Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind,
each prayer accepted
and each wish resigned."

-Eternal Sunshine Of the Spotless Mind

Yeah, I just got finished from watching the flick, Eternal Sunshine Of the Spotless Mind, and found it oddly fascinating. The whole movie was not exactly as I expected, a hell of a lot more original than I thought it would be because let's face it. There are a lot of movies based on wanting to erase certain memories.

I love Jim Carrey's interpretation of the character along with me loving Kate Winslet's as well. The whole movie started at a loop for me but I got the hang of where it was and possibly going soon enough. If you find yourself confused, stick with it because all will be explained but pay attention to all the talking characters. Never found myself hating Patrick but you'll see.

Nope, Eternal....was not as good as Garden State, my personal love of all that is so fucking out there that I found myself completely in love with Sam. That girl just spoke to me in how Sara (Yes, that one) is with me. If you have not seen Garden State, go! Go, rent it! Buy it! The whole movie is sooooooooo good and heartwarming and oh, words cannot express how I have a hard time in placing a very new movie in my Top 20.

So, it's a night of not talking about me since I'm zippin' throughout my mind with a weird grin on my face. Man, I sure as hell wouldn't erase memories no matter how bad they are. It's just not meant to be with me since I take the bad and learn from them.

So, on with the news........

-A couple are selling locks of their pubic hair on Ebay. The reason? They made a bet with each other as to who could sell more pubes. It comes as no surprise that the woman is winning. Just what do guys want to do with this woman's pubic hair anyway?

-Saw a picture on the Net of Jessica Simpson on a visit somewhere that found her on stage. No big deal? Well, it just so happens that her white dress was extremely transparent and Jessica revealed quite a bit of camel toe. Obviously, she shaves it all off. Can't stand Jessica Simpson and her toe.

-Why is Fiona Apple's latest CD being held back all because Sony is afraid of it not selling? We've had to listen to a woman named "Ashley Simpson" wail/lie her way in singing along with extremely lightweight lyrics that she labels as songs. Why is it that people that actually think and put out music with actual thinking are pushed away while pieces of shit like Ashley continue to annoy? There is an online petition asking for you to sign in which you are saying you wish for Ashley Simpson to go away. That means no acting and no singing. Sign it.

-Johnny Carson died and like I said before, all our legends are leaving us at a rapid pace. He was a good guy, to those of us that got to watch him perform on The Tonight Show. Being a tiny little kid, I only saw him when I was at my grandparents since my mom would watch his monologue on those Friday nights. Johnny was something Jay Leno is not, funny and really funny with a devilish sense.

-Donald Trump got married. Big deal. I just don't understand the point of his being in the spotlight so much. If I inherited the kind of money he did and invested it wisely, I'd be as rich as him. Donald didn't work his ass off to achieve what he is making his apprentices do so what is the point? Hell, the people he does finally allow to get further up in his show are not even worthy. The first season was good but after? Nope. Dull. Purely for ratings.

Anything with me? Well, it is the dullest time of year, ya know? It's only slightly cold so I can walk around with little shivering or bundling up. Most of the snow has melted but I feel so bored out of my skull that I need to get out of this routine. I want more so I keep dreaming of the days I will spend in the south with the boys, bullshitting and goofin' off on a vast area of land.

Of course, I think of Sara and how we'll be wrapped up underneath the layers of blankets watching Garden State or some movie that we can find ourselves debating about. I'm fiery when it comes to things that touch an emotion in me. It felt so good that Sara enjoyed Garden State and told me so. I don't think I am ever going to leave her bed.

Alas, this time of year isn't just about breaking out of routines but also the sadness. One of my friends, Chris, is getting a divorce and, boy, I have never seen someone go from happiness to misery so fast. One of the signs was seeing him in jeans. Chris never wears jeans but they were on him today before he changed into his gym attire. I dread break-ups and don't know how well I can handle each one.

I've learned that when you completely break-up from someone, it gets easier over time. The first is the worst. Nothing can compare to that first love that soon dismantles itself to the point that you can barely walk down the hall to class. Kristan was gone and all I could do is force myself into a class I had no interest in being in.

"The trick is to keep breathing."

Well, I'll get into what males with too much time on their hands want, a discussion on women peeing. I've got a few silly stories on my ex-girlfriends when it comes to this so I'll try to pick my brain on what to tell. Girls can be just as weird as guys and, yes, I have have figured out the types of positions girls take when peeing. It's funny to me since it reminds me of how out of place I felt when I walked into a restroom to see a guys standing there with his palm on the wall. I wondered if I was supposed to do that as well when I took a piss.

I think I should leave you be but if you'd like a good movie, I'd suggest Eternal Sunshine Of the Spotless Mind because I kept feeling for the characters, always a good sign to know you enjoyed it. Jim Carrey deserves an Oscar sooooooooooo bad. Oh, I think they are going to announce them tomorrow morning! Goodnight.

0 Got Balls?

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