Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Geez, I'm a bit shocked. Only 1 person responded to my question on digital cameras. I was hoping for mucho advice on how to get my ugly mugg on this website in the future. I'm guessing that most people are preparing for Finals so they can't just type a tiny little sentence or two. Okay, I'll take the hint.

Ya know what's funny to me? I came on Diaryland to let out a lot within me since typing my feelings calms me at some point. I spend much of my day all jittery and full of weirdness (although tired, like today) because this world is becoming so conformed for my tastes. Lucky for me, I remember Diaryland in its day of yore.

3 years ago, Diaryland seemed to be an amazing landscape of people expressing themselves, be it gay or straight. I was addicted to reading diaries far before I became a member and was invited by someone. She helped me get started but soon turned into a raving psycho that said I sounded like her ex-boyfriend. I just hate those types.

Nowadays, it seems I find too many diaries based on whining. "Oh, I hate my job." "Why can't I find a boyfriend/girlfriend?" "My dog poop'd on the floor" Sad. I was hoping that Diaryland would be THE area to let it all out instead of just 1 topic to bitch about.

My diary is a vast amount of different things. Yes, I know I talk about sex alot, especially my love of oral sex, but I do bring many issues to the table. I'll observe things each day and think about them through the 24 hour period. If I feel like showing how I feel about a topic, then, I'll do it. I'm just full of weird things but the people around me don't appreciate differences. Instead, it's the same conversation over and over again.

It's like how I said that girls' bodies get my attention but their brains keep me there. Diaries are nice and all with their Html moola but many lack anything substantial to read about. People constantly read me but don't add me to their Faves List. Weirds me out in that I wonder just what I have to do to be good enough for this. Well, I sure as hell won't stoop to whining like the others.

Gawd, I've been in so many fights on Diaryland. Luckily, it's only been 1 this year thanks to that moron, Brittany, that was upset in my thoughts on her diary. She hated the fact that I quit reading her so she dropped me. I noticed that Brittany did this and made an entry about how stupid people are in dropping people from their Faves List just for the littlest things.

Not surprisingly, Brittany came here to give me complete bullshit and wanted me to battle with her. No big deal. I avoided all this since it was a complete waste of time to talk to a girl that was upset over her boyfriend being arrested for cocaine dealing and no substance of a diary that contained pretty much her dreams. Can you believe she called my diary "boring?" I'm glad Brittany's gone but I did catch her reading my diary last week so I guess I'm not boring after all.

Editor: "I hate liars, too."

The absolute worst thing is dropping a diary over the smallest issue. You may not agree with my choice for president, sexuality, or music so why just avoid my thoughts? Why not just see as to why I enjoy certain things? I've never agreed with a lot of my Faves but I'd sure as hell never drop them over something I don't share in views.

Diaryland is what I hope will go back to its heyday by getting less of the whiners and more of the creative people. The worst are the high school diaries of people that have crushes. Geez, ask the person out! After 2 years of obsessing, it's time to test the possibility.

The coolest thing on Diaryland is seeing how other people live in foreign countries. I started with Canada and found a personal love for Sweden thanks to a fellow Diarylander that had an obsession for staying up waaaaaaaaaaay past her bedtime. She even made her entries on video game playing fun to read.

Oh, it just sickens me to read the whiners. Nothing seems to go right in their lives so they must make entry after entry of how awful things are. Some even call themselves "authors" but with no creativity in their bones. Something I thought of:

If you have been on Diaryland for over 3 years and have less than 10 people listing you as a Fave, you really need to rethink your entries unless you intend to put people to sleep.

What I love are the people that say they "just want to document their lives." Bullshit. If that were completely true, you'd lock your diary for good and be the only person to read it.

Diaryland is also a great place to meet people. Of course, I met/lost my PenDragon but no longer care due to her childishness of calling me names over a tiny issue. Sammy, Kristine, Sara, and so on have been with me since. It's not the quantity of people you know but the quality.

It's kind of a weird world today, at least, for me. Brianne said 4 words that caused me to drop my jaw: "I've got a boyfriend." I'm quite happy for her since this might calm her man-hungry desires. You should see Brianne in the gym in how she just craves attention from anything male. 16 year old girls can be a bit naive.

Me? I'm getting ready for a Final due next Monday and somehow I will find the time to plan a little trip to Indiana. It's a cross between nervousness but more of extreme enthusiasm to meet someone that could challenge me on a chess board with a possible twist. I know I'll lose my socks.

Well, I've got work in a little while til 3am so I'll be back with some kind of energy after feeling so tired all day today. Goodnight. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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