Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"On Earth Day, the president boasted that his healthy Forest Restoration Act has saved 10 million acres from wildfires. But 2 weeks later, Bush gutted a federal rule that protected 58.5 million acres of wilderness from logging and drilling. Governors who want to stop special interests from destroying forests will now have to petition the White House but few expect their concerns to be heeded. "It's going to start a war in the West," says Goveror Bill Richardson of New Mexico, who has already lost repeated battles with Bush over drilling rights."

-"Rolling Stone June 2, 2005 page 38

Sorry to start your morning (or evening) with such information but it's been plaguing my mind as to what our boy out visiting Europe is up to. Doesn't this guy get it!?! Bush's wife was heckled while in the Middle East and even he has so many protestors wherever he goes.

Even I have grown embarassed for our own country thanks to the stupidest people helping Bush with his pursuit in destroying any form of integrity we once had. America? Oh, we just let it get worse because so many of us are too uniformed as to what is going on thanks to laziness and the need to visit McDonalds so we can sue 'em for how fat we got.

You know what else pisses me off? It's the Muslims again on how they think their violent protests were okay since that Newsweek article came out on how the Koran was flused down the toilet to get a prisoner to talk. I'm sure it took 4-5 flushes since that thing is full of more shit than the latest Republican denouncement on the filibuster (now settled thanks to weak Democrats).

Oh, I'd like to add that abortion is going to be discussed in the Supreme Court soon thanks to Bush's latest schemes to get what he wants by adding the far right. Even if scientists in Asia just figured out how to use stem cells to match people in not having organs reject donors, he also said that it will be vetoed just like that.

I am so not in a good mood, today! Dammit, why are all these people complaining about Bush's job performance!?! It's known that he has no clue as to what to do thanks to his daddy buying the presidency! So, why did they help vote him in!?! I swear that watching the news just makes me want to curl up in the fetal position and rock myself to sleep thanks to how pathetic th world is getting.

Oh, enough whining about Bush. We all know the daily crap will keep on trucking for more years so what's the point?

Things have not been good on Diaryland and I feel lucky to not be involved. I got wind of some major harassment on an old fave I once had. I dropped her thanks to her narcisstic attitude on having to put up pictures of herself far too often. *Showing yourself everyday as if 5 minutes ago you changed makes me want to barf* Now, I may not enjoy her like others but that does not mean she deserved to be hurt by some asshole with a major pursuit of making life hell on her.

I've been debating with myself as to whether I should go back to locking my diary. Why? It's simple. Many of my entries are very personal along with my being a bit protective of Sara as well. Sure, I talk about things I think about but the sexual ones can be a bit too revealing.

There are some really fucked up people that have joined Diaryland and I've been through 3 or 4 incidents that had me wondering why people feel the need to tell me what to think or feel. There were some very hard-core uber lesbian feminists that had to dis me on the use of the word "cunt." Some people owed me pictures after I had sent mine. That's just a small taste since the list can go on but just know that if you are willing to talk about yourself in such intimate moments, you just might get burned, mates.

I'm not sure when I'll lock my diary because I've had enough of a few things I've noticed. There are some people that keep reading me all while I have no clue as to who they are. It's like someone picks up on one entry, namely a sexual one, and decides to read and read but not once do they identify themselves. I've been a bit paranoid ever since this whole harassment issue I've only recently got wind of.

Now, I'm not scared of anyone physically. Hell, no! I've taken a 300 pound guy down in a game of football, bench press a lot, dabbled in martial arts, and have some serious size to me. I've hardly ever been threatened since my body has a "don't fuck with me" vibe. It's just that I'm not keen on sharing my views and moments in life with morons that don't understand my love of sex and life.

FYI: I am still scared of midget with mullets in lycra and clowns.

It took a lot of persuading in myself to allow anyone to even see my pictures or to even see Sara. Those people I trust and have known on Diaryland for a long time had me want to show them. It'll be funny if knowing fellow Diarylanders goes on for even more years, huh? Also, those people showed me who they are so it's an even thing. I've said it many times and I'll say it again that I enjoy knowing y'all. It started with Sammy (I can't wait to meet her since she invited me!) and worked all the way to Cookie and to my fellow Veronica Mars addict.

I check my stats daily and cannot figure out who some people are. It's been driving me nuts since my diary is found constantly in which 8-20 entries are read at a time. Most of the time, it's not by a fave but an unknown from Yale, Canada, or way out West. What the fuck do I put here on Diaryland that makes people want to read me!?! I'm just a boy that loves animals and life's little quirks.

FYI: I think some people masturbate to my diary because some of my sexual ones have people in it for 20 or more minutes. Seriously. I'm not against it at all since I am very amused. Hell, the owner of a porn website gave me high props for my diary.

Popularity sure as hell doesn't work with me. I don't want banners advertising this diary. "Please, read me! Read me!" Ugh. I hate that and feel sorry for people that have to use them so often. 35 people list me as a fave and I don't care how many it is. I'd rather be a cult fave than with 100 people reading me. I've seen people with a lot of readers with such boring diaries all to attract others.

"I'd rather you hate me for who I am than love me for who I'm not."

I'm, seriously, shocked how so many of you have stayed with me for years. I was always thinking that certain topics would cause me to lose a person each week like when that one girl got pissed off at how I criticized a certain religion. She'd drop me but continue to read and read and read til I really unleased hell by going for the jugular on what else I thought all while pointing her out.

Sometimes, I think we are a pack of loyal wolves. I mean, many of my faves are listed as faves to others. Some I added out of courtesy and being polite while others just continue to impress me in I feel what they feel. Of course, I have people that I cannot wait to read or to see what happened on that date, event, moment, break-up, etc. Words truly are powerful. One girl knows what I am talking about.

The point to all this is that I don't know when I will lock this diary once and for all. I'm tired of seeing too many people read me that I have no clue as to who they are or being Google'd under "Watching women pee." There is also that terrible fear of my friends finding this diary, even if Bald-O would love it. I just want a nice little place to release my feelings.

Well, I am outta here since it's time for me to step off my soapbox. As I said, I'll lock this diary but the exact time is unknown for now. Some of me thinks all of us should do it since I don't want to see any of y'all get hurt in the way that person did here on Diaryland.

Oh, another reason I wanted to lock was because I wanted to have pictures of Sara and I but with an even better idea as to how we look, namely my new glasses and her gorgeous face in a red dress that I still find myself oggling. We'll see since it's fun to share with those I'm fine with trusting. Pour some sugar on me! Goodnight. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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