Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"False words are not only evil in themselves, but they infect the soul with evil."

-Socrates (or "So-Krates" as the amazing duo of Bill and Ted would say).

So, I sit here trying to get used to my new glasses just picked up today. The lenses are a wee bit stronger but the frames are vastly different. Gone were the larger lense but now a very thin and much smaller pair have taken over my eyes. All of this getting used to causes me a headache just as all times spent with new lenses does. Am I the only one that goes through this?

Well, I am better. Not 100% happy as a Leprauchan in heat after discovering that his pot o' gold is actually a pot of super strong weed but better. What I've been doing is keeping my mind busy with various things like reading the latest mags, visiting Barnes And Noble (Where would I be without 'em?), and playing around with the Ghost In the Shell: Stand Alone Complex DVD (Japanese anime TV show). What I do think is that as long as I keep my mind busy, I can forget about how low I sink.........for now.

Sometimes, it's a faze that you just wonder why things are like how the world got to be this bad. All I see are incredible images of stupidity such as allowing Britney Spears to have a TV show that brings nothing of value along with the pathetic Jessica Simpson that needs to be shot on contact and then reshot for fun. I tend to get sad when the world shows itself to be dumbing down.

Other times, like yesterday, was just a complete chemical loopiness. I mean, it's a 3 day weekend for people and I tend to see loads of cars in various driveways. I wish I had relatives to have over and do things with. My cousins and I used to go to a movie or talk about stupid trivial things like the 80's we loved. Nobody loved The Blues Brothers more than my uncle and so the legend began here in home at such a young age with Jake and Elwood in a police car driving through the mall.

Ah, sweet home Chicago! I've been but would never live in the town that holds some of that Blues Brothers love. Only my cousins could find the love of riding in taxis that contain yesterday's vomit with a side of semen.

I did get a nice little fantastic groove on in the gym along with running into my old crush, E. I've missed her here and there since there is something about learning from a girl that lived in another country, Peru. You'd be surprised as to the little things here mean so much more down there.

I'm supposed to meet E in the gym tomorrow since she wants to see a picture of Sara after I get the latest batch developed. A part of me noticed that she was a bit sad that I'm seeing someone. No more of E and I's old antics of flirting with each other while her boyfriend is in another country (just how do you survive this!?!). We were always so cautious but flirting has been shown to help elevate the soul, you feel wanted.

E and I talked on the stretch mat after she did her sit-ups and I had just finished my run in cario. I told her that I don't know how she can have a relationship with someone in another country since there is that pesky sex drive we are known to have. I don't know about you but I think about sex a lot and not just in soothing myself but it's an expression for me to show how I feel about her. This is what E said:

"You need to grow up."

Huh? A relationship without sex? I can understand the stupidity of using someone just for sex but I've always felt it was something adults do to enjoy their bodies after the insanity of reality is temporarily set aside. I mean, don't you crave sex and think about it each day?

I'll have to get more into the topic of sex in a relationship since that alone warrants a long one. In this diary, I have told of how I've always been fine with girls having sexual needs, intense or just the run of the mill type. As a guy, I have them, too, so I feel inclined to discuss something that I care about. Oh, how I hate it when people say that when girls want sex that it's "loving" but when we guys want it, we're nothing but "dogs."

Editor: "Grrrrrrrrrr."

One thing that's got me scratching my head is the latest People Magazine headline I noticed in Barnes today. Tom Cruise (he is not THAT big of a deal, geez) is on the cover with a caption of whether he will marry Katie Holmes.

Am I missing something here? Tom has been with Katie for how long? A month? 2 months? What is this sudden need for Tom to marry Katie so bad? Do you think they are having premarital sex and need to get married right away to cleanse their sins? If so, I am going to hell and loving it!

It seems like people have this huge urge to rush others into marriage by asking them, "So, when are you 2 getting married?" Since I am such a fucked up white boy (at least I'm not on dope) that enjoys being warped with my views, marriage is not on my mind and probably won't for some time. Don't you also feel like you should take the time to know the person rather than feel like it is your duty to hint or ask whether that trip down the altar would happen?

Marriage is kind of tricky with me. It was not started in the bible as told by so many sheeplike morons but over property. That "property" was the woman. Yes, you with the ovaries were considered a bit more valuable than the sack of marbles but worth a little less than the furniture. I've never viewed a girl as property so you can see what my issue is here.

However, there is a weird nice thing about marriage. I do have that joy of sharing with everyone that I'll spend the rest of my life with someone. My version would be a bit different. The bride can wear black (preferably tight black leather)while 2 automatics are holstered to her hips. The wedding will be at midnight. The moon will be full while many torches will be lit. A medieval dance will be held. My back will bear scars of being scratched in passionate usages. Don't worry for I am not too stuck in the past since there will be no rock throwing at the local authorities. However, you can howl at the moon if you feel the need.

Editor: "Well, you sure are a sack of surprises. Yessirree, this here sounds like a redneck wedding crossed with witches and some of the movie, Underworld. Just what would they do about gifts to the bride and groom? I'm guessing Wal-Mart and Pier One are out"

So, I am off to disturb myself by debating the need for sex in relationships and more on marriage. Well, I also need to get used to these bloody glasses that cause such a sharp viewing that I could call "high definition" in its own right. Goodnight.

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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