Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Yessirree, we've got kindergarten round up in my front lawn......

It was a funny sight to start my morning in which the garage door flies up and standing right in front of me are 2 dogs, a white scottie and a big black dog that looked like part German shepard.

Now, being the dog lover that I am, I just could not leave these 2 lost dogs to fend for themselves. I spent 10 minutes before work trying to coax them into my backyard's gated fence area. Only 1 would come with me since the scottie seemed to be so shy. I then proceeded to wake up my mother to inform her that we now have a big black dog in our fenced in area. I just love to inform her of the new status at, oh, 5:40am in the morning!

I was quite lucky on time and that the scottie found his way home all on his own while not getting hit by a car. I'll admit that I worried about this while I was at work. The good news, at least for me, was that my mother found the owners, whom spent 2 hours looking for their 2 dogs. Sneaky canines lived just 9 houses down the street. Gotta love animals that feel the need to romp.

The store is preparing for an onslaught of violent people that will be arriving around midnight on Monday. Halo 2, that uber awesome X-Box game, will be up for sale at that time. Nothing like seeing kids spend their parents' hard earned cash on a crash course of shooting the shit out of anything that moves.

I've seen Halo but never played it. I'm definitely a fan of violent shoot 'em ups because you are reading the diary of a guy that can wield pretty much anything on a screen. Making Bald-O cry while playing the N64's Bond was precious. Practice makes perfect and I was up til 3am killing my roommates on a video game system. I lost 1 bet that had me cleaning the bathroom but that was because 3 guys ganged up on me in that game.

Unfortunately, I cannot afford Halo 2 at this time. I do not have an X-Box because, silly rabbits, I was a slacker for the system by getting a Playstation 2 and others. Love the GameCube even if it's considered uncool. In due time, I'll fork over the $150 plus the $45 for Halo 2. If anyone would like to play a game of strip Halo 2, be my guest. The more kills you make, the more clothing the person sitting next to you has to take off.

Today, I wore a compression shirt to workout in. Even if I was utterly exhausted after work and my 2 hour nap didn't quite cut it, I still ended up in the gym to find myself wearing this shirt that is so fucking tight but really accentuates the "goodies." The first thing my friend, Tamallah, said was, "Wow!" I laughed because she likes to show off her enormous ghetto-booty ass. Ass meet chest.

What a compression shirt is is a tight fitting piece of clothing that whisks away sweat. There is no knitting and the thing feels like rubber with a continuous feel of stretching all around. The shirt is pretty expensive at $35 so it's not for everyone but I wanted to try it. At X-Large, I felt pretty damn tight in it but it wasn't myself that I was looking at. It's the design of 2 great colors, red and black, that look so fucking cool. Forget about me. You should fuck the shirt.

But back to Tamallah.....

Okay, I spilled everything to her about Brianne since she takes Tamallah's Spin class (you ride bikes for an hour straight looking like a maniac complete with a floor that contains what looks like garbage bags to collect the sweat). Man, did I get a finger in my face to do my duty. Tamallah wants me to keep an eye on Brianne to keep her away from that black guy with the braids. The really weird thing is that she's friends with the girl that is being cheated on, the black guy's girlfriend.

Just how do girls deal when their friend is being cheated on? Tamallah feels she can't say anything just yet since she's only lightly close to her. However, Brianne, being 16, is another case since she's like my sister. My eye is on her to help keep her away from that dirty boy all while making Tamallah laugh as I dance like Beyonce's booty shake. White boys should not attempt unless accompanied/watched by a grown black woman.

"You so crazy!"

I've heard that out of Tamallah's mouth too many times. The best is when I can get her to cry from laughing too hard. There's just certain people that bring this out of me.

We all know my special place in my heart that's been set aside for lesbians. Well, Showtime's The L Word will be released on DVD on Tuesday and you can count me as a guy that will pop this 18 episode of guilty love of women that wear wife beaters and look great all while lusting for women.

I'll admit that it was weird dating a bisexual girl. J had 2 or 3 "relations" with other girls so it was fun discussing with her the art of good oral and what to do if it tends to be a bit funky down there. J's suggestion was order the girl to shower with her so those funky smelling bits end up all soapy clean.

All of this makes me feel so fucking weird. I'm getting a TV show based on lesbians living in an apartment setting, talk about my feelings, studied the vagina in school to be a good lover even before my first time, dance like Beyonce for black girls, am addicted to Desperate Housewives, spend time saving animals, enjoyed his Women In Society class, owns an enormous shoe collection, and even writes in this blog/journal. Geez, I was probably supposed to be a hardcore lesbian or something. Somehow, the mechanics went haywire and out popped a really weird white boy that cares. Just be glad I don't get all Spice Girl on you by shouting out, "Girl Power!' Goodnight. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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