Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
So, here I was just fiddling around with tonight's local newspaper when the headline of the entertainment section really caused a huge uproar within. The new Harry Potter book is due on July 16th. Well, it looks like some little kids are gonna get an ass whuppin' from yours truly if anyone makes fun of me standing in line with them to get it. No little 10 year old gets into my warped (but so sweet, sweetly nice) mind of fun.

Funny how I still remember getting the last Harry Potter book even if it was a while ago. Don't you love sales on expensive books? Shame on you for not joining in all the fun when the Harry Potter series is just so good to get into. I swear that my dorm was very much like this, at one time.

Books are back and in a big way with me. I haven't had time to read anything in a while due to my real need to crash close to 4am because, let's face it, I need to be up BEFORE 12pm or I feel like such a louse. Reading before bedtime is something I miss, though, it is best to have someone to read with.

While getting my mother her Christmas present last night (it's a book called "Silly Things Dogs Do"), I came upon Kate Beckinsale's lovely angry face. Underworld has a prequel out!!!! Finally, I can delve into Lucian's world while Sonja, his love but a vampire, tries to deal with her angry father, Viktor. Man, I'm still in cahoots after reading the movie's book version because there were a few things missing in the movie. Can't wait to read this Underworld prequel book because I like a taste of the occult with a mix of machine guns and Kate in tight black rubber.

Some observations this week:

-I just stood there to watch a Mexican pick his nose. He proceeded to admire his booger and then wiped it on the table. I avoided that side of the table.

-I shave my 'pits, just like a lot of weightlifters do. Unfortunately, I have nasty razor burn on my left one from using a brand new blade that was extra sharp. Now suffering with a major burn but so smooth.

-Something I learned from the gym is that I sweat more out of my left 'pit than my right one. Weird.

-At least I don't smell like my stinky co-worker, Jon. By 3am, I am so close to fainting thanks to that horrible smell of strong onions.

Picked up King Arthur, or as I love to see it as: Keira Knightley wearing some kind of leather strap to hold back her tiny boobs while she beats the shit out of some neanderthals and then yells the same way Oprah Winfrey takes a massive dump. There's something about this girl that just makes me faint, her smarts or her desire to distance herself from Hollywood. Whatever it is, I'd still like to be Keira's bicycle seat, farts and all.

Oh, King Arthur is quite good, in case you wanted to know. I get a little side tracked when I see Keira raise her bow because it blends her with archery. I love archery even if it's been some time since I last wielded my bow.

Why is it that girls when angry at something tend to take it out on me? Brianne was furious in the gym after she received a call on her cell. All late afternoon, she and I would not say a word to each other because of this something making her angry. I know I was not at fault but it stings because just yesterday we were being so goofy while laughing at stupid dance moves. Let me tell ya, Brianne can dance!

It was just so weird how Brianne growled at me to back-off for now. She told me it was not my fault or anything but also didn't want to get into what the problem was even if I do have an idea that it has to do with her 21 year old football playing boyfriend. Well, that's what having male friends is for so the good thing was Kevin was in the gym for me to huddle in fear with. Guys being with guys is our safe haven when it comes to periods and GYNO problems.

Editor: "GYNO problems? I can see you getting your neck strangled and then forced to lay there in stirrups while someone shoves a cold piece of metal in your ass to give you an idea if you say this."

I hate hormonal issues. I've got days where all I can think about is sex thanks to some kind of testosterone surge but then days where I want to go sit in a tree with squirrels and throw acorns at people that still love their mullets all while doing the squirrel chant: "Nuts! Nuts! Gots to gets them nuts!"

Well, I am outta here to watch Veronica Mars and then head on our to work. No cuts on my hands from last night but we've got some drama on its way in the store. Everyone loves to get into another person's business but it's hell when a group of people want to. Mark says we're all so close from working together til 3am that it's natural, like a little kid watching dog poop fall off a stick. Goodnight.

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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