Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
My apologies to Charles Dickins when I tell you that my trip to Indiana will consist of..............a tale of two hickeys.

Yes, I am back and entirely much too tired to even throw out a good entry to tell all. Too much was said and done in my trip to Indiana to type half-assed or as in my tired state, weird-assed.

What I do wish to say is that I am in a very positive mood or as I like to say "happy-go-fuck." The little trip to Indiana had a feel of a must do not only for adventure but to meet one of the most amazing girls around that you've just gotta trust me on saying how happy I am. Hedgehoggy looks to be a taken man, folks.

What was highly amusing was walking in the door after an hour and 52 minute return trip home to find how much my dogs missed me. The amount of tail wagging and butty shaking was quite excessive and hear warming. Of course, tongues flew out and I got a lot of doggy kisses from all 5 Yorkies that missed the times I like to get on the carpet to roll around with them. Ellie-Mae, Jethro, Bonnie, Clyde, and little Buffy shook so much ass that it was like Mystikal's latest video was filming here.

Editor: "Oh, we'd like to add that Mystikal is in prison for being a very bad rapper."

I miss Sara already. Only 10 hours have passed since I kissed her outside her apartment before we both left, her to work and me to go home. Yeah, I've got quite a tale to tell that should pop out of my head tomorrow or soon after. I'm just a bit tired right now since I tend to get this way in feeling like I have a lot to catch up on once I get home from a trip.

That was nice of you to tell me I am missed, Dorian. It's nice to get notes that tell how much people enjoy reading my diary. I do try to paint a picture of how I see things as well as something that gives an idea as to how I think. I'm a hell of a lot nicer than you think I am because I tend to feel I sound like a grouch in here.

So, I'll end this entry by saying that my trip to Indiana to meet a fellow Diarylander ended up being quite an experience. Hickeys, long passionate sex, chess games, movies, and a new way of looking at Star Trekkies. Yeah, I likes a bit of life on the weird-o geeky side. How 'bout you? Of course, it'll be fun hearing Sara's side on everything since that girl still has my pillow thanks to the fact that I left it there for a reason. I promise to tell all soon. Goodnight.

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

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