Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"Honey, listen to me.....your love is all I need."

-"Forever Your Girl" by Paula Abdul

I know I am THE definite in a minority of people that would like to get my hands on a Paula Abdul DVD containing all her music videos or even Debbie Gibson's. Once all the shades in the windows are down and my neigborhood's stuffy neighbors are away, I'll crank up some Paula at 5.1 Dolby Digital and dance, DANCE my cares away! If that doesn't excite you to know about a moronic muscular white boy, I don't know what will.

Editor: "Pssst! Hedgehoggy would also like to play Naked Twister! Really! Watch his eyes light up when the question comes up."

What has brought about this 80's music love that should have been kept in the dark? C'mon, hardly anyone would be willing to admit to liking that "Straight up and tell me.......", ya know?

Debbie Gibson posed for Playboy! Holy shit! I never thought I'd see Miss "Shake Your Love" without her clothes but I'm not complaining at all. Debbie was so cute back then and could even sing while writing her own music, something a lot of pop gone berserk girls don't even know how to do.

I haven't seen Debbie Gibson's pictures in Playboy just yet since the issue will most likely come tomorrow. Please show bush. Please show bush! Please, please, please, PLEASE! I'm so curious how Debbie shaves or waxes down there that I'm betting that she has given in to that dreaded all bare look. Yucky!

If you must know, I love Paula Abdul's "Forever Your Girl" song as well as "Knocked Out." They're corny but fun to dance like a complete retard to after eating a massive amount of corn. Yeah, this family loves corn since it is the midwest, y'all.

As for dear ol' Debbie Gibson, I'll go for a good dose of "Out Of the Blue" or "Lost In Your Eyes." Oh, that last song was mighty, mighty impressive with a great sax in the middle. This woman could teach the TRL folks what music is really about. I'd love to see Fiona Apple and Debbie Gibson team up to destroy the evil of all that is Jessica Simpson, Ashlee Simpson, Britney, and so many that I've lost touch with what kids like these days.

Men: "Chick fight!"

Well, the idiot in me needs the sappy girl in you. I dropped a 30 pound weight on my left hand's middle finger. Hurt pretty damn bad but I still finished my workout and attended my meeting. The portion near the fingernail is a little bit puffy. By tomorrow, I should heal just like........Wolverine! C'mon, you watched X-Men, didn't you? Man, I am a comic geek in some ways to the point that you, my dear reader, would not understand me.

It is kind of fun telling people that my finger hurts. When they ask me which one I just show 'em my middle finger of my left hand. Just show them how ya feel so, baby, I express myself. Oh, can we add the old Madonna to the list of greatest of the 80's girls? Debbie, Madonna, Paula, Martika, and Tiffany all in one.

Not much else to report since my mind is kind of elsewhere what with me wanting to start on "Smashed," that biography of a 14 year old alcoholic, yo. The author's name is kind of hard to remember so I'll give a shout out to her when it comes to me. Let's just say that I am never going to get involved with alcoholics ever again. Word.

Our second Yorkshire Terrier went in for surgery on Tuesday night and is now back. Buffy was fixed so there will be no more of her being in heat. Our lone male dog, Clyde, was always nuts when the girls were in heat. Tongue and dick were all over the place while he whooped and hollered. Buffy is now slowly recupperating in her playpen ever since she came home this morning. Her scar is ugly.

Well, I am now going to skedaddle out of here. Still less than 2 weeks til I take off to see Sara and I've got to say that it's gonna be quite a trip to visit that sweetheart of a girl. For once, a girl that I feel completely comfortable with to share myself with. *soft growl* Goodnight.

P.S. I think I am sounding sappy. Am I just thinking too much and need to be "ghetto-tized?" 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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