Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"If we all weren't a little crazy, we'd all go insane."

-The Cheshire Cat

How many of you out there are as grossed out as I am on seeing those pictures of Tom Cruise with Katie Holmes? They're even kissing and it just makes my blood curdle at the thought of seeing Maverick with little Joey "I use big words and whine about everything" Potter. I'm sure that's why Goose ejected himself out of the plane since I'd do the same thing if I were to start my day with:

"Gawd, Joey knows how to give the perfect blowjob, you see, she...."

Ugh. I still remember cutting out that cover picture from Rolling Stone with Katie Holmes swinging from the tire during all that Dawson's Creek hype. Yes, I watched the show and found it amusing til it got to the point I was really watching freaky high school students that deserved to be alienized and zapped off the earth. I mean, Dawson's dad was a fuckin' bodybuilder and he was obsessed with Jen!?! Even a whiney Joey was better than Jen.

Okay, the pics are almost all up. I had the curious habit of seeing what was going on. Geez, giving myself away on cyberspace is amusing but not all in the good way. Even if you've seen yourself in the mirror so many times in your life, you are not quite prepared to see that mug on a computer. All I could do was sit here and nitpick about little things I see.

"Your boyfriend's body is sick."

Sara's friend, C, told her this after seeing me get up in the morning. I had to piss so bad but C was in there as I stood outside the door with just my baggy RL jeans on (can you say "product placement?" Good for you!). At that time, I was feeling like complete shit from a nasty cough, chapped lips, and a respiratory system that was barely working for me but, hey! I'm guessing it was all sexy.

Funny how I feel like I am now catching up after not working out for some time. Only 3 days in the last 2 weeks have seen me sweating my little ass off in the gym with weights and 20 minutes of cardio. It's the de-salting that is a real bitch since all the meals were from restaurants where you start to salivate just from reading the menu. I'm a giant cheeseburger fan in paradise but I really need to go back to the chicken little heaven.

It's one of the reasons I am dying to see Batman Begins. Christian Bale plays Batman and has to go through a major transformation in his training to become The Dark Knight. Let me tell ya that The Bale got the look down so well from what I've seen in pictures! It's almost like I can feel a person goes through the transformation I go through here and there in putting my body through a very difficult regimen few can survive. Think of yourself as a warrior, as corny as it sounds.

What I'm getting at is that I *kind of* see what other people see when I am in the gym but I am still the dork knight within. I always knew I was different in how I tend to go into things like a maniac and not half-assed. I trained and love it that Sara knows how to work my body.

The look that I like is defined by 2 people: Marky Mark and Ryan Reynold's from Blade: Trinity. What it's about to me is not too big and not too little. The body is toned to a nice hilt while the muscle is still quite thicker than the average person. I know it sounds gay but what many of us workout freaks do is focus on the person we admire for our determinations.

So, you want to know what happened in Indiana...........

First of all, the main reason Sara wanted me to come again so soon was the fact that her friend, B, was soon to be leaving for New York. She wanted me to meet him, he wanted to meet me, and all that jazz. Now, who in their right mind would turn down an invitation to meet people that mean so much to your sweetie?

Well, my first actual face to face was at an awkward moment. I had to piss so bad after the 2 hour drive that I was shown which direction the bathroom was and away I went. My metabolism was off the charts due to it being a bit o' the chilly weather.

It's amusing to find people with such a long history and to watch them go back and forth with their own little back and forth lingo. Bald-O and I have it so I'm used to people wondering what the fuck we are laughing at. After 2 hours of being in B's house, I was pretty much home, a little tired, but home.

It's sad to see a great friend leave to a new destination but you just have to deal. B's getting a promotion all while working in the entertainment industry means great things for him and I'm sure we'll be invited to visit in New York. Gawd, Hedgehoggy in The Big Apple!?! I've always wanted to see this place and maybe strip down to my Calvins to dance with the Naked Cowboy.

*New Yorkers know what I am talking about*

Cat Versus Sugar-

B has a cat named Rusafi that likes to attack sugar. It's either the smell or feel of it on his little paws that makes him go crazy. We all got a demonstration after viewing a video of Rusafi doing his best to pounce on the sugar in a jar. Previously, we saw him running around high on catnip but sugar seems to continue in the pursuit of being more loopy.

So, the purple tassles on my nipples? Well, they came from the Showgirls Limited Edition DVD Box Set. B works for an entertainment company so he allowed us to shop at the company's own store. All DVDs were $7 and the CDs were only $3. Yes, you read that right. All DVD box sets or individual ones were only $7 so it must be done to get what I don't have, 21 Jump Street Season 1, Just One Of the Guys, and Showgirls. How can you not enjoy the most idiotically campy stripping movie of all time!?!

The Showgirls Box Set came with 2 shot glasses, the DVD, a blind fold, playing cards, and nipple tassles for the lovely price of $7. At some point, Sara gets the idea to have me wear the nipple tassles and have my picture taken. These are strange times, indeed, for boys need to shake it to make that extra cash during Bush's reign of terror.

Isn't it great to find a group of people that just accept you for who you are? That's the way I felt in meeting Sara's best friend from college, B. When things slowed down, it was decided to hit the playground, play a bit of Mario Kart on the Gamecube, or dance to music found from India or The Nuba Nuba with Gary, the lardass that proclaims his love for you and trees.

Of course, I mentioned pictures and we all love how bi-sexual males feel the need, the need for dress-up! None of the shirts worn were mine since I guess my old time looking The Doors shirt was not quite up to par. Sara and I made love to the camera even if I was feeling like shit after all that coughing. Oh, how I hate seeing myself in glasses in some of the pictures. Yuck, yuck, yucky!

So, how many people were in this event? Well, we have B, Sara's best friend from college. Next, we have his sister, C, and Paul the Pirate, another friend in that part of town. I call Paul "Paul the Pirate" because the first picture I saw of him was him playing a pirate. Nicknames are always nice since I've been given so many I've lost count. Yes, I was once called "Hedgehog" and, no, I do not look like Ron Jeremy.

The sex? Oh, it just keeps getting better each time I see Sara. What took me into a whole new demension was the spontaneous blowjob for being so well behaved at B's place right there on his bed. There was that extra sensation of Sara pushing me down on to the bed for a very special moment not quite found on Back To School Specials. Let's just say that we had a moment all to ourselves while waiting for B.

The next one was the one where I, the workout freak, was left on the bed in complete disarray. According to the clock next on my left, over 45 minutes passed until I came. Sara told me that it was pretty damn incredible since she was I-lost-track-of-how-many-orgasms-I- just-received. Just my 1 left me in complete exhaustion in which I rolled over to watch my cock slowly turn into a thick wet noodle. Unfortunately, I was not able to continue my viewing since Sara wanted us to shower. I needed that but I could barely get up.

All I'm trying to say is that I had an amazing time, even if my body didn't quite want to work with me. Too much salt had me feeling bloated for 2 of the 5 days while my allergies were on overload the whole time. My body may have been "sick" but it also felt sick in bad terms. Good thing Sara's a heavy sleeper since I'm sure I made a lot of noise while I slept next to her.

It feels good to be invited into a whole new group of friends, even if I have a lot to catch up on within their history. Just think of how Sara will react when meeting my boys. She is so going to be in for the shock of her life as gets initiated "Southern Style." My boys are absolutely crazy but they have slowed down some since a few got married and evolved into husbands.

So, just wait a day or 2 and I will email, those that wish to see my face, where you can see some pictures of Sara and I so the promise has been kept. As I said before, it's kind of funny to see myself in a 3rd person's point of view while Sara's arms around my shoulders. Of course, she had to add the pics of a dance session that involved the finest of India that has the word "tuna" involved. It's like being introduced to acid for the first time while guys in turbans show you how to wave yo' arms like ya just don't care. Really.

Of course, I missed everyone but a boy just has to spend moments in kissing his girl located east of him. Somehow, I did not get bitten but the nipple tassles helped keep it real fo' sho'. Word. Goodnight. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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