Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"You'll hear it
by the time I'm through.
When I complain about
me and you."

-"Only Happy When It Rains" by Garbage

What can I say? I'll just try to say what I am feeling, a bit of anger, shock, and frustration. However, I shouldn't be shocked thanks to a local poll given out here in my town asking if religion is important when picking a presidential candidate. The answer was a 73% saying that it completely mattered in how they chose.

It was at the point that I then read in the local paper that George Bush was chosen thanks to 83% saying he had high morals. This was when I turned to disgust and a bit of anger to the point that if you were a proud Republican chanting about "4 more years," you would get a fist-full of my right arm.

Seriously, how could you!?! We as Americans are now faced with a scary 4 years with an ex-drunk of a jackass that cannot even handle eating a pretzel. We have a deficit that has never been dealt with all while George keeps saying complete shit that he will. We have a country that is not that secure or is so on edge over a tall bearded smelly old fuck that keeps threatening us. We have people pushing their religious beliefs down our throats when some of us just want to live. Didn't we change continents just to get away from all this?

I'm angry so here goes.........

To all those bible thumpers, I would like to give you a few words to your hyprocritical asses. I hope you get yeast infections that last for years with a combination of giant hemmheroids that make you feel like you are shitting flames. America was not founded on god or this petty little thing you give to your belief as to life. Freedom is not telling me that we need to rid porn so that the children can live. Free speech is not standing on my old college campus telling me that because I lived in a coed dorm that I am living in sin all while shouting this in my ear and following me around campus. Love sees beyond the actual sexuality. Just because someone is gay does not mean they are bad. I may not be for anal sex but allow those that enjoy it to keep at it even if they are the same sex. Gay marriage should not even be an issue since everyone has a right to express their feelings for someone. Having "morals" does not mean that we shouldn't prosecute white collar criminals that steal people's pensions and laughing with their small sentences. Having a guy that boldly lied to us by bombing the wrong country and having no apology is not someone I see as a "passionate conservative."

To all those soldiers stationed in Iraq that voted for Bush: Fine but don't get upset when you are pretty much required to live there. Have fun in all that sand and keeping up with the smelly people.

To all those that voted for Bush because he is the current president: Pay more attention and do your homework. There was nothing there but a guy that bought the presidency thanks to his daddy puppetteered by rich corrupt CEOs that continue to love how the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

To Nader: I agree with you that we need more candidates that for third parties but your massive ego pisses me off, kind sir. You had no chance and we needed to get Bush out of office so it would have been nice to hear you step down after pointing out issues that the 2 would not project on. Serious times call for serious moments in which ego must be put away for another day.

To Michael Moore: You did good in some ways but your extreme views could use some tinkering. Play it more low key in which you don't come off looking like a complete wack-job handing out underwear to voters. Loved the job you did with Faharenheit 9/11 to get people thinking even if I did not completely agree with everything.

To those that voted for Kerry: I thank you for showing actual thought. Many of those here on Diaryland also miss the days of having a president with a sense of fun instead of making it easier for business owners to move their businesses overseas all in the need for greed. We weren't as swayed by Bin Laden's threats that the Republicans used for political purposes.

To all those that voted for Bush BUT actually thought about their vote: I accept your views in that you, too, thought long and hard in who you wanted to see as president. Fine. We disagree but just don't flaunt all those false statements about Bush being "just like us" or "full of morals." He has none and will continue to show this for 4 years of more in helping America decay itself.

So, I sit here a very tired and weary Hedgehoggy. After all those campaign ads and my own issues here at home, I think I am just not a part of this world. My controversial viewpoints of my love of differentiation, oral sex, continuous learning, respect for life's art good or bad, the human body, foreign views, freedom of speech, and my complete love of human sexuality have me speechless. I do not belong here in a world that sees Jessica and Ashlee Simpson as talented, Paris Hilton as an author, nudity in any form as sin, and anyone that disagrees with the church as a sinner. America just continues to get dumber each year and no one seems to care.

Even as tired as I am, I will still be me. I'll give you super explicit sexual entries that detail my love of the yummy and delicious vagina, oral sex, and my views. I will continue to fight bible thumping morons that push their views where they don't belong. I will not accept this presidential campaign win because Bush does not represent anything within me.

So, to all those that have read me and continue to read me no matter how much you disagree with me, thank you. I'll try to make you think on a possibly different side of life. I'll try to get a good point across instead of just blabbing about what sorority functions I am in or what Sigma Chi's party was like. I've always tried to come out with entries from within myself that mean something. To me, thoughts, actions, and sex are a part of life. Plus, I hope I made some of you wet.

*Evil grin*

It's gonna be 4 years of Diaryland if I'm still on here to which we get to bitch about Bush and his next batch of bullshit to help destroy the world, huh? Much love to Alison, Sara, Kristine, Mariah, Cookie, and those that read me whom I've never heard from. A big long one especially to Sammy, the girl that has been with me since the beginning and has that brown flavor with an evil butt. You girls are the best so I wish I could kiss you all after bitching about the world's stupidity! Goodnight.

*Coming soon: What I miss about sex from a guy's point of view.*

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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