Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Why is it that the night I have to enjoy seeing everything enclose itself in blackness that I get too sleepy to actually enjoy?

I'm pretty much bushed out. Well, I guess you can put it in another wording that sums how angry I am about how the election turned out. People that wanted a real change are feeling the after effects of sadness or anger. People that want things kept the same are just grinning all around. Nobody likes a smug jackass.

Remember when I said that it's been a while since I was hit on? Today just happened to bring that back but man, of all the people to do it, it was a really cute sorority girl. I'm not sure on all of our conversation but it was quite pleasant thanks to not being led into a discussion on the election. Nope, just good old fashioned gettin' to know ya.

The really weird thing was that I was completely comfortable talking to this sorority girl, whom I do not know her name. Her friend, the one that comes in with her all the time, was the one I got into a discussion on women's gymnastics with. Yeah, it was that girl that was shocked how I knew the names of so many of the girls along with their histories. I miss the Olympics.

Here's how it goes with me. I get nervous talking to the girls I like but the ones I'm friendly with are no problem. You can be the most gorgeous woman on the planet but I'd take no notice of you if you don't exhibit any actual thought patterns or I'm just not interested. You should see some of the girls I know in my gym that are so amazingly pretty but I'm just not into them.

What was funny was that this sorority girl made sure I saw her before she left and then waved. I've met her once and I'll meet her again. It was just nice to see that I've got some kind of charm within that keeps a bloody good rhythmn.

Of course, I gave in to the hype of that is Shrek 2. It took my dad a lot of persuasion to see the first one so I got embarassed when I found it to be so much fun. Now, I just had to see Shrek 2 and found it quite good with its many little hommage scenes that fellow movie goers and knowledgable buffs will enjoy.

I'm with anyone that found Shrek 2 to start out slow but once Puss N Boots makes his presence known........well, I couldn't help laughing at his little antics. Oh, man, those big dark eyes that disarm you cracked me up since I know cats all too well. Donkey didn't really get to me since I have this tendency to dislike annoying sidekicks in movies that shouldn't have them.

So, I've gotta say this and I know it will annoy some people. Shrek 2 was not as good as the first one. No amount of Puss N Boots's eyes could help since I got a real laugh out of the dragon in the first. The area that did help was when Pinochio was forced to tell a lie in order to rescue everyone. It all reminded me of when MR told me in history class that he was wearing his girlfriend's black thong. Let's just say that Pinochio will never be seen the same way again by me.

So, I bid all a goodnight since I am just way too tired thanks to my job of walking around the enormous store at least 25 times. Hey, I did get a 20 inch inflatable chair with my Shrek 2 DVD but I'll be damned. My butt won't fit into this no matter how hard I try.

I'd like to apologize for the lack of any sexual matters in my entries. The depression of Bush's re-election has pretty much dampened my spirits. I've also been reading many other entries with the same feellings that seem to match the bitter cold outside that you can also find in many Republicans' hearts. I'll try to get back my good old explicit self. Goodnight. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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