Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"Hey, kid, rock n roll. Rock on!"

-Michael Damien

Well, try as I might to keep my head focused, I cannot. I'll pitter patter here and there throughout this house to do things I normally do. A visit to the local indie bookstore (impressive and you should be jealous) had no effect as well. I'm still thinking of Sara.

Yeah, I'll sit there and wonder how someone like this got to me so fast. J didn't have me wondering about her much at all due to the fact that that girl had nothing to say. Jen was just a wild time back in college that had us both distracted with the fact that she slept with me all while she had a boyfriend that resembled an A & F model.

So, what is Sara wondering? What is she doing? How does she feel? Many question float around but as many are answered, more are brought up.

I've got to say that the biography on Koren's alcohol addiction is absolutely so good for a classic labeling. The book is called "Smashed" and is so hard to put down once you really feel for this girl's major descent into alcoholism. It's also here that this book takes my mind off of Sara for just that short while in chapter reading mode. Yeah, I'm trying to slow down in my book reading by doing it in chapters rather than 100 page assortments.

There is still much to say but to many romance isn't a trip to a downtown coffee shop for a game of chess. Well, to Sara and I, it is. Since I don't drink coffee or anything related to caffeine (just how did I survive college?), water was my poison of choice while she had her steaming hot one to nurse as each chess piece was moved.

By the way, I won our chess game that took place upstairs in this little coffee place. It's one of the rare times I've ever been to one due to my caffeine avoidance. The dark look only punctured by little study lights made it quite amusingly sexy while peering over a chessboard. I'm still in shock that I won by tricking Sara into looking one way as I took her queen.

Gollum: "Sneaky bastard! Yes, yes, we are sneaky, my precious."

Since I left my pillow with Sara, I do wonder just how she is sleeping with it. That cute little image of Donald Duck is not something you find nowadays as Disney has now become a money grubbing sloth. Only the old school is something I would allow Sara to lay her head upon in these turbulent times led by the evil Republicans.

I've got one small hobby to keep my mind occupied soon. I'll be taking myself up to the task of reviving an old pair of Air Jordan sneakers. Sounds weird? Well, I'm curious since I read about people that do it in painting over old creases and such to make old look new. Plus, it'll be a good excuse to go to the garage outside and work on something with paint. All I need is paint since the acetone and cleaner are in my hands.

So, what else did Sara and I do besides have a massive load of sex that begins as:

Dear Penthouse,

I never thought this would happen to me but..........

Yeah, isn't it fun to say all that? I mean, an intimate visit turns into an event where 2 people cannot keep their hands or fingers out of each other's body parts is something that's worthy of shouting about, folks. I'm just now learning that I have a filthy mind as well.

So, if you've never seen the movie, Aliens, well, Sara calls it "predictable" after her first viewing that found us cuddled up on a couch for a bit over 2 hours. Me, the ever weird-o of yore, decided to recite the movie's lines that I so love:

"We're on an express elevator to hell. Going down!"

"Outstanding. Now all we need is a deck of cards."

I don't know about you but Michael Biehn (plays Hicks) is one of the few guys that would make me go gay and I am sure that Sara would laugh at this. I may be a bit dark inside but I'm so full of goodness with a side of sweet character that would never leave a planet til we all go home. Plus, I'd show Sara how to shoot a big ass gun as Hicks did for Ripley.

It's also funny how I have had no feeling to go out much. I've spent a lot of time catching up with my dogs that missed me so much their butts shook for hours. I missed getting down on the floor to let them lick me or pick up new smells from Sara's apartment. Hell, I can still smell her as well.

Oh, we have snow on the agenda for tomorrow as well as on Friday of next week. Isn't that just fucking dandy? Well, I'm just pissed off due to my need to wear my cargo shorts instead of my usual jeans or cargo pants. I miss shorts and just might have to be the only idiot willing to wear them in this town while snow is all around. Give props to the idiots for they are weird and bring gossip for others to ridicule.

"He so crazy!"

That deep tissue massage I got, actually 2 of them, has my neck in a bit of tango with the tip of my spine. Hurts to turn left but I've gotta say that those massages were amazing and had me begging for more. I'm guessing that I will have to allow myself to be tied up for Sara's delight.

So, with all that in mind, I hope y'all did your taxes or are almost done since my dad's chaotic rambling has my resume on hold due to the number crunching spent. The hours spent figuring out the new tax laws have my saved data temporarily forgotten. Too many numbers do that to you, I guess.

I've got something to read that Sara gave to me for a Christmas present so I'm gonna skee-daddle outta here, folks. My next visit to Indiana is in the works as are more invites to Sara's life from which I will meet more people and get more kinky.

Hicks: "All we need's a Loompa-Oompha."

Goodnight and hugs to all that missed me here on Diaryland. Don't I sound a bit different? *Slaps head* 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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