Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"We're for dogs.....big dogs.....little dogs...."

My mother and I are completely embarassed of our newfound fuck up of not being able to recognize our dogs' photos. You see, they get their doggie haircuts at a place nearby and the lady takes their pictures near Christmas time to send as a special greeting. The fun thing is that each of our 5 Yorkies gets a special Christmas outfit to wear and I have no clue as to how she gets them to wear these things. Jethro is not very high on being an elf, yo.

So, the point is that my mother and I cannot figure out which one of our 5 dogs is in this one photo. The little doofus has his/her eyes halfway open all while looking tired. My mom and I compared the group photo for possible similarities in help but no dice. We've got an unknown Yorkie on our hands and it aint pretty. I am embarassed for not recognizing my own dog.

Strange how it feels like Christmas right now. Small amounts of snow litter the yard and it's so fucking cold out there. Why anyone would want to freeze their asses off to hit the bar for a beer is beyond me. That's why I am so glad to have a 46 inch high defintion TV so I get to see my IQ points drop. Jessica Simpson's show sees a 20 point drop while BET sees a massive load of at least 46. You know what I'm saying? It's just straight up wack, yo.

Why do I like my girlfriend? I pondered this question due to it's going to be coming up when I see Bald-O and Co. once I make a visit down south to see my boys. It'll include a hell of a lot of bullshittin' and much interrogation due to testosterone overload with beer.

Editor: "Boys are, like, so weird n' stuff."

-We're dorks inside. I love it! I've rarely come across a girl that reads comic books or even one that has a massive load of books on a bookshelf! It was so interesting to go through Sara's collection of books to see what she or her flatmate have been reading. I'm sure it would take a fellow dork to understand how much fun it was to visit a comic shop with her and get all hyped up over a character or 2. We even share a special interest in certain characters.

-I'm her light and she's my dark. Hard to explain but Sara and I have differences that I enjoy. We hardly ever agree on movies or even about TV shows. Our little song has this ability to pull us into introducing each other to things. Sara will show me what she likes and I'll show her what I like all while not worrying if the other will hate it. Plus, we are totally different on bedtimes but I can easily adapt to hers.

-We dress totally different. I'm more of the jockish thug with a simple t-shirt of a slogan or 2. Cargo shorts and anything simple are my pants of choice. Sara is more of an outfit type of girl and I swear that after seeing her in a short dress and thigh high boots, I just wanted to fuck right there. I've never had a girlfriend that wears that kind of clothing and I so love it.

-Sex. Sara and I can go all night with some more to come. Nothing is considered too kinky as even I am learning new things from her. I'm almost afraid that Sara and I will get arrested for public sex one day once summer comes around. According to her, I have "wandering fingers."

-Politics. Here is where Sara and I are so similar. I'm guessing she is Liberal but I can firmly say that I am a Libertarian and proud. I have a firm belief that people should be allowed to do what they want as long as they aren't hurting other people. There are just too many outdated and stupid laws thanks to politicians with too much time on their hands patting themselves on the back.

Well, there is more but I don't want to turn this entry into putting my girlfriend on a pedestal. I'm sure she knows what I mean, anyway.

Random Entry Night..........

1. I'm really getting better at this cardio thing. 10 minutes and 20 seconds on the eliptical machine. It feels funny how I used to have a hard time at just getting a minute on the damn thing but I've been trekking my heart out. Sweat pours and I try to avoid my fellow gym goers' farts. Working out tends to make some people gassy.

2. I'm smiling more. Oh, I hate to admit that this dude here used to walk with a frowny face but I just cannot hide the fact that I am much happier. Once back from the gym, I go outside to play with my dogs or fling their poo into the neighbors' yard. *Shhhhhhh* Or I'll debate life's little issues with my mother in the kitchen as she cooks. I wouldn't be surprised if I get even happier once the weather warms up more.

3. Sorority girls have really been taking a look at me in the gym, lately. Weird. The ego gets all pumped and I can make my workout go even better. I'm taken so, so taken! My big blue eyes are for someone else. Plus, my hairless little white ass is loved. Balls, too!

4. We're preparing for a garage sale. Holy shit do we need this. Our house is so cluttered with my grandma's stuff that it's got to find a new home other than here next to me. Dishes and knick knacks are all over the place that hold memories of days spent down south. I'm happy that my mom decided to get to work on this instead of letting it accumulate to the point that I will have to type with a pile of oven mitts next to me.

5. My mind is so crazed on sex. I'm sure Sara is going to have a great time bedding me down after hours of playtime thanks to time spent apart. I still need to do that entry on why I love sex, huh? I've done one on why I missed it but now I should do a huge one on praising it. Bush's abstinence programs cannot brainwash me.

6. I'm wondering why Alison has not emailed me even though she has been reading my entries lately. Very, very odd. Yes, you, where the fuck have you been!?! Give Hedgie some lovvvvvin'.

7. Still have not watched Boogiepop And Others due to much clutter in my head. Did I tell you that I keep thinking about sex too much?

8. I've been reading the funnies collection of "Get Fuzzy" and "Sherman's Lagoon." Both make me laugh so much and make excellent bathroom reading but since I am a hot bath type of guy, that's where I just lay back and read the adventures of a great white shark with a turtle. It all makes sense, really.

9. I'm wondering if Smurfette was really created by Gargamelle to kill the other little Smurfs. Am I the only one that thinks these things? By the way, Smurfs rock and don't you let anyone put you down for liking little blue creatures that happen to wear the tightest white pants ever. I'm sure Smurfs get "blue balls" a lot but Smurfette was conjured up to relieve this as well.

10. A fellow comic goer has a friend with a little 1 year old girl. For some reason, this little girl could not take her eyes off of me as we waited for the comic shop to open. Sorority girls and now little babies think I'm special. Why can't you?

Well, I'm guessing that the allergy pill (not to be taken in the morning since it knocks me out for 3 hours straight) I take before bed takes my creativity away. Plus, I'm just not up for any creative criticism of the latest stupidity out there. I'd love to talk about sex as promised but there's my anger towards those trying to profit off of the capture of the BTK (Bound, Torture, Kill) serial murderer. This world is so fucked up thanks to everyone wanting money, money, money. Looks like people are listening to too much rap, nowadays. Goodnight and my the force be with you. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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