YOU want. My choice is Kerry as it is so fucking obvious. Yours may be different all because you believe in something different than I do. Just stand for something and do your research.

I'm seriously scared, folks. I just don't see the U.S. being able to take another 4 years of Bush and his greedy cronies. I see more white collar crime in the future all because he didn't really do anything to help prevent another Enron. Republicans keep talking about how many jobs are predicted but they fall so short of the numbers. Even worse is that the jobs being created are so petty that it's like a college student working at McDonald's.

What's even worse to all this for me was seeing all this rain pouring outside. You look out and want to pull the covers right back over you or just turn on a small light to read. My love of rain is in the summer where you can find a nice long kiss on top of the hood of a car while the rain pours down.

That all reminds me of mentioning that there will be a locked entry soon. Only those that wish to read get in. Send me a note and I'll hit ya back. Once the 24 hours are up, my diary reopens! I'm just not interested in sharing my views with just anyone anymore. I've had too many battles.

So, today was kind of good and kind of bad. Class lasted a lot longer since our teacher loves us. Well, she does like me and even put a smiley face on my nearly aced test (79/80). Since when do college students get smiley faces? If she had given me a sticker, I'd hop up and down all around the room.


Brianne and I are just the weirdest duo in the gym. She was upset that she had given me her cold from last week. All it took was a hug between Brianne and I and all that sneezing and snot rockets shooting out were put to rest. I swear that there are people that think we are seeing each other with how we act.

It was when I left the gym to attend class that got me thinking again. Brianne waved as I came towards her to say goodbye. I put my arm around her neck and hugged her a long time while she placed her head on my shoulder. This 16 year old girl is one of the best people I've ever met and even makes me so comfortable to be around her, more so than most. Don't be surprised if I kiss her cheek one day because she's that good of a friend to the point that we do goofy dances (I line danced in the gym, even while others looked horrified), discussed sex, and just get weird.

It's fun to find how many people really like my easy going attitude. Even Kevin comes up to say goodbye before he leaves the gym or when one of my "spotters" taps me to shake hands and then admire my Red Sox cap. I'm just so easy to know because I'm always looking for fun.

I'm going to get my pictures developed soon from 2 cameras. With 5 pics left on 1 of them and 7 on another, I'll finish by taking some of Brianne and others real soon. Bald-O's gonna go nuts when he sees Brianne because he gets easily shocked at how gorgeous my friends are.

Remember Camille? Okay, she was a friend of mine that couldn't go anywhere without a guy or two asking her out. That's pretty much the same with Brianne but Camille had something funny to add, she was blonde. Bald-O worked at Wal-Mart while in school so one day while he was there, the guys manning the security cameras locked onto Camille shopping. These guys pulled Bald-O in to point her out on the cameras. So, he gets this idea to act cool in going right up to Camille as if he really knew her. Funny. All the guys thought Bald-O was the shit but I was the one that introduced him to Camille.

It's amusing to find that my friends are so beautiful but I am still single all because I have morales! Damn. Brianne has/had a crush on me but she's 16 and I treat her like she's my sister, a very close one. Camille and so many of my other friends even change in front of me but I'm like that, too. If you're in the room and I have to go somewhere soon, my drawers are dropped. No issue since you can cover your eyes if you wish but do check out the penis wiggle and adorably toned buns.

Well, I have early work tomorrow, hopefully voting without a line, a fist fight with some Republicans that don't realize how strong I am under baggy clothes, and more goofy dances for Brianne. I really need a girlfriend to ground me. Dammit, VOTE! Goodnight. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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