Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"Heaven isn't too far away.
We're getting closer to it, ev-uh-ry day."

-"Heaven" by Warrant

Well, as much as I'd love to spread Christmas cheer, I'm just too pucker'd out thanks to a majorly cool shocker on The OC. Yes, I am addicted to a TV show that includes a bunch of rich spoiled teenagers but guess what? I've no interest in them but the parents. I mean, what the hell do you say to your father after he reveals that the girl standing before you is your sister, all 16 years of her, whom he hid. It just keeps getting better and better to the point that I can forget my own personal hatred for where I work with wackos that have bad hygiene.

Speaking of work, we had a near break-in last night. All of us were standing there waiting for Doug, my boss, to turn off the alarms when some guy tried to force open the doors at 3:15am. One look at us, a group of misfits and a smelly bearded guy named "Jon," made him run away. Isn't life full of surprises?

Was I scared at the break-in? Hardly. Believe it or not, all tired 190 pounds of me was looking for some kind of action. If the guy pulled a weapon, sure, I'd go after him. If the guy had every intention of looting the place, I'd show him where the good stuff is and where he can possibly get something for his daughter for Christmas. Did I ever tell you that I hate the place I work at thanks to the way I've been treated?

As for tomorrow, that is my first day off since, oh...........2 Sundays ago. I have no clue as to the year's date and all that thanks to living in a weird time period where I am in a place of bricks and mortar that could possibly keep out zombies. It's a werewolf that I welcome but to become one, you must survive the bite/scratch. Unfortunately, I am lean and smell nice so tastiness is what makes Hedgehoggy great. See what happens when you stay in the back of the storeroom for too long with too much time to think?

Funny thing about my Friday off is that I have no clue as to what to do but sleep as much as possible. Yeah, I'm pretty wacked out and dying to find myself in bed watching The Bourne Supremacy. Nothing like seeing Matt Damon use a rolled up newspaper as a weapon. Maybe, I should take note if a burglar comes between me and a toystore ad.

Hedgehoggy: "A gun? That don't mean shit to me. Fuckin' hell I'm gonna unleash with this ad from my store! *Wack Wack* Oh, I see we have a sale on CandyLand!"

Well, I'm outta here to prepare for another onslaught of working with the world's worst people in a place I dread to remember. Last time, I cut myself with a box cutter so Jenna held my finger to clean it along with putting a bandaid on. The feminine touch really takes care of all ouchies. Goodnight.

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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