Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
So, what's it all about, Hedgie?

Life's about taking the time from a hellish 9 hours and 15 minutes of being around evil mothers trampling one another to get their child a gift to laugh as a co-worker does his best impression of a Chippendale dancer for the 2 black girls working the cash registers.

Life's about getting on the floor to play with your cute little Yorkshire Terrier after a long hard day all while still feeling so sick that the slightest touch to your body sends much pain yet the little dog's kissy-fest makes you forget all this.

Life's about telling yourself how impressed you were with going to work all while feeling so out of it that just a few seconds of standing there will have you fall asleep yet your resist the temptation since there is an evil co-worker that would love to get rid of you.

Life's about being shocked that your parents watch the same trashy TV show, Desperate Housewives, and finding the time to debate on why there is a massive stash of money hidden in that cabinet.

Life's about breaking out into song with such great 80's tunes by Poison, Pat Benatar, or Winger while your co-workers look at you in horror as that microphone suddenly becomes that imaginary object of a piece of rolled up newspaper.

Life's about rooting for the vandals that super glued the mall's doors shut on the day after Thanksgiving since this day has obviously gotten out of hand. You have to work at one of these stores to understand where I am coming from on this, folks.

Life is finding that long dead passion for someone that makes you feel more alive and desired. Nothing gets a mind going than the naughty thoughts of making love to THAT someone in so many ways.

Life is finding yourself awakening to find your little Yorkshire Terrier kissing you full on the lips.

Life is about being flattered in being flirted with by someone that you once had a crush on when she insists you feel her forehead while she complains of a possible fever.

Life is thinking back to how far you've come in being able to express yourself rather than being that tiny little mouse you felt like years ago.

Life is about expressing your passion, be it sex, writing, movies, music, and the corruption in government.

Life is about realizing we don't live forever when you see your aunt having a hard time getting into the van due to Type 2 Diabetes on Thanksgiving Night.

Life is about kissing someone special on New Year's Eve and then passionately holding her. It's when she whispers, "I'll get the handcuffs" that your pupils really widen.

Life is about knowing that even if you haven't talked to your best friend in over a month that you know he/she is still your best friend and no amount of cupcakes offered by someone else can change that.

Life is laughing so hard that you accidently fart and this results in even more laughter.

Life is about exploring your desires or sharing your most intimate sexual needs with someone and she understands them and wants to make them possible.

Life is about being jealous of your married friends only to find out they are jealous of your freedom of being single.

Life is about nearly falling asleep in the bathtub in very hot water to soothe aching body pains brought on by being sick or dealing with a co-worker you have nicknamed "Crotch Rot."

Life is laughing along with some of the most insane diary entries that you find yourself enjoying because of how unique and full of passion they are. Stories of drunken craziness, girls peeing in jars because someone is "praying to father john," or a girl that talks about sniffing her pads. It's all here on Diaryland.

"Wherever you are going,
that's where you'll be.
And no one knows it but me."

So, I bid all thee a good night thanks to me having the actual possibility of being able to sleep in for what feels like too long. I'm not kidding that I am completely worn down due to so many things cluttering my mind. Goodnight. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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