Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"You dream that if you discuss the revolution with a man before you go to bed with him, it'll be missionary work rather than sex."


Tis a pity all day that the little pit-pat of raindrops continuosly fall all day and all night. The thunder and lightning make their presences known as well. Meanwhile..........

4 little Yorkshire Terriers are shaking in fear as each thunderous clap makes a deafening sound. There is nothing quite like seeing dogs that think themselves as being the mightiest of animals are really the littlest chickenshits of Illinois.

Here's what happened. My parents and I were discussing something while it rained earlier tonight. At some point, 2 of the 4 little Yorkies burst in to curl up with my parents in bed. Jethro was shaking. Ellie was frantic and needing a place to feel safe. This is all coming from 2 of the 4 cowardly dogs we have that get freaked out over doorbells, fire trucks, police cars, and anything that moves outside. Our house is noisy.

What was cute is that we have a 5th Yorkshire Terrier, Buffy. This is my grandma's dog that has been living with us since late March due to my grandma's alzheimer's. Buffy is the tiniest of the 5 but she has more balls than any of 'em. Tonight, she went out and barked at the thunder instead of doing her "business" as she is supposed to.

Editor: "I think you need to explain "business" to non-dog owners."

The little shit didn't do her peeing or pooping but stood there to bark at the sky. Sounds kind of cool, though, almost like a Pink Floyd type of tune, "Bark At the Sky." Buffy's adorable and admirable to me so I allow her to accompany to my room. Usually, this ends up in a make-out fest and then some more barking out my window or she cleans her toes while I continue reading that Underworld book sequel.

Yeah, I know. My life is pretty plain but I'm sure that won't be the case much longer. I've got plans and things to do this summer to bring me out of this drought. Indiana and moments spent in Chicago to see my cousins and a possible comic book convention. Oh, we live large! Gawd, I just hope this weather clears up fast because there is only so much cabin fever I can take.

A great disturbance in The Force......

My old college roommates want a big get together on February 4th-6th. That would mean partying til 3am in various apartments and being in the bars til someone starts thinking that peeing on the floor is actually a faster way for relief. Who knows how many pitchers I will have to pitch in for while someone drinks 75% while I go off in pursuit of some actual conversation.

Well, as you can see, I am not exactly proud of my old college roommates. Remember last time, oh, back in early October? Gawd, I had that sad entry of being so unhappy about what I had to see while visiting my old college down south. These people have nothing to say but trivial issues all night.

Okay, maybe I sound snobbish but I expect a little culture with people I know. I just hate entering someone's place and not seeing 1 fucking book. How the fuck does this person even better him/herself!?! TV? Geez, I like television, too, but that is not my sole way of getting a learning groove on.

You go to my old college roommate, Corey's apartment, and there is nothing but a TV and DVDs. His porn is that flick, Poison Ivy 3 (we picked on him about that). All we did in the downtime between bars was watch football games in a bareass place that had so much Nascar memorabilia. The floor was nice since I slept on it due to allowing Berta to have the couch.

Editor: "You are a fine upstanding gentleman."

Amanda has a lot of DVDs and just about too many sorority momentos all over her place. Not one book but her school books. I've tried to talk to her in a civilized manner since all she wants to discuss is superficial crap but nothing. No one knows what is going on in the world these days. The DVDs are nice to see but it's so typical in that all of these fuckers are Disney! Fucking Disney is nice but all of 'em practically!?!

I don't know how to explain what I am trying to say but I feel as if I grew up and have many worldly interests while my old college roommates are as narrow minded as I left them. It's sad that hardly anyone I know reads a fucking book. Seriously. No one has any real imagination or a side that shows a desire to learn.

Hell, there is no porn! This is funny to me more but I'd love to slip a DVD in Amanda's collection of some kind of porn to see how razzled she'd get. Oh, she's not a goody-goody girl but fun to watch how she'll kind of hide her sexual side. Edward Penishands, meet Amanda.

I'm highly doubting that I will attend this get together that was sent out in mass email form. Oh, how I feel like I get dumbed down while I get asked the same fucking questions/statements:

-"Mike, how big are your arms?"

-"Mike, let's arm wrestle, you bastard!"

-"Mike, remember the time you (insert drunken moment here) and then (enter embarassing moment here)."

Yeah, it feels like I'm mean but I'm just stating the truth and that is that I wish I knew more open minded people. Trust me. No one in this group is nice to homosexuals and some are even a tad bit racist. All I can do is hope that someone takes a good hard look at him/herself.

For me today? Oh, I had a great early evening due to seeing Brianne's little drama in my gym. Her boyfriend has now become an ex-boyfriend so he just happened to show up. I'll just sit right back and enjoy the show since I know from all Brianne has told me that an asshole is on my premesis. Oh, I watched in case anything was started since I will not allow any guy to hurt Brianne or any of my good friends.

I forgot to add that I, occasionally, work out with Illinois's top benchpresser, Doug. Yessirree, he is the proud owner of the biggest benchpress all thanks to lifting up extreme amounts of weight that he just shrugs off. 400 pounds? Easy. 500 pounds? No sweat! 600? Now, this is where it gets a bit harder but I witnessed a 675 press today that had 3 guys to "spot" (1 to lift off, and 2 on the sides to help bring the weight up in case it was too much).

If you really think about it, benchpressing is kind of dangerous at such a high amount of weight. The kind Doug was doing was "7 Plates" (7 plates of 45 pounds on each side). Add all that up with the weight of the bar and you've got yourself a potential beheading. I've seen guys drop 125 pounds on their foot only to crack it open. Hell, I dropped a 45 pound one on my toe early last year. Hurts, yo.

So, other than all that to say, I am heading on up to bed by slipping into my red long basketball shorts and a sweatshirt. My mind is a bit on the Underwold sequel book I've been reading because I was so fucking into Lucian, the head werewolf. Now, we find why and how he fell in love with Sonja, Viktor's daughter who just happens to be a vampire. In case you don't know, it is forbidden for a werewolf to have sexual relations with a vampire. Don't you just love saying "relations" instead of "fucking?" It just cracks me up to sound like a middle school sex teacher. This geeky jock needs to say goodnight.

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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