Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log

-Return Of the King (part of the war chant during the major battle)

Funny, Sara and I have this little inside joke on my quote. You see, here we were watching Return Of the King thanks to the fact that her roommate, Becky, puts it in to watch. The movie has this major battle portion where everyone chants "Death!" to pump themselves up in facing Sauren's forces. To copy Sara and I, just do your best to shout out the word and throw your fist in the air all while imagining yourself as a Hobbit possibly run over in battle thanks to giant elephants and the possible Orc.

Yessirree, I am officially back and feeling a bit rested from the total of 4 hours of driving. That's 2 hours to and 2 hours back in case you didn't pass high school math. Gawd, I feel like my body needed some major catching up to do in sleep because I slept like a log last night.

You see, I have this huge fear of driving to destinations unknown unless with a friend to help navigate. What I followed was directions printed out for me in the most descriptive manner that lead me directly to the lovely Sara's apartment home, complete with a mat and a little bell. How nice since I didn't find a number but a description of what to expect.

During the whole drive, I kept telling myself that I will not get lost. I will not get lost. I will..........arrgh! Stop talking to yourself in the car, dammit! Oh, is that my exit? That means I am only 42 miles from my destination. Let the heartrate get a wee bit faster.

Meeting people from Diaryland is nothing new to me. I went all the way to Montreal, Canada so I am obviously crazy. That was so fucking scary but it all felt okay. Weird, I know to fly 5 hours all the way to a gigantic city of people that mainly speak French. A great time was had but PenDragon will not speak to me due to her freakishly weird need to get nasty with me over the smallest things thanks to her job's stress. I miss her but life rolls on and I'm not interested in talking to someone that is confrontational like that. However, Montreal, Canada is still an amazing place in my mind.

Sara? Well, I've got this really freakish feeling that I have met my match. You see, she's cute, has great taste in clothes, and has many, many opinions to share. Plus, Sara knows who Bill Maher is and sees why this man should be our actual president rather than the one that had his daddy buy it for him.

So, what do you say to someone you've never met but talked to over the Net for some time? "Sara?" was exactly what I said and soon a hug that threw her off balance. Oh, man, how could I not? My spidey-sense never went off so this girl has got to be okey-dokey.

Of course, Sara and I went out to eat but first a dorkstore visit was in order, namely a comic store. No dice. It was closed so off we went to Sara's favorite restaurant where we ate upstairs right near the window (isn't it funny to read something you went through and see the other's viewpoint, Sara?).

I'm not sure how long we were in this restaurant but I do know it was over an 1.5 hours. Geez, I was having a great time looking at Sara and devouring a giant special cheeseburger.

So, how long til you know you want to sleep with someone? For me, it's a certain clicking because I wanted Sara right then and there. My mind was all over the place since we have talked over the Net for quite some time. Sara knows me and I know her so all of our inner dorkiness was in order, accepted and adored.

Dorks: "All hail dorks!"

Yeah, it is kind of funny how I look nothing like a dork, geek, or whatever the fuck you want to call me. Neither does Sara but we feel that inner nerdiness inside that calls to us, makes us shelve books on our bookcases, haunt comic shops, and debate the world's politics. It took a while to imbrace it but I love it and how Sara does, too.

Me with the ball-player or jockish look, muscles and all. Sara, with a dark know it all look, and I just get each other for whatever it is we exhibit. We talk nerdy to each other and it suits us just fine.

Sex? Oh, geez was there a massive load of sex and even something I never thought of that Sara's filthy (her words, not mine) mind came up with. Just how many orgasms did you have, Sara? Wow! I haven't had an explosion of sexual activity like that since...........oh, Kristan.

Sara and I just couldn't keep our hands off each other during her selection of X-Men's sequel, X2, that found us on the couch together. Of course, there was a little wooing prior to all this since we men must woo our ladies the right way. Gawd, if guys would just understand this, things would be a whole lot simpler. Flowers or candy? Fuck that! Get to know your girl and let her know how special she is without materialstic shit by slow talking that finds you closer and closer to touching.

Back to the sex, you say? Well, it started on the couch while X2 played and has caused me to be blank while Wolverine was getting the other X-Men out of the mansion. A fuckin' load of moaning was going on and (this one will make Sara laugh) had us losing our balance on the couch. It was seriously funny how our bodies were on the floor and having to be pulled back onto the couch while stacks of books fell. Did I ever tell you that I love a girl that reads? Books can also help in cushioning the fall.

Call me crazy but does anyone not have a problem with having sex in front of roommates? Even when Sara's came home, we didn't stop in the living room. Nosirree, we were still going at it (although a slight pause) while my throbbing cock was getting some attention underneath the blanket. Good times and good cheer!

Hobbit: "Death!"

Well, at some point you sober up and realize that other people do not need to hear you moan or see various ugly parts being flashed so an actual bedroom is needed. Plus, Sara doesn't have to fall onto the floor to the point that I have to pick her up..........again. Hands were all over the place.

Isn't it nice to sleep with someone? Oh, how I miss having Sara resting her head on my chest while resting. Yes, she found my heartbeat among other things underneath blankets and bed covers. Other times, I lay on top of Sara to show how great it is to feel her warm skin's embrace.

Now, you may wonder how 2 people that just physically met can suddenly end up having sex but Sara and I have talked for some time. We both gave each other a good idea as to who we are, imperfections and good things. From there, it was just this huge primal urge to make love and fuck for hours. Yes, you read that right. Sara and I were in bed til 6pm of the next day. We only saw dinner.

Hobbit: "Beat that Ron Jeremy! Oh,....... yeah, DEATH!"

For Sara, I left my Donald Duck old school pillow. The scent of my hair should be on it as she curls up with it to remember me. I didn't forget it but to give her the definite feeling that I will be back to curl up completely naked right next to her.

For me, I've got dirty laundry to deal with tomorrow but I noticed the smell of Sara as well as the massage oil she used on the clothes I wore in Indiana. Yeah, I paused to remember since I love scents. They carry memories.

This whole meeting between Sara and I has me completely confused in some ways. It's so odd to find someone so alike but so different. Sara and I hardly agree on movies but understand their art with a twist of escapism. We don't dress similar, me in jeans or cargoes with sneakers while she wears these really cool knee high boots with some majorly sexy socks and a dress. Yes, a dress! I love to see women in short dresses since it feels so new to my eyes.

As much as I'd love to go into this whole trip to Indiana, I've got a morning errand to run tomorrow. My stomach has been giving me weird gurgling noises all day while my upper neck is suddenly going through sharp pains so I'll try to sum up the events later on.

However, I cannot leave without saying this. I miss Sara and hope to get my ass to the East soon again. There's something about this girl that has me in a deep fascination of her, folks. Diaryland has been very, very good to me in allowing me to meet a girl that just might be my match, mentally and sexually. Then again, it was nice to be told that I snore.......loud. Goodnight. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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