Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
I, sometimes, look up interesting website domain names or slogans that make me laugh. Well, there is a porn site that has the label "Tuna Party" that caught my eye so I decided to do a bit of peepin'. Let's just say that from now on, I will call a bunch of girls walking together as a "tuna party." Bald-O will get a kick out of that one but due to late night drinking, I'll have to slowly explain that one. Southern guys need slow after 18 Natty Lights.

What have I done today? Well, besides sit in the doctor's office being prescribed a pill to get all the gunk out of me, I liked his question:

-"What color is your phlegm?"

Oh, what I could do with that! Unfortunately, I was not in the mood because I think they make you wait for such a long period of time is to tire you out so they no longer have to be asked for lollipops or unnecessary prescriptions like oxcytocin or psssst....Viagra!

Ever see those Levitra ads on TV? Ya know, the ones where the woman is talking about her husband's penis being a wet noodle but now it's like a monsterous jackhammer? Well, maybe they don't use those exact words but it's cute how they try to scoot around the issue that what they are discussing is the dude can't get the fucker up. What makes it funny as well is that it's a woman doing all the discussion but no guy in their right mind gets up and talks about such a thing.

So, the only major announcement is that I bought myself a 46 inch high definition TV for a very nice price of $1,199 (I sold my car last year) and tax. How did I get it down this low? Well, it is near Super Bowl time and Open Box items are plentiful so stores wish to make more space for the newer models.

Men: "You're so smart, Hedgehoggy! Why didn't we think of this!?! Party's at your place!"

It feels weird to do this because I see this buying a giant TV as a call to my OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) that I *think* I have. What this issue is based on is that I must have things all in order to feel like I have control while everything else depresses me. Get it?

Okay, say you go to work and get chewed out by the boss. What do you do to make yourself feel better? Most people buy themselves something nice and a fair amount of people treat themselves to a fat filled meal. I'm a bit of a shopper in which no matter how bad things are or how bored I am, I will be in a bookstore looking for a book, any book, to make me feel like I accomplished something to forget about what I cannot control.

Gawd, I feel like a jackass but it's true. People all around me are so depressed that when they normally wouldn't buy things, they do just to feel a small amount of pleasure. Me? I'm probably going to cry myself to sleep at night while a 46 inch TV watches over me.

TV: "Awwww, Hedgie, honey, we just watched Veronica Mars together. Why ya gotta feel so bad? Is it because life feels like a routine and nothing special? Did you suddenly forget how to do naked cartwheels so now you can't impress anyone?"

Either that or you could just look at money as something to get rid of. I mean, it's not doing any good if you can't have fun with it. The DVD adicts, bookworms, home theater enthusiasts, travellers, and sports enthusiasts would agree.

Men: "46 inch screen to view porn! Be proud and get On Golden Blonde to celebrate the moment!"

It could also be how bad the situation in Iraq is or the tsunami victims. You feel bad spending even small amounts of money after seeing how the people in ravaged areas flock to helicopters begging for any kind of food. Now, do you see why I'm pissed off over Bush's inauguration in which there will be 9 parties and much more that will cost corporation donations (gee, I wonder why they donated so much) along with more money needed for policing the area. This is not a year to celebrate stupidity but, hey, Jessica Simpson's sister has a new season on MTV.

Other than all that, nothing much in life is going for an old this and that. No, I haven't seen Brianne in the gym but I've run into so many people from the local college that I haven't seen for a month. "Mike!" "Mike!" Oh, I get hugs full of sweat but how do you turn down a girl with such a huge smile?

If you're wondering, guys tend to shake hands a lot but I'm not big on this thanks to having been sick. This action spreads germs so easily thanks to the fact that I have contacts. Any touching of the eye is an easy way to spread the germ. I try to do the ol' punch in the shoulder thing but no one is willing to take one from me.

So, I'd just like anyone that is bored out of their skull or moping around the house that I, too, am at a weird little funk thing that has me a wittle sad and a wittle weird. One of my dogs, Bonnie, is at the vet's to get spade and that bump looked at. The house may be eerily quiet without her but I still miss that little Yorkshire Terrier on steroids. Out of 5 Yorkies, we have 3 girls. It's a fuckin' tuna party in here.

I'm outta here to get some kind of sleep. Tomorrow, I have to put together the TV's stand that will contain my game systems, Xbox, PS2, etc. Thursday morning will be the big arrival and my tears of feeling too spoiled will present themselves. Shouldn't I feel better than this? Goodnight.

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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