Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"This place is a madhouse,
feels like I'm being cloned!"

-"Twilight Zone" by Golden Earring

Well, I do declare that it is just spiffy to find the local geeks, dorks, doofuses, and various weirdos all unite for something. In case you have had your head in your ass or you lead an amazing life of just shopping everyday, the Star Wars fans have ventured out to get tickets here for the first showing of Revenge Of the Sith at midnight.

To be honest, it is kind of a kean idea to see a midnight showing of the latest Star Wars flick instead of the usual 7pm or 9pm fare. My friends and I did it when the special editions came out so I can see the interest in getting together with various people that are shunned by the female society.

However, I am different. As much as I love the first Star Wars Trilogy, only Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back really got to me. Oh, how I am in love with the latter since Boba Fett's being combined with a possibly Jedi in Skywalker making an appearance. I'm so not into weak whiney morons so it was nice to see Luke try his luck at Dagobah with Yoda. Can you feel the power of the geek before you?

I know several people hate the Star Wars movies but it's more than that amazing story telling (George Lucas sucks as a director AND cannot write dialogue) that got to me. If you look closer, they helped bring about the movies you see today. All of those outdated special effects were so impressive at that time and it's sad that people growing up today do not realize this.

I'm a fan of the darkness and much of what I embrace is imperfection along with this so my favorite characters were not what my friends liked. I loved Vader the moment he stepped out of the Rebel blockade's blasted hole. That music that followed his march and how he commanded complete perfection. Damn, I bet he would show rappers who the real OG gangster was.

A lot of people I know at the time did not like the baddies so I was in my own world with Darth Vader until my dream came forth, Boba Fett. All he had to do was utter the words:

"He's of no use to me dead."

That was me. Narrowed down in a complete sentence, cunning and deadly without being so in need of people looking at me. Boba Fett got the job done in his constant pursuit of Han Solo for Jabba the Hutt. Gawd, I sound like a Star Wars fanatic but I haven't seen 1 of them for over a year. It's just that they held a lot of good dreams and a sense in helping my argument that bad guys dress a whole lot better than the good guys.

Boba Fett, your armor is stunning and so in season with this boy here.

I have no idea what some of the geeks were wearing while in line for our town's midnight showing. One was a dragon, complete in light green with a tail while others battled with light sabers. Me thinks that if you want to dress up as your favorite character that no matter how hard you play it in your mind, Darth Vader did not have a massive beer belly and smelled like his cat had a bad day at the litter box.

Alas, I will be joining geeks, dorks, and various nerds of all ages when I attend Dragon Con with Sara and her friends. All I remember is that it is in September and in Atlanta where Ray Park (he was Darth Maul in Episode 1 and Toad in X-Men) will autograph something of mine.

That's not all because I have to really, really embrace my dork side by dressing up as my favorite character like others. Sound like loser-ville? Well, the population may be sparce but I'll fit in as best I can, folks. I can speak Dork like a true basement liver. Klingon is not one of my abilities and I will wedgie any little fucker that tries to talk that to me.

My character? Well, I thought you'd never ask! I'll be Storm Shadow, if this is possible. He's from G.I.Joe and, yes, he is a bad guy since I'll let Lord Helmet of Spaceballs put it:

"Evil will always triumph over good because good sucks."

My outfit consists of your basic ninja look but it will be in white. The sides will be exposed, especially the arms, so, girls, you're gonna have to control yourselves. There might be some nipple appearance if you're special since I'm sure Sara will put my pictures up. Ever seen a ninja cry? That will happen as I take quite a beating from y'all.

So, white ninja outfit, black belt that contains knives, and throwing stars. A backpack that holds 2 swords in which 1 is a short katana. Oh, I am such a lover of martial arts weapons, in case you didn't know. The final touch will be the bow as well as the bad guys' insignia, Cobra. Can I pull all this off? Will Sara and various people laugh at me as I realize that the white is a bit too transparent and my undies are too exposed?

Loved America's Next Top Model on UPN, which is slowly sinking into stupidity thanks to the channel's addition of the Britney Spears show. Naima was my fave from the beginning due to her tough look adding flare to a mohawk. Damn, she also had a cute little butt combined with 2 tiny perky breasts I enjoyed oggling in the various tank tops. Yes, I was a bit overjoyed as Naima's image popped up to show which of the 19 girls would be the Top Model.

The gym? Gay Nick showed up and was happy to finally get to talk to me for more than a few seconds. He's pretty shy so it's hard for him to meet people along with the judgement his sexuality may bring. I asked him if his visit to Chicago soon will bring about lots o' boys and he smiled. I'm not sure how they do it up there but that city will have Nick pumping away with a strapping young buck, hopefully.

My other friend, Will, has gotten involved with a baseball league on Wednesday nights so I won't see him as much but Jody came. Oh, I got so many smiles when my face became known by these people I used to work out around. That personality hidden behind these blue eyes helps spark other people workouts since I just love to embarass myself with what I have to say.

Oh, and the looks from various girls continues so I'm not sure if I will be pursued or they're just scoping me out. Wonder if I get the big "L" on the forehead after talking about the possible Dragon Con visit. At least, I'll actually look like Storm Shadow since I've got the arms. No beer belly here.

What else is on my mind? Well, I'm definitely into the ol' sexual mode. The warm weather brings about a special kick to this cock dying to be soothed. I'm thinking of various sessions in the park underneath the moon's glow. Blowjobs and a good fingering can be romantic.

It's the book I left at Sara's that has me wondering, "The Sexual Life Of Catherine M." I'll get into what I liked about it, along with what kind of annoyed me. The bad stuff has nothing to do with what Catherine did sexually since nothing disgusts me in regards to sex. I'll definitely dwell on what I have to say along with what turns me on.

So, I am outta here and hoping that tonight's moon does a lot of good with you folks. The sounds of a good tongue licking the naughty parts should be music in the night while the moans of orgasm can cause the tree to bend slightly. Well, I have to hold onto something since my knees totally quit on me when I cum. Cookie, I hope you have one hell of a good long night of sex. Goodnight.

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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