Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"Things aint been the same when the blues walked into town."

-The theme to HBO's The Sopranos

Actually, that whole quote can sum up a lot of things this week that at some time come to a clash. After 9 straight (or was it 10?) days of work, our store was totally trashed by moronic shoppers during a sale. Walking back into the place, you couldn't help but notice things were all over the place. CDs our of order. Toys in the wrong aisle. Opened boxes with things missing. Oh, I could go on but it just felt awful how people looking for bargains can be so heartless. Welcome to what it feels like when white trash look for bargains over the Holidays.

A friend and I had a misunderstanding on words that was cleared up late last night. It was my fault for not understanding what she meant and I took it to heart on my diary's entries. Sad, sad lil' me got a little too hurt. Don't you hate being caught at weak moments?

Ah, but work is work and so we went back to putting the store back together which meant a long night of skateboarding on a wooden cart by my co-worker, Jenna. Mark's dealing with 2 Cup O' Noodles that went wrong. Doug, my boss, dropped his microwave dinner all over himself while taking it out of the microwave. People continue to annoy me with witless banter or criticism (my boss is the leader of this) that should not be said during times of real stress. Life begins at 3am, no?

I'm a lil' bit cheery right now. Brianne and I had a bit of a goofy superficial talk on her new workout. Due to her thinking herself as fat (Brianne is NOT fat at all), she has started running on the treadmill for 30 minutes before going to her usual workout. High school is out for 2 weeks, so Brianne is going to make the most of wittling herself down into a complete ab flexing machine. Yes, it is strange for me to stand there and listen to her tell me where her fat areas are while she holds her yellow panties down pretty low. Brianne and I have a weird trusting friendship, as you can see in which we have seen each other's underwear.

Weather forecaster: "I say, "'s cold in here! I sense Hedgehoggy in the atmosphere!""

Man, it really has taken quite a tickin' in the weather area here. 3am drives home are freezing so I now resort back to my gloves protecting my cut filled hands. Tender skin is all around due to box cutters making their presences known, 3 large cuts alone on my left hand's middle finger.

I've found 1 Christmas gift so far and will be getting 2 more soon. My little brother's obsession with pool had me get a book on the history of when hustling was a major thing way back when. Know who "Minnsota Fats" is? I'm sure my brother would.

All I've got left is something for Mom and Dad but I've got a good idea for my dad. It's the other that is gonna be a little tougher so I've got to find something that has to do with cute dogs or puppies. How can a puppy not melt your heart?

Oh, my co-worker, Mark, told me that I have a major cool hairstyle. It's funny how people ask if I highlight it or do anything special but nothing really does. All I do is just spike it like Tyler Durdon of the movie Fight Club (only when it's long on top) but it pretty much does it on its own. My hair seemed to just cling to the spikiness thing for some reason after that pathetic military cut from long ago. I still cannot believe I had this leveler used to make sure every hair was the exact length.

My ex-roommate's dad: "From what my son tells me, you are Tyler Durdon."

I'll never forget sitting there in a chair while Big Jason's dad told me that. My viewpoints, controversial and all, can leave an impression. Ah, but I was a bit wild back then but have settled down quite a bit even if I'm up for a good argument on society. There's so much to go on about these days thanks to Rumsfeld and the Bush Administration. Shit is slowly starting to hit the fan, huh?

Well, I leave you be but I'd like to say thank you to all that made it known you'd like me to continue here on Diaryland. You'll see me eventually in pictures to go with words. Isn't that, like the coolest ever!?! It's times like these that I feel so sexy in black underwear right now while my hair is, oh, so fucking working for me as well. Buns O' steel are enhanced by hair of magnitude. Goodnight.

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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