Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
You ever have those days that you just find yourself wandering but then it just gets more depressing?

-Why is looking at job ads the worst? Years ago, it was fun to see what was out there as you were in school so that one day you, too, could find yourself being a working stiff, make your own money, and be independant. Now, it's like you just want to cry what with crap jobs that offer nothing but the potential to be yelled at. Trust me. There are certain things in a job ad that just hint at how bad it will be.

-Why can't my grandparents live here? They sit in a nursing home doing nothing. Not a fucking thing is taking place because they don't want to leave the room. They don't want to visit with other people but expect my mother to come by. That is fine but you have to remember that she drives almost 4 hours. We've been trying to get my grandparents to come here so that we can see them each weekend or whatever days they choose all without those fucking thieving cousins that try to steal money. I'm not sure who to be mad at, my grandparents' selfishness or the evil cousins.

-I want Sara here so bad. There are days, particularly today, that I find myself wanting her to curl up in bed with. I'm sure people will roll their eyes and all but I just feel so strongly about her. It was right during Spiderman 2 (I'm only through 10 Chapters so far) that I wish she was there in bed watching it with me. My room is a fucking movie theater, baby, and Sara should be here!

-I read about the Draft and how it is so possible while Bush denies it. We have a very thin military thanks to this Iraq bullshit and he's possibly going to deal with Iran or North Korea. Army recruiting is going to the poor or high unemployment areas to practically trick 18 to 20something year olds to join by holding basketball games. Sounds fishy? Oh, yeah.

Man, I feel kind of bad about how my entries are kinda stinky right now. Nothing really interesting is going on but I sure as hell look forward to this coming weekend since I'll be south with my boys. Super Bowl Sunday is a start of a tradition (or excuse) to get all drunk and merry while eating small weiners on a stick. Pictures will be taken but drunkenly.

*Mike realizes that his socks smell right now*

Well, I must scamper off to sleep in a bit. How can a girl 2 hours away be so embedded in my head? Bald-O is not going to like how I've gotten since he expects the quietly disobedient bastard in me. Now that I think of Sara so much, I have to figure out a way to keep this diary a secret from him all while possibly telling about her. Sneakiness is not always easy, I tell ya. Goodnight. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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