Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"We're so lucky to be just bored,
faces in the crowd,
patients in the ward."

Today, I love old people and potato bread............

I'm not denying the fact that I have dissed old people in past entries, mostly due to really, really, really slow driving. In no way would I give shout outs to those that do not deserve them because let's face it. Jessica Simpson, Ashlee Simpson, George Bush, Star Jones, Joan Rivers, and many others will always be examples of what is wrong in the U.S.

However, I've never talked of this old guy from my gym named Nick. Great guy that I've known since, oh, about 5 months that just so happens to be 70something and happily retired. This guy is so much unlike any I have ever seen at this age.

Nick walks my neigborhood for daily exercise, is extremely friendly, works out in my gym almost daily, and mows the lawn drunk. Does it get any better than this to find my new best friend, a 70 year old with war experience and a divorce under his belt all while dating a 50 year old woman? The cool thing is that Nick lives right nearby and even commented on my parents' RV parked on the side.

"Wow! It's really big!"

I'm guessing it was Nick asking me if I mow the lawn here at home. I don't due to allergies and the fact that there is an ex-alcoholic that wants this for a job so everyone in my neighborhood hires him to trim the lawns and trees. This guy is pretty nice with an occasional bad attitude thanks to the workload of my neighborhood's large yards. Funny how I miss doing it myself since mowing the lawn tends to allow me an hour of thinking to myself all while running around in circles to try to spell out naughty words.

Nick asked me if I mowed the lawn because he likes to get a little drunk while doing so. You see, he'll put in his frosty mug for the freezer after the lawn is halfway done. Then, Nick will finish and sit in his garage to finish 2 cold beers which will leave him to the point that he cannot get up. Apparently, this is where his girlfriend will carry him back into his home. Yes, Nick is quite a little guy and women are so much stronger these days. Janet Reno anyone?

What pisses me off about older people is not just the smugness of how they've experienced more in life but the fact that they feel like it's at the point that nothing matters anymore. Just sit at home and watch TV? Play bingo? Ugh, I'd rather go all around being playful no matter what the age so Nick just shows how much a guy with military experience and drunken yardwork can bring a smile to my face. Oh, how I'd love to find him passed out on my lawn and then trying to explain to my parents that he didn't fall down but passed out and, hell, I...........might join him by reloading his frosty mug.

So, potato bread? Lovin' it! Fuck bread and its carbohydrates. The Hedgehoggy be livin' it up with a warm slice and mayonaisse spread on it for lunch or even a snack. That's how I'm livin'.

I have a request that I am desperately in need of due to my love of the fiesty female I adore. Well, I know that Sara is 2 hours away and I can FedEx my little white ass over there one day but this has to do with a TV show. I've mentioned a few times that I am addicted to UPN's Veronica Mars so it's not a surprise that desperate times call for the situation at hand.

I am BEGGING for anyone with a copy of the Veronica Mars episode from March 8th since I was left with a major cliffhanger where a young girl (Veronica, of course) finds her mother in a bar (Don't we all?) only to see that one of the clientelle is a guy sent to watch and possibly kill (Don't worry. Veronica has a taser but the dude has a pool cue, folks.). I mean, it just doesn't get much better than this.

So, if anyone watches Veronica Mars and has a copy, please let me know. I missed it due to the VCR copying that no good yucky show, Eve, only to find myself face down on the ground thanks to a rather forced laugh track. I just hate shows that try to make you think they are funny all while dumbing me down.

Who else kind of loathes college get togethers that end up with yourself wondering why you even became friends with these people? Hands? Oh, I've got one coming up that I'm not sure how to get out of because knowing me, if Bald-O goes, I go. If I don't he's gonna bring the whole gang to my house and get me.

I'll get more into why that date in the middle of April has me dreading the cruelest month thanks to my college friends wanting another get together. Some people grow in different ways but the girls I cannot stand only allowed their waistlines to expand. Apparently, minds will forever resemble peas when it comes to them.

3 Things:

States I have visited-

1. Indiana (duh!)
2. Florida (Disney World was okay but I did not get to ride the teacups)
3. New Mexico

States I have had sex in-

1. New Mexico (That place is a desert with gorgeous mountains. Prepare to meet a lot of Native Americans with blankets and see a rattlesnake farm or 2)
2. Illinois (I live here, okay?)
3. Indiana (New to my diary? My girlfriend lives here)

3 things I do when drunk-

2. Wobble Wobble and run into things.
3. Hug people and tell them how special they are

3 places I got baked out of my mind-

1. Waaaaaaaaaaay up in a tree. It looks a whole lot different once the hooka pipe is let go.
2. In an apartment with some Japanese people and I have no idea why but that big blunt was good.
3. In the corner of my dorm room while in a deep conversation with the biggest stoner ever created by man.

3 ways I describe myself-

1. Cynical and proud because it's my belief that I actually think about things instead of just accepting them.
2. Goofy but serious when the moment calls for it.
3. Passionate since I think with my heart as well as my head. I get this one a lot from others, too.

3 things I love about the mornings-

1. Email from Sara (or I just check at 3am thanks to morning wood waking me up too early. It's the only dilemma we guys have.)
2. Read Cookie's latest entry because she's, like, so cool n' stuff.
3. Throw Cheerios at my dogs.

So, I am off to sleepy time due to my taking of an allergy pill before bed. Causes me to pass out just like that so I wake up with these nasty eye boogers. Fun times, I tell ya! Goodnight and may your times spent mowing lawns be as good as Nick's.

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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