Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"There was a moment last night, when she was sandwiched between the 2 Finnish dwarves and the Maori tribesmen, where I thought, "Wow, I could really spend the rest of my life with this woman.""


We can all learn something from Zoolander about love or that little tingly sensation that drives you nuts.....oh, wait that's just my pubes itchin' thanks to them growin' back. Curses, you pubes!

Every now and then, I get a day that feels like it was so long but also sweet. Memories crept back of last summer thanks to the appearance of my old crush, Elizabeth. You see, we'd work out nearly the same times on each weekday and flirt in the gym which made our actual workouts easier. The guys I worked out with would laugh at how there were stars in my eyes back then but that was then.

Yeah, Elizabeth is back in town for a little while and was quite happy to see me. It's almost like we never stopped talking and continued right after she blew me a kiss goodbye. But as they say, things change..........

After I hugged Elizabeth, whom had many smiles while hugging me back, I told her that I am happy thanks to having a great girlfriend. She looked me straight in the face and told me that she is no longer single as well. Now, in some strange cosmos somewhere, two people that bitched to each other all summer about past romances and flirted are suddenly NOT single!?! How can this be?

What is really boggling my mind is that Elizabeth stopped being single near my time. She's been seeing her boyfriend since last month as I've been completely giddy over Sara.

It's so weird to sit right next to your ex-flirt and talk with less babble. Remember how I used to do that since Elizabeth once had me a tiny bit nervous? Not only do boys have a hard time with undoing Victoria's Secret bras (Oh, I swear I used to be so good!) but we just cannot talk to girls as easily as we wish.

Those were the days.........and for your information, I am talking just fine to Sara.

Speaking of Sara, I miss her as the two of us have been sharing in our emails back and forth to each other. My mind tends to daydream of just showing up in Indiana and hopping into bed with her without her knowing I was on the way. Isn't that kind of sexy like that Monday where I drove in the middle of the wee early morning to get the hidden key and creep in? I'm such a filthy little devil that just wants to be in bed with his girl, folks.

Dammit, I need a good spanking for good behavior!

That brings to mind my plaguing issue. What is it about sleeping right next to someone that hooks me? I mean, I know hundreds of guys that couldn't care less about having someone share their beds but I want Sara in mine all the time. It possibly has to do with my belief that someone can watch over me in my dream, well, if they can stand my accused snoring.

I'd wake up pretty early thanks to some weird fucked up inner clock and look over to Sara. 100% of the time, she's asleep due to her body's clock not coinciding with mine. I'll just reach over and run my fingers down her side to let her subconscious know I am there. I'm not sure if it's just her body's reaction or what but there were moments she'd just roll over onto me by resting her head on my chest.

I'm sure you are a bit bored or something but this is my diary and I'm such a pathetic little muscular cuddler. Does that even make sense or am I sounding arrogant again? Chests are designed to be slept on as I do with Sara's. In case of sleepiness, place head down on boobs. Likewise for my man boobies.

I still hate my nipples.

What surprises me is how people think I am so much happier. Elizabeth says I must be warped into Sara since I used to be more hyper that past summer. There is calm and I'm behaving like a proud parent that cannot shut up about his kids.

"Sara's smart!"

"Sara's got these really cool boots!"

So, what did I do the rest of the day, when I wasn't lifting obscene amounts of weight? Well, I am halfway done with The Incredibles DVD thanks to Veronica Mars being a rerun. My fave is still Dash, the kid that can run really, really fast. Loved the flirtation between Elastigirl and Mr. Incredible found in the beginning. You'll find little slogans only adults understand so this is such a nice little flick for all. Besides, I think Mama of The Goonies said it best:

"Kids suck."

Now, I'm not against little kids and such since I was once one of those people that cannot figure out how to cross a busy street but ends up dodging high speed traffic. It's just that I hate how society thinks we should cater down to kids by not allowing adult things to happen. It's like how Las Vegas was once Sin City but now has too much kid friendly atmosphere that the adults have to be with them at all times.

New York is a good example and I applaud how it is so much safer but you know what? There are people that would like to have strip joints and porno places because it's natural to be in pursuit of lube at 3am in the morning since no one wants to wait for Osco to open.

3 Things:

Cars I've owned

-84 Volkswagon
-96 Chevrolet Cavalier
-93 Dodge Spirit

My nicknames thanks to college or high school

-Pussy (I share my feelings so what is up with that!?!)
-Tyler Durden (A roommate said I was Fight Club's character due to my refusal to authority or society)
-The Ferret (Because "The Weasal" was already taken when I played football)

Shows I cannot stand

-Gastineau Girls (what is the point in following these girls!?! They do nothing and just complain about how living off of $200,000 checks from the woman's ex-husband is so hard)
-MTV's Sweet Sixteen (This show will just make you feel so awful on your 9 to 5 job since it's all about spoiled rich idiots. Money does not buy smarts and makes me wander if we should start the death penalty at the age of 10)
-The Ashley Simpson Show (Do we not feel shame anymore? We'll give anyone with nothing to say a show!?! No talent, not smarts, no thought? No problem! Hopefully, you will have a tiny dog, though.)

Just why is it so cool to have little dogs as accessories? I'd rather have a big siberian husky to parade around and train to poop in Jessica Simpson's shoes. I feel sorry for these scared little dogs being dragged around to awards shows or anything. Since when did they need pyschiatrists as well?

Well, I'm glad to get all that off of my chest. I'm completely confused at how little our society realizes that it is dumbing itself down with idolizing idiotic celebrities by allowing them to show this. I've got so many thoughts of wanting to curl up with Sara in bed and sleep the day away. And last but not least, I'm trying to figure out how a smart little movie, The Incredibles or even Donnie Darko, actually made it into a society like this. A character in a book once said that no matter how dark things get, there will be a small light.

Well, on that note, I am off to read of dwarves, clerics, and people that have their swords speak for them. To infinity and beyond! Goodnight.
0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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