Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"When I get bored, I like to stick my penis in the fish tank just to let them all know who's boss."

-Dave Attell

Well, my mother has kindly informed me that I will be given $400 for Christmas and to do with it as I please. What I'd like to do is get a digital camera since I'm faced with the fact that I'd like to actually present myself in the near future. I'm guessing this is how it's done.

What I need from my peeps is what to look for in a digital camera. Out of the $400, I'm willing to spend about $200 because I've got a few things I've got to do with the rest. What do I need to know? How easy is it to place pics to share? What maker of digital cameras is best? Just help me out and all will be swell..........hopefully.

Most of my day has been spent eating Triscuits and preparing for my December 13th Final. Is it that pathetic? Oh, you bet! I'm a guy that should be munching on a shank of lamb but prefer crackers due to their light taste in not making me feel so full.

The Final itself is looking to be pretty tough here and there. It's based on every fucking thing we went over in class so there will come a time where I've got to sit myself down and deal with the parts I have major issues with, like, bank statements and payroll management. Ugh. So many numbers but fun to see me all confused, huh? Since I have a 93% average, I'd like to keep it that way or do much better than that.

I'm not sure how others study for Finals but I've always been a little weird in that I'd play video games, study, play video games, study, run a mile, study, workout with weights, study, and so on. Finals Week was fun here and there but I've got to tell you that there was one night I said "Fuck It!" and went to the bar late at night and danced it away even though I had a Final at 8am. The reason? The teacher was going to fail me (the second and ONLY other time I failed a class-the first was due to having an alcoholic best friend of a roommate that brought a whole lot of problems) thanks to his horrible method of teaching.

So, I danced and danced to Semisonic's "Closing Time" and "Celebrate" by Kool And the Gang. Fun stuff in which there was about 15 of us holding each other in a circle. I only knew a few of these people but if we were going to fail, we'll do it together. I'll never forget that night.

It's sad to hear that Target is not allowing The Salvation Army to place its bell ringers there. I'm boycotting that store, starting today. Target gave its pathetic excuse that they already give $2 million to charities but what's wrong with a bell ringer ringing for change? Jeez, I may get annoyed on a occasion by bells but I sure as hell expect to hear 'em and for a good cause.

I'm not sure how much worse this world is gonna get. Paris Hilton is considered an author. Britney Spears and Ashley Simpson (or the whole Simpson bunch) are considered talented. We've got an idiot in the White House getting ready to spread religious hypocrisy on us. CEOs think that outsourcing is the best way to keep their million dollar paychecks. Gee, somethin' mighty wrong with an easy solution but greed and stupidity still rules over common sense and skill.

So, I'm hoping I get a response on my need to know about digital cameras and getting pics up to keep my promise of allowing people to see this ol' fool of weirdness. I'll flick a few people off and show you just what happens in a trailer out in the middle of 40 acres can do to ex-college guys with too much time on their hands. Goodnight. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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