Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in."

-The Godfather

It's funny how after all the bitching and ranting about issues at work that I am now going to be there a bit longer than thought. Doug, my boss, loves me and how I bring a certain vibe to the place with weird sentences and goofy discussions. I nearly had him laugh harder than usual when I told him Mark, my other co-worker, told me I had "sexy hair." There is something funny about having a guy say that to me but onward we go!

As if I didn't have enough planned for my days for playtime, my dad got ahold of Blade: Trinity. Damn, I am anticipating the time I get to seeing Jessica Biel kick some major ass, even if it is vampire ass. I'm kind of cool with those that bite at night but will always hold a special love of werewolves. Things that actually scare me get more props along with my dreams of being one to rid this world of murderers and rapists. I'm sure the cost of keeping my mane's special glow would be because of a fortune spent on Pantene. Either that or a good old 6-pack of Millwaukee's Best.

Speaking of movies, isn't this new Phantom Of the Opera hella cool looking? Gerard Butler looks alright as The Phantom but Emily Rossum is impressively gorgeous with those big eyes that seem to resemble dark sensuous caves. The girl is barely eighteen so I feel okay in paying such attention to her. Since this is Joel Schumacher film, I'm expecting weird things even I am not forgiving him for that Batman sequel that had nipples on the armor.

That brings me to wonder how our troops, the ones with actual armor, would feel about defending (or protecting American investments, your choice in words) our country while wearing armor that contains nipples or special cups that accentuate who's more hung. Weird thinkings are stirring within me.

That brings me to sadness in how we are enjoying our holidays while so many men and women are stuck in Iraq and the people that sent them to this fucked up excuse of a war are at their lavish homes enjoying huge meals. Who here thinks that all those in the Bush Administration should go visit these troops for a week?

I'm not sure if it's how close I have gotten with my co-workers or the late hours but some things get out of hand. Mark, my co-worker that thinks I have sexy hair, finds it amusing how I talk to another co-worker we shall call "R." She's a lot of fun to talk with due to her being a gamer and all around goofy person that makes the time go by faster so it's alway great to stop and talk.

Mark decides to ask R if she'd like to go out with me or whatever terms those crazy kids are using these days. Well, I was a little bit disturbed that he'd ask this girl behind my back while I also knew that R has a boyfriend. R and I are just friends that make work so much easier since the both of us hate it for the same reasons. People just love to stir things up and hope for a workplace romance, huh?

Oh, I'd like to add that I saw R's face after Mark asked. She was completely flattered that showed in how red it was. Let's just say that R smiles a lot more at me but it's just that, smiles.

We watch more Jerry Springer in our break time than I've ever watched in my life. Just how many ho's does this guy find that need to keep this show on the air? If Jerry has any problems, all he has to do is scout this store that I work at and he'll find some of the most interesting clientele with barely any teeth or potential spelling ability. I'd like to add that it is fuckin' hilarious to watch 2 really fat women fight over a clueless male all while some disgustingly skinny woman tries to expose herself to the audience.

Editor: "Isn't it funny how the guests dress? Things like boobies just seem to fall out at moments that cause you to stand up and cheer. Some women even forget to wear panties but it's always those types that you'd rather they keep their legs closed. Yucky. Bats tend to fly out."

Soon to be getting a digital camera! Doo-da! Doo-da! Doo-da-day!

Soon to be visiting Indiana! Doo-da! Doo-da! Doo-da-day!

So, only 1 more night of working and then 2 more days after Christmas that consist of mornings. We'll have to welcome back Crotch Rot into my life, someone that should be on Springer at a weekly rate. Goodnight. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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