Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"You may be able to go home again but they change the fucking locks."

When I was a kid, I used to go with my mom to get bagels in our small downtown area. We'd always go past small shops and occasionally browse in them like the one I remember quite fully. It was a second hand one that had an old couple as owners that you would have laughed at how I was so amazed that I found old comic books. Mind you, I'd get a few at the local grocery stores here and there but these were old so I'd never seen them before. It was just fun to page through old things.

As for the bagel place, I'd always get a chocolate chip cookie with a Cherry Coke. Back then, I didn't care what went in my stomach but as long as it made me full, I was a happy tyke. The bagels themselves were the best I'd ever had in the world! So many different types but I hated the onion ones back then. Now, I love them along with egg bagels that I'd help order from whatever college student was working there at that time.

So, where am I going with all this? They're gone. All gone. Much of our downtown area is pretty much dead, save for a few used bookstores (I sneeze in them thanks to all the dust but I still go up to the attic at least once a year there), a comic shop, bars, and that women's sexuality shop that I'm not allowed in til I get a significant other and boy is she gonna be weirded out when I dwell on my knowledge of vibrators but hey, I'm getting ahead of myself here. Oops.

My downtown area is dying all because of our desire to save a few bucks and get our wants at places like Best Buy, the mall, big bookstores, and mega grocery stores that can never match the bagels my mom and I used to get. Even the smell of that bagel place is still with me thanks to that section that served real coffee.

The place I am going with this is how it reminds me of how so many Americans are so clueless to how much damage we are doing to this world. By electing Bush, we are definitely close to what a dictatorship is. I know people will say it can't be that bad but it is.

When I saw the results of how people voted based so much on George Bush having morals, I got a bit angry and it still has not gone away. This all says to me that John Kerry is being told by these voters that he has none. How can they do that???? A man that served in Vietnam, got shot at, had the toughness within to take all those lies directed to him by so called Swift Boat Veterans without lashing out, and even showed a small bit of being fun. Hell, I was shocked to see John wind-surfing and it actually looked like he could instead of just doing it to make himself look like one of us.

So, here we sit thanks to people calling this pathetic excuse of a president, George Bush, as a morally sane leader when all I see is a guy that likes to push his beliefs down upon us. I'm not sure if I'm going to go through a 4 year depression or what but I just might stop listening to the news with how the media makes it look like the guy is absolutely perfect. Of course, then we get to see George getting a library. Remind me to piss on the lawn to give it my regards.

Nader was right in saying that this is not a democracy no matter how many people voted. What we have for choices in presidency is pretty strange. Technically, we could say "3" even if it was pretty much just "2." All I see is that democracy is voting for rich fucks that will lie in any way they can to get your vote and then screw you in the ass so that you can't walk for a couple weeks.

Just why is Bush here? He's done nothing to warrant such a need from America. Bush only got into Yale as a legacy while he pretty much only go involved with cheerleading. Let's not forget the fact that he was a "C" student that somehow (I'm not sure on this so somebody tell me it's not true..) he became a valedictorian. I thought you had to be all "A's."

So just how moral is a guy that comes into town to tell us all his beliefs and that we must abide by them? Religion has a nasty taste in the mouth with me even if I enjoy the Wiccan philosophy of embracing all walks of life. To see people of Christianity telling me that my grandmother will forever have alzheimer's because they do not believe in stem cell research is disheartening. She'll never be able to remember things she should and would want to. There will be people that cannot walk but want to.

Did you see on CNN the guy that walked into the lions' den and tried to convert them to Christianity? Most of these people are that fucked up! I've seen my best friend lost in his religion to the point that I don't recognize him anymore, MR. All his decisions are based on whether his creator will agree. People like this are of the feeble minded that somehow think this needs to be a purpose for life. I think they just need a dishpan to the head to shut them the hell up.

Just where does greed go into morals, anyway? It seems to be all the Bush Administration is while saying other things in which they will supposedly help the middle class. Just how the fuck will they do that, Bush voters? There are people that live paycheck to paycheck, something you have never experienced. They knew how a tax refund would drive people crazy thanks to having some dollars to go out to eat or to a movie that has more product placements than an actual well thought out plot.

There is a girl here on Diaryland that spouts how proud she is to be Republican and how gays should not be allowed to marry but receive health insurance and blah, blah, blah. She also makes it seem like I'm a bad person all because I am a Libertarian.

Well, I am proud to be a Libertarian in that I believe in freedom to live how I want to live as long as I don't hurt someone. I am not a violent individual even if I do believe in the death penalty (something I agree with Bush and the ONLY thing) to rid this world of rapists and murderers. I believe in not inhabiting myself with conformity and enjoy seeing people dressed in a different manner than I can actually see myself in. I have an extreme joy in sexuality thanks to a wonderful thief of my virginity that I have real joy in talking about it. It's beautiful to share my body with someone I want to pleasure since I am not selfish. I also want others to share the joy of many, many orgasms even if they are the same sex and to welcome marriage without shame. I've never mentioned this before but my mom introduced me to a gay couple that I had no clue about til I grew up. Hey, they loved each other and didn't try to "convert me" as the Republicans call it.

Lately, all I can think of is that angry Marine that stood there during the Republican Convention spouting out complete shit. It was probably the only time I've ever wanted to censor someone all thanks to these words being completely untrue and making Bush look like an amazing president. This idiot kept blathering on about how we are not inhabiting Iraq but I keep finding that hard to believe.

We've lost over 1,000 American soldiers and even more Iraqis thanks to a war that has made me embarassed to be an American. You cannot just bomb the wrong area and then just say, "Whoops!" The fact that Bush waged war on Iraq all over the simple fact of getting Saddam while telling us that it was about WMD has me embarassed. It's no wonder people hate Americans, what with our arrogant moron of a leader that keeps bungling along.

All I can say is that I hope that there is a major scandal in The White House. I wouldn't be surprised if it does happen one day thanks to so many little hints on how they do things there. Cheney meets with energy people when we already have a department for that. Just what was he up to? That little mistake on the CIA revelation was pretty close. C'mon, Bush is bound to screw up soon.

Someone said she wanted a president like movie, The American President, with Michael Douglas. Me, too. If I might add a bit more, I'd like to nominate a movie that I've never forgotten, Dave.

"I once caught a fish this big."

I'm just tired and carrying around a headache all day that throbbed a bit more when my supervisor told me he was happy that Bush was reelected. My workouts have been as dull as a few seconds of MTV's TRL. My watch stopped at 12:05am on the day that Bush was elected. Is this an omen? Goodnight. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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