Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"Can you kill your best friend?"

-Battle Royale

I'm not sure if it's the cold medicine I am forced to gulp down or the sight of what I've seen in the movie, Battle Royale, so far but I am feeling a bit odd. Ever felt like your body is lightly floating because you have no feeling? In Battle Royale, I have to view a group of Japanese school kids fight to the death all because of their rebellious nature towards adults. I'm thinking it's the medicine.

Meanwhile, while troops suffer through a wet Christmas in Iraq, Bush enjoys a nice family dinner at Camp David. Who else thinks he should be with the troops thanks to the mess we're in thanks to him? I'd like the troops to get the chance to ask Bush about the lack of armor and some really tough questions about, oh, say, his draft dodging. Doesn't it sound as if he has no feeling when he talks about the troops' sacrifices when Bush was too scared to put his own ass on the line?

So, my Christmas has been pretty shitty all due to my receiving a nasty cold that had me shivering throughout the night. I've slept little and eaten very small amounts of actual food. If you call 6 mozzarella sticks, a piece of pie, and 5 meatballs as food, we are on the right track!

Scale: "Hedgehoggy, you have lost 6 pounds and those abs are smooookin'!"

I'm normally a big eater due to a desire within for protein. Cheese is my main weakness, especially mozzarella. So, all of this non-eating feels weird when I know my body needs something to work with. It feels too weak and the cold makes me completely sore.

Of course, I was supposed to be at my aunt and uncle's but my aunt got called in to work. With my nasty cold, it was not a huge issue. Who wants to be in a large truck with me while I am shivering and singing about how I just might have found a peanut? Not me.

I'd like to add that I've just about had enough of those Old Navy commercials. Just how the hell do those fuckers find their way into an attic, bowling alley, and a food pantry? Scary. Maybe, there should be a horror movie based on these people in which these dipshits must fight to the death after being placed on an Island.

Yeah, Battle Royale is weird to many all while the rumor of it being banned from the U.S. is just that, a rumor. No distributor wants to touch it so we Americans are forced to download it or find it out there. Fascinating little flick.

You take a group of Japanese school kids and place them on an Island after their names have been drawn up. There was a new law that was formed to rid the unruly so why not start here!?! Each kid, all 42 of them, is given a bag of necessities and a weapon of some type. Girls are given tampons and make-up to help keep them freshfully clean. Funny thing is that this is used as an advantage in seducing the males so the girls can kill them. Gotta love the violent ones, huh?

Then, it's kill or be killed on this Island that each kid has no way off of. A collar around each kid's neck forces them to play because a time limit of 3 days is given in which only 1 is to survive. If more than one is alive, the collars explode.

I'm halfway through this odd flick, Battle Royale, but it's not too bad. I've read the book so I know the major characters and just like a John Hughes's flick, there are stereotypes. You've got the geeks, outcasts, jocks, badass killer, and what some people would call a slut. Funny how one of the girls realized that her friend was killed all thanks to a tampon floating in the toilet.

There is a light snow going on right now. I'm just glad I do not have to be anywhere at this time. My whole head is congested along with a soreness that seems to find its way all over me. Just how much snot do I hold?

So, my Christmas doesn't really begin til later on. I work tomorrow morning and sometime after, I will shop with the money I was given. Tuesday will find me with Resident Evil 2, Garden State, and possibly a digital camera to work with. Hell, I finally got my Xbox hooked up and emerssed myself into killing some ninjas with a possible weight problem. My little brother gave me a gift card.

Why do I feel a slight disappointment about gift cards? I mean, I try my damndest to find a gift for someone that they'd like but a gift card is the easy way out. I'm not un-grateful but I'd like to see some thought instead of just a card with a cool design saying I get $20 worth of merchandise. Who am I to complain? I get Resident Evil 2, practically for free.

So, I hope everyone out there had a better day than me. All I did was clean my room once I found some energy, ate very little, sneezed and coughed A LOT, slept some more, and fought with fat ninjas that somehow curse me in a language I don't understand. It's all in a day with me............Goodnight. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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