Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Joke: "Why should blondes not be given coffee breaks?"

*Answer at bottom*

Well, I am just full of weird thinking here. I'm not sure why but a little twinkle in how little the human species proceeds to use very little actual use of the brain but I, yes, I seem to be so fucking warped! Not only did I have this amazing ability to avoid the lame Oscar fashion coverage since I question this event that beast, Joan Rivers, seems to need for a job but I'm a sarcastic bastard tried and true.

Okay, now thanks to my insane nightly event of changing channels til I fall on BET, the most idiotic channel showing how far downhill rappers are bringing themselves, and listen to the big news of 50 Cent's sudden feud with The Game. It seems 50 had a change of heart and kicked The Game out due to questionable loyalty. Shots were fired at a recent 50 Cent interview in which some believe The Game is taking revenge. Whoa! I didn't know being welcomed into G-Unit was so stressful and needed!

*This is a HUGE big deal so says MTV and BET so I am tryin' to show some love. White boys like me need to put down the books and lower my brain cells all while repeatedly bragging about how big my rims are or how many ho's I got, yo.*

On the other side, Britney Spears recently dissed Paris Hilton's dog, Tinkerbell, by saying her dog, Bit-Bit is cuter. I'm not sure why the fuck I know Britney or even Paris's dogs' names but I just do, folks. Again, I am a pathetic white boy.

Do you see what I am saying? It's so fucking weird how we've got 2 rappers dissing each other and now 2 moronic blonde chicks that feel the need to brag as well. It's a good thing Britney and Paris have stopped all the hating and made up because I'm sure some innocent people or even dogs could get hurt. Blonde rage is so much more dangerous than rappers' drive-bys. Fo' sho'.

So, I have picked up another flick to show my disdain towards what Hollywood has to offer. I'm not trying to start a beef what with many fine flicks of the past. Jaws and Goodfellas are some of the most amazing movies Hollywood has to offer but if you celebrate originality, you shouldn't forget such impressive work as Eternal Sunshine Of the Spotless Mind.

Sara got me curious about ESOSM and I must say that I was quite in awe. She liked it more than me but I couldn't ignore how beautiful it was and how you really feel for the characters, something Hollywood tends to forget thanks to hyping up such shit as this new Dukes Of Hazzard movie with Jessica Simpson. For me, no one can play Luke Duke better than John Schneider.

If you know me, I'm huge on Donnie Darko, one of the most amazing flicks of all time in my List Of Top 10. I'm always on the lookout for something that tickles those rare places in my head so I felt lucky to come across Boogiepop And Others. Weird title? Yeah, but you've got to remember that it's Japanese.

The cover of Boogiepop And Others got my attention so I turned it over to find a weird story of a possible ghost in a girl's school that is killing or causing girls to go missing. Sounds the same as Hollywood's usual? Yeah, I thought so, too, til I read about the local homeless person's possiblity of holding the key to many answers. Bums know so much more than what we give them credit for. Go ahead and talk to one while sharing a sandwich. One I talked to in Chicago told me the amazing wonders of cheese that led me to a need for some major cheddar.

Anyway, I've been totally curious about Boogiepop And Others (the cover of the DVD really caught my eye) since I've been on this sudden anti-Hollywood feel. The Oscars tend to do that to me since many movies I feel should be nominated aren't. They got it right on Braveheart since I'll never forget how wonderful I felt when we got the answer as to what men wear under their kilts. Free-ballin' aint for everyone.

The other anti-Hollywood shitola I have to say is that I have now seen the new Star Wars flick, Revenge Of the Sith, before its release this summer. How? Someone put up pretty much the whole flick on the Net in slides. It may take a while to download but I just had to see the pictures of Darth Vader before/after. The fight on the volcano (you nerds know what I'm talkin' about) was quite nice. It feels a bit weird having very little interest in being in a theater to see a Star Wars flick since I used to look forward to them so much. Dork bonding is such a beautiful thing.

For me, the only flick I am itchin' to see is The Jacket. Why? According to reviewers, the movie has this 12 Monkeys feel to it. Yeah, that "other" Brad Pitt movie people seem to forget was weirder than normal. Well, I like weird so I'm curious. Plus, the lovely girl whom I wish I could be her bicycle seat, Keira Knightley, is in it. I would be so warm all day! Is that so wrong?

*Sara, we are soooooooooo going to see The Jacket. This I command with the magic words: "Shazzam-A-Loopa-Doopity-Doo

Well, I know I was so going to get into talking about..........*whispers* S-E-X but I'm just a bit pooped out. My dog, Buffy, has taken it upon herself to yell out how hot the dog next door looks. His name is Ruff and Buffy likes the way he shakes that tail while checking out the tree. See? My dog prefers a bit o' ass and isn't afraid to be vocal about it.

So, I will try and throw a major shout out to sex in the future as well as find the time to see my new indie flick, Boogiepop And Others. Let's be glad that Britney and Paris have made ammends so the world can be a safer place and that MTV has more important things to talk about. People that make and sing their own music just shouldn't be acknowledged.

Answer: "It takes too long to retrain them." 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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