Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Out of my mind and gloriously so!"


I'm not sure how to begin this entry. A part of me is really just itching to go upstairs to read my third chapter of Dragon Lance since I'm at a point where the anger I have for 1 type of elf keeping another type down by using it as slaves gets to me. I'm not sure why I find this disturbing enough to encourage such a part of me to read and read more but that is me.

However, I look to my own little questions about us here in the U.S. as I'm sure even those in other countries are doing right now. Why was a man with barely any presidential credentials allowed to be called "Commander In Chief?" What is this fascination with Paris Hilton that I continually see people making such a fuss over? How is it that moronic shows like That 70's Show are celebrated but those that show a ceratin type of originality and truely complex characters like Veronica Mars considered not as interesting?

Have you ever wondered how dumb this world is getting? It's my belief that this all adds up to the questions above. People are just getting stupider by the truckload or the ratio of idiots gets higher thanks to people thinking that having 10 kids is wonderful.

I've been thinking a lot about my ex-high school friends that are on some kind of baby making crusade. Why? Kids are nice here and there but the world is already overpopulated as it is. Chances are that one of your kids in that set of 10 is going to be a complete idiot and just might run this country thanks to lower standards and idiots that once served in the Vietnam War calling out your opponent for things that are clearly untrue. Just how do you get injured by a rice paddy?

We all need life. That's a given but I have a real problem with people producing them all for welfare checks. I'm serious in that in an interview with this young black woman in her late 20's, she mentioned how her 6 kids were a result of her need for more checks. No working but to produce kids?

You know how Bob Barker says at the end of The Price Is Right to neuter and spade your dogs to keep the pet population in check? How about adults or let's even go with 13 year old girls that still hold that excuse of "I didn't know you could get pregnant the first time!" Oh, I hate those and these people keep wanting me to bring back public executions.

Hopefully, you are not all carrying torches to my this time..........I know some martial arts.

I'm not sure how to word this large argument but it is my opinion that due to life's sudden "conveniences," we have gotten dumber. D-U-M-B. This all adds up to why I rarely meet someone with any smarts or even thinks outside the box. My teachers and I were at odds all my life because everything was how they said it. There could be no other possibility. It's "A" or "B," so no "C's" were ever there. The possibility of another answer just doesn't warrant a discussion.

Okay, we have a clueless society in the election of Bush. Fine. Hardly anyone ever raised the questioning of how Kenneth Lay and many other rich cronies decided to bilk the retirement funds out of their workers' accounts. The whole election was about a war so long ago that I'm sure different views will come up after all those years have passed. No one questioned how Lay was Bush's friend along with others that decided that having $40,000 shower curtains means a lot more than a woman working for $6.50/hour but barely making ends meet.

No one seems to think anymore and I saw it at some point on Diaryland. I've gotten into huge fights with people that don't see how bigotted or ignorant they are. Those people are the type that tell me Avril is "so punk" or Britney Spears is a "musician." Please.

The last thing I needed was to read letters to the editor of a magazine telling how wonderful Ashlee Simpson is and how she can sing. Gawd, please take me away from all this stupidity!

Am I being picky or choosey as to who should be looked up to or regarded with dignity? No. All I want is someone that stands up for his/herself under extreme circumstances, shows actual thought, and lives life not solely for him/herself. I don't like people that have to tell the world that in 5 minutes Cheetos are going to be purchased so that photo ops are possible.

I fucking hate Britney Spears now! Hate, Hate, Hate, Hate! Gawd, I just wish she would go away along with her band of stupid people that Hollywood is making famous for nothing. There are lots of pregnant trailer trash blondes out there eating ice cream and carry small dogs.

Send to another planet:

-Jello (or "J.Lo")
-Ashlee Simpson and Jessica Simpson
-Paris Hilton
-The local newscasters in my town.
-P. Diddly
-Most teen idol casts
-All the Trumps
-Hilary Duff
-Michael "Bring Me the Child" Jackson

Gawd, I sound like a grump, huh? What I think it is is that so many stupid people have overtaken my town and caused me to wonder why they get elected. Hardly anyone takes a good look at what is going on thanks to the dumbing down of society. Do you really think it was the ultimate to get that college degree? Well, according to the Republicans, the jobs went to India so go live in an overpopulated town where women are treated like shit and the rivers reek of it. Hey, elephants gotta poop, too.

As for me, I've been carrying a small dog all over the place since she wouldn't let me take a short nap. Nope, I tried but Buffy decides to sit on the back of my head as she barks during the slightest noise outside. That ride on the elliptical was one hell o' a moment!

So, I leave you be to think for yourself. I'm sure there are some out there that think I am being an old fuddy-duddy but I don't care. I think for myself and enjoy being cynical to the core. Hoo-rah! I'm the one that wishes for public executions and to shake up the U.N. since we've got rats in the nest. While we're at it, lets tax the hell out of churches and hold public castrations for child molestors while they hold hands as the rapists watch their cut off dicks being eaten by geese. As Mr. Rogers would say, "It's a wonderful day in Hedgehoggy's neighborhood, a wonderful day in his neighborhood....." Goodnight.

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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