Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"Makes you the other half dies."


Let's see, I am happy that Scott Peterson was found guilty. If running off with a mucho lot of cash and sudden change in appearance doesn't warrant an alert, I don't know what will. Scooter, prepare to be pickled up the ass by an almighty black dick! Hoo-rah!

So, Arafat dies and the world is either saddened or just plain worried? I think it's a time to rejoice since that bastard has done so much shit to the Middle East's try at actual peace. Just how do you get people to follow you all while looking like you have some super-dee-duper toilet paper on your head? Smelly people will follow anyone that can possibly wipe their ass, huh?

I'm confused with things here. Why was Arafat given a Peace Prize all while helping the Palestinians with their suicide bombings and such? Most of the problems in the Middle East are because of them more so than the Israelis. I'm just disgusted at how this world is being kind to assholes these past 5 years. Just what do you have to do to get on the bad side these days? Oh, you gotta have a big mustache, wear a military uniform a lot, and threaten Kuwait. Good eye.

Did you know that the Koran will not allow you to use your left hand all in the fear that it is the evil part? Man, I feel sorry for anyone that's a left handed pooper. What would be funny is to suddenly blurt out, "Ahhhhh, my left hand has me!" and then keel over. It's when everyone stops getting freaked out and their knives make appearances that the joke's over, folks.

I hate it when Muslims complain about Americans thinking that they are too violent. Well, most are and there are a real radical group that takes the Koran's teachings to a really warped level but hey, Christianity is pretty fucked, too. They elected George Bush......again. Someone hasn't been paying attention in class.

I was talking to Brianne today in the gym. Between the conversation about which she prefers on guys, boxers or briefs and what she wears for fun, Brianne told me that her brother may be shipped to Iraq. Man, this stuff is really hitting home here now. Even if I have never met the guy, I still feel for him as well as for all those guys fighting a war we shouldn't have gotten into.

What's really scary is what Nader was talking about not too long ago. The Draft. It's very possible that it will go back into effect because there are not enough soldiers in Iraq to fight this useless excuse of a war. The insurgents are so good at fighting on their home ground that we lose a lot of soldiers each day even if Bushy Boy told us that the mission is accomplished.

I'll admit that I have a curiousity of going to war. You see, I just want to be able to see for myself all these things that make veterans nod at one another as if there is some kind of code we, the non-participaters, will never understand. However, it is in me that I would only participate in a war that is fought with good reason. We really should have gone to Saudi Arabia and given them a good spanking. Really.

In between little bits of my accounting book and trying to get a good amount of playtime with my little dog, Buffy, I was watching Braveheart. Fine as wine flick and it reminds me o' bit of these times. We've got our obvious Longshanks in that be Bush. Like Wallace's beheading, Kerry was torn down on election night by Americans that need to have their feeble minds told what to do by some invisible authority to live. Why don't we have the actual insight to rise up against these cruel decisions bestowed upon us, the have-nots?

Not surprisingly, I've been preparing for Monday's accounting test. It's such a pain when I'm not quite as knowledgable of this part of accounting, bank statements. They give me the willies. That just goes to show you how awful my past teachings were in that they ignored certain portions of books to bide time on the things my teachers can masturbate to. Accountants get off on numbers. No joke. Sometimes, the number "9" gets me all hot.

Crotch Rot avoided me at work. Happy, happy, joy, joy! My boss isn't surprised that she doesn't like me and he did tell me to not take it personally. Some women just walk around with a lit tampon each day. Crotch Rot's is so far up there that it's gonna be a bit longer til she goes boom.

Ever read Bizarre magazine? Gawd, if you are pretty squeamish, I'd say no. The things I cannot handle are the stories or pictures on animal torture. Makes me come close to crying thanks to growing up with so many animals in my life.

I couldn't believe the Nazis' insane need to build the perfect race. They would throw babies into the incinerator if they weren't born well enough to their standards. Prisoners were put to use in extreme testings to see how much an asshole can take or how long the body can sustain in cold water til freezing. Did I mention no anasthesia? Makes me so angry to read all of these things but I feel good to get an idea of how evil people can be and that my belief in capital punishment is a wise one. Some people really should not be allowed to walk around on Earth.

Not much else to say but avoiding studying is kind of weird. I'll play with my cell phone's little video game that's called Rock And Rocket that I call "Against All Turds" thanks to the fact that the asteroids look like....well, you get the idea. Then, I'll put away clothes that should have been put away last week or get disgusted with people in Bizarre's articles. At least I hold the high score in my battle with turds.

So, with all that in mind, I am outta here to sleep in thanks to no work being tomorrow's agenda. I do have to help my dad with an awning that is going up over our patio. Remember my incidents with him over the deck's new facelift? I just cannot stand working with my dad and my mom knows this. She's always on damage control. Goodnight.

*Tomorrow may be Part 2 to my introduction since I'd like to get a few things off my chest*

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