Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Why were Tigger's hands so dark?

*Answer at bottom*

Paris Hilton being on David Letterman reminds me of why I hate awards shows. It's not about the actual music but more on what you look like or who you know. What I mean is that so many of the artists don't even know how to write actual music but rely on others for all this all while taking credit. Time's have changed since ugly people that just happen to know the beauty of lyrics are constantly shut out.

Paris Hilton has not talent or even anything that could be considered a gift. Her show, A Simple Life, is more on making fun of people that actually work for a living. The people she and Nicole Richie stay with are never regarded as much other than a temporary use. Paris said in an interview that she changed her number so she no longer has to talk to them. Geez.

What is funny is my mother's gagging at the sight of Paris Hilton's interview with David Letterman. She'll make all sorts of sounds that kind of sound like a pig stuck in barb-wire.

There really isn't much to say. One of my friends in the gym has lost about 20 pounds and looks great. His workout is tempting since I want to get rid of some of this excess muscle so I can actually fit t-shirts in the X-Large range rather than XX-Large. My arms tend to fill the damn things and I do not want attention all the time. Talk amongst yourselves but I will not arm wrestle just because you want to show off to all your friends.

So, on Sunday, I am going to try a new workout of 30 minutes on a new cardio machine. It'll be easier on my knees since the previous usage of the treadmills had me in a small amount of pain. Join me, Hedgehoggy, as I attempt to do battle with a machine that will drain me of water and my sanity. It'll be the longest 30 minutes of the day.

Editor: "Maybe you oughta bring some tapes of Debbie Gibson to listen to. Or how about Paula Abdul? C'mon, let's get "knocked out!"

Well, I know this is a dull entry but I'm planning on bringing back the kink as soon as I get my ass back in gear. The dreary weather just hasn't made me feel all full of life, ya know? I'm so looking forward to cargo shorts wearin' days. Goodnight.

*He was playing with Pooh.* 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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