Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"Whatever you do, do not fall asleep."

-Nightmare On Elm Street

Gawd, I don't know if it was the shock of what my boss told me or the fact that it seems to be very possible but I'm a bit torn. The fact that I now sleep very little has me on edge here and there. I'll give you an idea of my brand spankin' new fucked up day's scenario:

-11am will be the time I wake up. This has slowly been expanding due to my ever needing sleep.

-Somewhere around the time after I wake up, I do errands. It's most likely that I end up at a bookstore or 2.

-3pm I am in the gym for an hour or a little less that 2 depending on if my friends are also there. Knowing how many people I talk to, it's very likely I will chat away in between my workout's sets.

-5pm. Around this time, I am eating dinner and slowly feeling a little receded. My mom told me that my sleeping patterns have been seriously disrupted since when I was once all energetic after this time, I am now dragging ass.

-7pm is where I like a bit of TV time or just lay there and veg while staring in disbelief at the insane Old Navy commercials that make you wonder how much Prozac is being offered out there and where you can get it.

-9pm is where I take off for work til 3am and then it starts all over again! Isn't that fun????

You see, the big issue is that I find it impossible to sleep after 10am thanks to being a morning person. Sure, I was a night owl in college here and there but I've learned to appreciate sleep that is uninterupted at some point. I have not had that point thanks to the very fact that I may not have a day off til late next week. I sure as hell hope I get tomorrow off or something's gonna come off of me. My legs are tired from walking the damn store's floors over 100 times each night.

Oh, how I miss the old me. Remember the old Hedgehoggy so goofy and full of cynical barbs at our slowly being destroyed nation? Well, he's too tired to talk of how to give the most awesome blowjobs, abstinence, and what he misses about sex. Funny how no matter how tired I get, I still think about sex. It's just been more of me laying on the couch getting my cock licked and soothed rather than me doing my personal services with my tongue. Believe it or not, since I'm a giver, I see my own thoughts as selfish and disgusting no matter how bad I need to be given a blowjob.

I've been wondering to myself just how many toys we can actually stock. Geez, you'd think we own the whole nation's kids' wet dreams with what we are doing til 3am. The least we could do is service adults by having a section of vibrators, latex vaginas, and anal beads. I'd be great at explaining these things to little old ladies that make puddles in their Depends.

I feel kind of awful how I cannot get back to people like Kristine, do my usual exploration entries on subjects, or just plain relax. I have not forgotten a thing but I feel so behind while I also want to do a big year end entry. Ugh. More promises that I seem to deny.

So, I've got work soon and need to put my contacts in after taking a 40 minute nap that has made me feel even more tired. Just hope I don't have to work tomorrow but knowing my luck...........I'll be counting the hours til I can come home. No matter how bad it gets, I still won't dis Christmas, my second favorite holiday behind Thanksgiving.

I miss you guys and always keep up with your entries but I'm just too dog tired to respond or even feel like I'm alive. I'm a man in the most dire need of a blowjob so somebody, please, lay me on the bed. Goodnight. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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