Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Twas a dark and stormy night.......

Well, I finally get through in order to write an entry here on Diaryland. I swear that I was on here for around 30 minutes last night but not once could I get through. Then again, nobody else seems to be updating much so it almost makes me wonder why I even bother.

Last night was just plain nasty! Rain was falling all day and it was cold all around me as I trekked through the house or out to run errands. I just hate the feeling of cold wet water on my clothes during cold days.

Normally, I couldn't care less what happens in celebrities' lives but I could help but love the fact that Christina Aguilera got engaged. She's just this girl that has me in awe due to how professional she appears all while still remaining true to herself. Of course, I respect Christina's views on sexuality since all women should be able to assert what they enjoy or hate.

Am I the only one that feels like Christina appears so laid back and actually happy, a major change from years ago when she was all over the place pleasing her record company's need for exposure? Unlike Britney or Jessica's needs to show the world that they are married all while not being happy, she just keeps her life to herself. Those with actual talent need not flaunt themselves to the media to remind people that they are still alive. I'm sure Christina is great in bed but has no desire to flaunt it.

Reminds me that I would love to see a Pussycat Doll's performance, that burleque review that Christina and many celebrities performed in for fun.

Grammy schmammies! Why is it that it takes a death for an actual amazing singer to get noticed? First, it was Johnny Cash and now Ray Charles. Makes you wonder why we have to invite the sights of Jello with her extremely ugly husband and Usher into our lives. Usher's songs are all so much the same that you might as well get a single and put it on repeat while Jello's attempts at actual singing feel so forced.

We need the people back that matter. Garbage is as heaven is wide. Fiona Apple would be fun to get up there and denounce or discuss Paris Hilton in which the media seems to make her famous for absolutely nothing. Hell, I'll take Meat Loaf over Lil Jon and his fat ass East Side Boys saying, "Yeah!" over and over. Just who puts a drink in a gasoline container anyway?

Oh, the humility of that being mortal! My try at cardio was awful since I lasted all of 5 minutes. In only the first minute, my legs felt so tired and was barely able to make it to those exact 5 minutes. Sad and this sounds like a challenge I want in getting better and better. 5 minutes now but someday I will be up to 10 and then 15! I'll just bring out my inner He-Man and proclaim that "I have the power!"

Editor: "Hedgehoggy is a positive role model."

In no way am I a fatty. It's just that my muscularity is not used to having its heart work its ass off like that. Lifting weights is easy. Being on an ellicopter is fucking tough. My legs were hard to walk with due to the tiredness accumulated.

I'm not sure what my friend, Tamalah was seeing but I got major props in how muscular I've gotten since the last time she saw me. Here I was talking to a friend that was just finished with teaching her Spin class and listening to all these words:

"Mike, you so big!"

"Look at you! Look at those muscles!"

"You really need to see Gold Tooth (her bodybuilding boyfriend) to show him what you got."

Do you think Tamalah would have said the same things to me if she was to view me on my failed attempt of cardio? I'm embarassed but a challenge is a challenge.

The "Smashed" book by Koren Zailckas has been pretty good. 3 chapters are done and it's not difficult to relate to this girl. I'm not talking about her alcoholic descent but more along the lines of how she felt through high school, being confused while lost. I'll write more on this when I finish the book but the first 3 chapters are quite good. I'm sure I'll have a problem with the rape later on that was discussed in magazines reveiwing the "Smashed."

Now, I thought I'd see it all on the Net but there is a website now that devotes pictures to guys abusing photocopying machines. Ever wondered what a smashed penis with balls mushed against a glass look like? Man, I have so got to try this!

Well, Valentines Day has made its ugly appearance, once again. You don't need to remind me how much I hate this day due to my own nasty history that keeps rearing its ugly head. J, Kristan, and so on all had effects even though I did fall in love with Kristan. Sara and I are pretty much avoiding this day but will make up for it in exactly 1 week. Yup, I'm off to see my sweetheart and everyone (loyal readers and friends) will be allowed to see lil' ol me. It'll take a little time but I'm sure Sara will allow it if you ask nicely to see pictures of us.

Exactly why there is one day to speak of your love for someone or to passionately fuck them against the wall is beyond me. You should be doing these things everyday so people walking around can show off the nails run down their backs or how that last night's anal sex spree makes it hard to sit down. Kinky. Be all you can be!

Well, I am outta here as I just wanted it known that I am still alive after not posting for 2 days. One week and I get to go on an adventure! I will find a photocopying machine so I can smush my balls and send everyone a copy.

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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